Welcome !

Simon Jantschgi

I focus on market design and microeconomic theory, emphasizing how they can be applied to real-world markets. Recently, I've been fascinated by the design of financial markets and online trading platforms, and creating fair and efficient ways to (re)allocate indivisible goods. For a bit of fun, I also apply game theory to sports like football and tennis. 

Currently, I'm a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Oxford's Department of Economics, a Non-Stipendiary Research Fellow at Nuffield College, and a member of the Zurich Center for Market Design.  

I've also taken my research into the private sector as a consultant, and I'm eager for more opportunities to do so — more on that below.

Feel free to reach out at <simon.jantschgi{at}economics.ox.ac.uk>.

(Good) News  🙂


I hold a BSc (2018) and an MSc (2019) in Mathematics from ETH Zurich. I received the ETH medal, and the award for the best teaching assistant at the Mathematics Department.

I received a joint PhD in Sociology and Mathematics & Computer Science from the Universities of Zurich and Grenoble-Alpes (2023). In addition, I graduated from the Excellence Program of the UZH Digital Society Initiative (2022). 

In the fall of 2023, I was a Visiting Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Simons Laufer Mathematical Sciences Institute in Berkeley (Mathematics and Computer Science of Market and Mechanism Design).

I’ve applied my research on market design as a consultant (sometimes voluntary, sometimes paid) for a number of different companies: Orderfox (matching platform for industrial manufacturing), the Academic Sports Association Zurich (allocating sports courses), and Rally (investment platform for collectible assets).  Hopefully, there is more to come … 


Here’s what I am working on at the moment (top) or what I’ve been interested in in the past (bottom)…

The Competitive Core of Combinatorial Exchange
with Thanh Nguyen and Alexander Teytelboym
Working paper (Link to appear soon)

Many markets involve the exchange of bundles of indivisible goods without money, e.g., organ exchanges, tuition exchanges, time bank sharing, shift exchanges, and resource reallocation.
Is there an efficient and fair mechanism for such combinatorial exchange problems?

We consider combinatorial exchanges where agents have (possibly random) endowments and ordinal preferences over bundles of indivisible goods. We focus on the ordinal core—the set of all individually rational lottery assignments which cannot be blocked by a coalition whose members trade probability shares and receive first-order stochastically dominating lotteries. We show that the ordinal core is always non-empty and that any ordinal core allocation can be implemented as a lottery over near-feasible and ex-post efficient outcomes. In fact, we prove that there is always a set of allocations in the core, which we call the competitive core, that can be supported by prices arising from a novel competitive equilibrium foundation. When endowments are deterministic, competitive core allocations can be implemented over near-feasible ex-post core outcomes. Moreover, competitive core allocations are ordinally envy-free and ex-post envy-free up to one good (where envy is only justified if another agent’s endowment is either smaller or worth less in equilibrium). A mechanism that selects a competitive core allocation is strategyproof in the large. Our framework can be used in many real-world market design applications, such as organ exchanges, tuition exchanges, time bank sharing, shift exchanges, and resource reallocation.

The Hidden Cost of Zero-Commission
Extended abstract @25th ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC'24), 2024

Online platforms like Robinhood promote ‘zero-commission’ trading, but in reality, they hide their transaction costs.
What are the implications for market design?

In today's financial landscape, traditional exchanges compete against online trading platforms. A critical point of competition centers around transaction costs. While traditional exchanges adhere to transparent transaction costs, many online trading platforms, under the guise of `zero-commission trading', conceal their transaction costs. In this paper, I show that hidden transaction costs induce additional volatility in the form of price cycles in markets that would be stable if transparent transaction costs were charged. To compete with the profit opportunities from price cycles, platforms with transparent costs must reduce them below the optimal monopolist level to attract traders. In this duopoly, I show that there is a market equilibrium: more risk-averse traders prefer transparent transaction costs, while less risk-averse traders choose hidden costs. Depending on the risk attitudes of traders, transparent transaction costs can be more or less efficient than hidden transaction costs. Finally, I show that hidden transaction costs can potentially lead to market failure, as forward-looking and patient traders may exploit price cycles through strategically placing more aggressive orders.

Markets and Transaction Costs
with Heinrich Nax, Bary Pradelski, and Marek Pycia
Extended Abstract @23rd ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC'22), 2022

Transaction costs are ubiquitous on two-sided market platforms.
How do they affect incentives and market performance, and how should they be designed with strategic traders?

Transaction costs are ubiquitous in markets. We show that they can fundamentally alter incentives and welfare. We categorize transaction costs into two types. Uniform transaction costs --- such as fixed and price fees --- incur unavoidable dead-weight loss but preserve key asymptotic properties of markets without transaction cost. Discriminatory transaction costs --- such as spread fees --- can avoid dead-weight loss but asymptotically lead to complex strategic behavior that may result in market failure. We show how optimal design depends on market size and traders' beliefs: uniform fees are often optimal in large markets, while discriminatory fees may be preferable in small markets. 

Double Auctions: A Unified Treatment
with Heinrich Nax, Bary Pradelski, and Marek Pycia
Working Paper (Update coming soon)

Double auctions are ubiquitous in financial markets, but there is a disconnect between their theoretical models and practical implementations.
How can we bridge this gap, and what new insights can we gain from doing so?

