You improved your basic calculator app, but your app doesn't yet handle exceptions, such as user input errors. For example, if users try to divide by zero, or enter an unexpected character, the app might stop working, return an error, or return an unexpected non-numeric result.

I think you need to think about how a real calculator works. I assume you're making a simple one where any operation can trigger a calculate if both operands are set - after the calculation if you put the result in operand1 and unset operand2:

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If you're making a calculator that understands multiply and divide are done before add and subtract you're going to have to store all the operands and operators in a list and then go through the list doing certain operations first upon pressing equals

Well, I've tried my best to look at code examples and posts all over the web on how to do this, but I haven't been able to make any headway in a few months using windows API to interact with another program that's already running. I'm not the greatest programmer and some of this stuff is beyond me.

The most I've been able to do is find the Calculator process and its handle, and use that with SetWindowText to change the title. What I'd really like to learn how to do is make my program use the windows user32 (I think this must be the correct library) to enter some numbers by actually pressing the number key buttons on the software calculator to do a simple calculation.

I don't really have a use for this program, it's just a goal I'm trying to reach to learn how to use the windows API past my very beginner level SPECIFICALLY in C#. If no one has the code for this, or even if you do, I'd most appreciate some suggestions for books or resources on the web I should be reading to learn how to do this.

The Basic Calculator is a simple Windows program designed for basic arithmetic, focusing on addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. While it lacks advanced features of other calculators, it excels in straightforward tasks which is we generally need.

The Basic Calculator is a simple tool for conducting elementary calculations. While it does not offer unique or innovative features, it's free and simple to use. This is best suited for basic or quick calculations to be performed on your desktop computer.

The Basic Calculator sticks to the basics! It's great for simple arithmetic like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. However, beyond these core functions, it doesn't offer any fancy or advanced features. So, if you're looking for more complex math capabilities or scientific functions, this tool might not be your best bet.

The Basic Calculator rocks big, visible buttons, making it a breeze to use with a mouse or touch screen. It's perfect as a starter calculator for young math enthusiasts diving into the number world. The user-friendly design with these large buttons makes it a go-to for PC users with a mouse or touchpad, especially for those with sight impairments who struggle with other options. It's compatible across all Windows PC versions and also works smoothly on iPhones and Android phones.

While the Basic Calculator excels in its simplicity and well-designed interface, it might be deemed superfluous for users seeking more comprehensive features. Most computers host built-in calculators with broader capabilities, and a plethora of third-party apps offer diverse functionalities. Hence, unless absolute simplicity is a priority, this software might not be the primary choice for users seeking extensive features or scientific functions.Simplify your math, download Basic Calculator today for quick and effortless computations.

A Basic Calculator that has very basic features. Its primary use is for simple calculations that require no heavy calculators to use. It uses minimal computer memory and is very agile for low memory systems.

You can create a desktop calculator app using a Windows Forms project in Visual Studio. In a Windows Forms application, you can click and drag UI elements onto a canvas, to visualize the design of your calculator.

You can create a desktop calculator app using a Windows Forms project in Visual Studio. Use the canvas and Toolbox to drag and drop UI elements to make up the design of the calculator. Add your code logic and functionality in the C# code behind files.

A calculator is just one of many simple beginner apps that you can make while learning to code. Other beginner apps you can create include converters, file managers, dice games, or flag generators. You can create these from scratch using a Windows Forms application.

This step will help you create an intuitive calculator design for your users.

 2.1. Select the "Form1.cs [Design]" tab if not already selected. This Form is the window that will display when your program is run. Clicking the green arrow in the toolbar on top of the screen will run the program as an application (opening it in a new window). Try it. Close the new window with the X when you are done.

 On the right side of the screen*, there are two important menus (Toolbox and Properties). The Toolbox menu allows you to add new items (like buttons) to your interface, while the Properties menu allows you to change the specifics of your currently selected item on the screen. 

