Simon Mak

Assistant Professor

Department of Statistical Science

Duke University

Office: Old Chemistry 112A

E-mail: sm769[at]

Google Scholar, Curriculum Vitae


About me

I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Statistical Science at Duke University. 

My research involves integrating domain knowledge (e.g., scientific theories, mechanistic models, guiding principles) as prior information for cost-efficient statistical inference, prediction and decision-making. This gives a holistic framework for interpretable statistical learning, providing a principled way for scientists to validate theories from data, and for statisticians to integrate scientific knowledge. My research tackles methodological, theoretical, and algorithmic challenges in this integration, via the building of probabilistic models on complex objects (e.g., functions, manifolds, networks), and the development of efficient learning algorithms and data collection methods. Current research is motivated from ongoing interdisciplinary collaborative projects in high-energy physics, aerospace engineering, public policy and computational advertising.

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