Double auctions are amongst the most widespread market mechanisms that clear demand and supply in two-sided markets. Major stock exchanges, for example, use double auctions to open and close every day. Despite their ubiquity, there is a disconnect between practice and theory, and there is a lack of a general framework to study them. In this paper, we provide the first unified definition of double auctions that applies to both finite and infinite markets, is well-behaved in the limit, and nests relevant pre-existent implementations. In contrast to prior work, our definition does not rely on any regularity assumptions, and allows ties and gaps in reported values, two phenomena naturally occurring in important markets. We show that our Double Auction is the unique feasible mechanism that implements a core-stable outcome, and also the unique mechanism that implements Walrasian equilibrium. We provide further axiomatizations to pin down focal pricing rules used in theory and practice. Finally, we provide necessary and sufficient conditions on traders' beliefs for our Double Auction to be asymptotically incentive-compatible, proving, in particular, that our Double Auction is Strategy-Proof in the Large.

Competitive Market Behavior: Convergence and Asymmetry in the Experimental Double Auction
with Barbara Ikica, Heinrich Nax, Diego Nunez Duran, and Bary Pradelski
International Economic Review 64 (3), 2023, p.1087-1126

Continuous double auctions are at the heart of modern financial exchanges.
What insights do controlled experiments provide about convergence to competitive equilibrium and individual trading behavior?

We conducted a large number of controlled continuous double auction experiments to reproduce and stress-test the phenomenon of convergence to competitive equilibrium under private information. A common finding across a total of 104 markets (involving over 1,700 subjects and over 100 markets) is convergence after a handful of trading periods. Initially, however, there is evidence for an inherent asymmetry that favors buyers, which is expressed in symmetric markets by deal prices that are significantly below equilibrium prices. Analysis of over 80,000 observations of individual bids and asks helps identify several empirical ingredients contributing to the observed phenomena including higher initial aggressiveness amongst buyers than sellers.

Minimax and Sports: (i) Tennis, and (ii) Football/Soccer Penalties
with Heinrich Nax
Working Paper (Draft available upon request)

A long-standing folk result claims that professional sports stars play Minimax a la von Neumann.
Is this really true?

Not necessarily! With openly available state-of-the-art data, we uncover new and significant evidence against minimax in both professional tennis and football.

Optimal Clearing Schedules in Dynamic Markets
based on my Master's Thesis

Currently inactive, but I’d love to get back to it. Couple of new ideas for designing financial exchanges.
Happy to discuss it anytime.

Coming soon. 😃

Resistors in Dual Networks
(with Martina Furrer and Norbert Hungerbühler)
Electron. J. Graph Theory Appl. 8(2), 257-265 (2020)

A fun paper uncovering a novel connection between dual graphs.

Let G be a finite plane multigraph and G' its dual. Each edge e of G is interpreted as a resistor of resistance Re, and the dual edge e' is assigned the dual resistance Re' :=1 / Re. Then the equivalent resistance re over e and the equivalent resistance re' over e' satisfy re / Re+re' / Re'=1. We provide a graph theoretic proof of this relation by expressing the resistances in terms of sums of weights of spanning trees in G and G' respectively. 

Talks & Conferences


Stanford (NBER Market Design scheduled), Manchester (Theory Seminar, scheduled), Amsterdam (EARIE), Rotterdam (ESEM), Yale (EC’24), Manchester (EWET24), Lisbon (LM2024), Nashville (NASM), Zurich (Matching in Practice), Oxford (Nuffield Theory Workshop)


Berkeley x 2 (SLMath/MSRI), Girona (CED23), Zurich (Internal Seminar)


London (LSE PhD Seminar), Paris (PSE TOM Seminar), Bocconi (EEA & ESEM), Stony Brook (ICGT), Colorado (EC’22), Padova (CED22), Bern (Swiss Theory Day), Oxford (Student Research Workshop), Erice (Stochastic Methods in Game Theory)


Belfast/Virtual (RES Annual Conference), Zurich (Internal Seminar), Grenoble (Internal Seminar)


Yale/Virtual (1st Conference on Zero/Minimal Intelligence Agents), Zurich (Computation and Economics Research Seminar)


Markets and Norms
Spring 2021 & Spring 2023 @University of Zurich
Teaching assistant and guest lecturer

This course introduces market theories and introduces aspects of social norms that are relevant in market interactions. Game theory and other tools from economics and sociology are used for the analysis. 

Controversies in Game Theory
Spring 2022 & 2024 @ETH and University of Zurich
Teaching assistant

This course provides an in-depth introduction to issues in game theory motivated by real-world issues related to the tensions that may result from interactions in groups, where individual and collective interests may conflict. The course integrates theory from various disciplines. 

Introduction to Game Theory
Spring 2020 @ETH Zurich
Teaching assistant

This course introduces the foundations of game theory with a focus on its basic mathematical principles. It treats models of social interaction, conflict and cooperation, the origin of cooperation, and concepts of strategic decision making behavior. Examples, applications, theory, and the contrast between theory and empirical results are particularly emphasized. 

Computational Social Science
Fall 2019 @ETH Zurich
Guest lecturer

The seminar aims at three-fold integration: (1) bringing modeling and computer simulation of techno-socio-economic processes and phenomena together with related empirical, experimental, and data-driven work, (2) combining perspectives of different scientific disciplines (e.g. sociology, computer science, physics, complexity science, engineering), (3) bridging between fundamental and applied work. 

Geometry, Linear Algebra I, and Linear Algebra II
Spring 2015 - Fall 2019 @ETH Zurich
Teaching assistant 

I also supervised the study center for undergraduates.