*Note: These menus may not be located on the right for everyone. They can be placed wherever the programmer desires by clicking and dragging around the screen. If they are not visible, open the View menu, and choose "Toolbox" or "Properties Window." This will make the menus visible on the screen.

 2.2. In the Toolbox menu, click and drag a Button and a TextBox onto your Form. You can change the the size of the Button/TextBox by clicking and dragging any of the dots surrounding it. 

 2.3. Add** 16 more buttons to the Form and arrange them to look like a calculator (See Fig. 3). Position them around the Form by clicking and dragging.

**Pro tip: Selecting a button and using "Ctrl-C" then "Ctrl-V" will copy and paste another button to the Form. Saves on clicking and dragging!

 2.4. Select a button. Its properties will be displayed in the properties menu off to the side. In the Appearance section, you can edit an item's appearance. Use the Text field to change the text on a button. Have some fun picking different BackColors and types of font. 

 2.5. Scroll down to the Design section in the Properties menu and edit the name field for each button. (This isn't required, but it will make coding much easier). Name each button something you can easily keep track of. Eg: Name the 1 button "one," that way you can keep track of it in the code later.

 2.6. Click Save All and move on to step 3!

Users would probably like to see what they are inputting into the calculator. This step adds that feature.

*Note: Don't forget code is executed in a top down manner!

 6.1. Add the line this.textBox1.Text += input; underneath the input line as shown. This will add the input to the TextBox that was dragged to the screen earlier. 

 6.2. Repeat this step for every numerical input handler.

 6.3. Next, add the line this.textBox1.Text = ""; before the input line. This is essential because it clears the TextBox before the input string is added to it. Forgetting this step will leave the user with a mess on the display (feel free to try it out by running the code without this step).

 6.4. Run the program and see what happens!

 6.5. Click Save All and move on to step 7.

Now time to do what a calculator does best, calculate output!

 8.1. Insert the following code into the equals button event handler. (Try not to just paste it, try and understand what is happening).

operand2 = input;

 double num1, num2;

 double.TryParse(operand1, out num1);

 double.TryParse(operand2, out num2);

 if (operation == '+')


 result = num1 + num2;

 textBox1.Text = result.ToString();


 else if (operation == '-')


 result = num1 - num2;

 textBox1.Text = result.ToString();


 else if (operation == '*')


 result = num1 * num2;

 textBox1.Text = result.ToString();


 else if (operation == '/')


 if (num2 != 0)


 result = num1 / num2;

 textBox1.Text = result.ToString();




 textBox1.Text = "DIV/Zero!";



Code Explained: We first set our input string equal to our second operand string (operand2). We do this because we are assuming that the user has clicked the "=" button. Next we create some more doubles (num1 and num2). These will store the numerical values that have been stored in operand1 and operand2. The next lines (double.TryParse(operand1, out num1); and double.TryParse(operand2, out num2);) will convert the string that is in operand1 or operand1, into a double type, and then place it in num1 or num2, depending on what we specified in the method. This will allow the computer to be able to perform mathematical functions on the numbers. 

If() and else if() explained: The functions if() and else if() are used for data comparisons. The first if() statement can be read as "if the character in operation is equal to the + sign." If this condition is true, the code will execute whatever code is inside of the if statement's curly braces({}). Else if() statements are used if multiple if statements are being used to check a condition. If the previous if() or else if() is not true, then the code in the brackets will be skipped and the program will jump to the next if() or else if() in line, and so on. 

 If our condition is satisfied based off of what operation was set to, we tell the computer to execute the correct math by placing the correct functions in their corresponding if() statements. The code result = num1 + num2; will add the variables num1 and num2 together, and store the result in the result variable.

 Displaying the result: The code line textBox1.Text = result.ToString(); Will convert the result variable to a string type, and then place it in the TextBox to display the output.

 8.2. Run your code and see what happens!

 8.3 Click Save All, and move on to step 9. 2351a5e196

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