
Hi, Simi here. It's been a long while since I've done any work on here, huh? Though I dunno why. Maybe it's my motivation? Could be. Anyways, I made some new projects on Scratch and I've been working on Block Notes, and I uploaded a new video to YouTube.

Sorry for the absensce but I've really not been motivated to work on anything. And I have been having school. So if you've been waiting for an update from me, sorry to make you wait multiple months.


Heyo, Simi here. I decided to rebrand cause I felt like that the old iOS aestethic is simply not so good, I want my brands (MSITAU, SIMIPERSY, CrownAngel) to be bright and vibrant, with a bit of aliveness and freshness; This is why the entire website is now different and the logo too. As for projects (Block Notes; clarey:bit), they are staying the same. They have their own vibe and aestethic that I don't feel like changing soon. SimiPersy, out.


Heyo, it's Simi. I've decided to actually add something to this blog page after not doing anything about it here. Anyways, I've been working on some stuff (It ain't clarey:bit!) and I wanted to finally show it to others. It's simply in the "Overview" page on the "Projects" tab. I'm also gonna warn that there is content that may trigger or make users uncomfy, so read at your own discretion. This is a short one but I'm not much of a blogger, I may upload this to Tumblr if I ever start using that again. Again, not a blogger. So don't really expect much in this blog.