The most basic explanation is that a compost bin is where you put your backyard and kitchen waste for it to turn into compost. It is where compost is produced. Compost bins can be basic to elaborate.

They can be homemade or bought. Let's have a look at the different kinds so you can choose what's best for you.

Basic to Elaborate

The easiest compost bin can be simply a black plastic trash can full of leaves left alone to decay into compost. Not the fastest technique but it works. The most intricate compost bins are tumblers.

They are barrels mounted on a frame that are turned routinely. The turning causes aeration which in turn makes the matter become usable compost faster.

Industrial Bins

Have a look at any gardening brochure and you will see a variety of compost bins for purchase. They can be found in different sizes from a little cooking area composter to larger ones for the garden. Most are black plastic, the black plastic helps retain heat so the compost gets hotter and rots quicker.

The main function of the bin is to keep the compost contained in one place, allow aeration and access to the completed compost. You'll find commercially made bins with drawers that make it easy to turn the compost and to access the finished compost from the bottom. The only grievance I have with industrial bins is their size. They're great for cooking area waste and some yard clippings but that's about it. If you have a small backyard and want to recycle your kitchen area waste they're ideal for that.

Homemade Bins

You can make a compost bin from anything as long as it contains the compost, allows air in, and it is easy to turn the compost. Since a compost bin is for recycling, I like to try and construct them from recycled or left over materials.

Frames can be made from pallets that you break down, fence slats, scrap lumber, chicken wire, rebar, whatever you have. An easy way to build one is to set 4 posts, roughly 3 feet apart and 4 feet high, use old fence slats or chicken wire on the sides for containment. As the stack grows place slats on the front that can be removed when it is time to turn the stack.