Weekly Updates

Week 7

Came up with the project idea!

Week 8

The dot matrix module arrived and began setting up the SPI protocol to use in our project. We were able to do simple communication with the peripheral using the protocol. Also began setting up the I2C protocol but without the nun-chucks because they have not arrived yet.

Week 9

Finished the setup of the SPI with the MAX7219 LED dot matrix. Using the datasheet for the dot matrix we figured out how to display text and symbols on the board. Set up functions to welcome the user, display the score, and the number of mistakes the user has made. Also implemented a game over that displays the final score of the user. Overall this all has added more structure to the project. Now we mostly have to work on grabbing and working with the user input from the Wii nunchuk. However, the are some delays in the shipping of the nunchuk and we aren't exactly sure when it will arrive. In the meantime we can work on the setup of the I2C protocol and figuring out how to relate the nunchuk input to the 'left' 'right' 'up' 'down' actions.

Week 10 + Finals Week

After a lot of digging, finally set up the I2C protocol. The initialization and reading the values from the nunchuk was a very time consuming endeavor but once that was figured out we were on a clear finish line. We used UART and thermite for debug but they aren't needed for the functionality of the game.
Most of the game logic was done in the previous weeks so now we just added reading the value of the nunchuk input and making sure it is correct.