The same issue here after updating from CU3 to CU4. Some users missing user name in Citrix Studio. When I check the particular server, user is there and seems to be active, but when I try to logoff the user directly from the affected server via Task Manager or by logoff command, it does nothing. Also no log in Citrix Profile Mgmt about logoff attempt. Only thing that helps is killing LogonUI.exe via Task Manager.

I was excited to see the fix above but unfortunately it hasn't resolved our issue. We have had this issue since going to CU4 and its driving us mad. We get users complaining that their session starts to freeze up and then becomes unresponsive. There session cannot then be disconnected once this happens and there are the usual processes loginui.exe crss.exe and any sometimes apps they were using Outlook.exe Excel.exe etc. I'm completely hacked of with Citrix its just not good enough and they are not helping. Were not the only ones with this issue and its annoying because its only happened since we have upgraded. Can anyone 100 % confirm rolling back to CU3 fixes this ?

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Update- Last night Citrix support had me add the executable for the applications to that same registry string (outlook.exe, winword,exe,eplorer.exe, etc) and that failed miserably. Doing that generated so many connection issues this morning, I had to remove that from from all the VDAs

Reverting VMs with VDA service onboard to snapshot taken previously the update, problem disappears so I'm pretty sure the issue depends on something triggered by CU4. I suspect there is something wrong interfacing to RDP services. Still investigating.

I just upgraded a customer from 1903 to 1912 CU4 and started seeing this issue. Initially it was reported as inability to logoff a user session. Fails to logoff from Director, Studio, Task Manager or logoff.exe.

I found this article, followed the process of identifying the LogonUI.exe PID and killing with Process Explorer. Once I did that the session logged off. I also have a number of disconnected sessions with no username (presumably unable to logoff) across multiple VDAs.

We are experiencing this issue as well and unfortunately cannot pin it on a specific VDA upgrade. We are currenly running 2112, though, and we've tried adding the LogonUI.exe and winlogon.exe entries to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\Sysprocs registry key.

I have switched our environment over to 1912CU3 to see if the behaviour persists. I am starting to wonder if there is some interaction with recent Windows updates. Our systems are Server 2019 currently patched to November 2021 level.

I do remember that some servers running VDA2109 and did not have this KB had the described issue of the server no longer responding (and RDP not working anymore). Could be related, could be coincidence.

I'm seeing the exact same issue. Server 2019 with VDA 1912 CU4. Didn't have any issues with CU2. I could log off disconnected sessions without issue. I called Citrix Support to find they don't have a solution and weren't familiar with the problems.

Do any of you utilize Imprivata by chance? What OS are you guys seeing this on? If you take one session stuck in Disconnected state, kill one process at a time, without stopping logonUI or any others which ones are left? If just native OS, that you may want to look in Process explorer to get more info if possible.

Thanks for popping in. No, my affected client is straightforward CVAD/S to on-prem VDA with just AD authentication. VDA is Server 2019 patched to Nov 2021. The only interesting system-level software is Crowdstrike for A/V. I didn't get a chance to try, but if left long enough the session goes into a state where there is no username attached (it appears in Studio as a disco session with no username). The session doesn't exist in quser but does in qwinsta. If we try and shut down the OS it doesn't succeed. Doing ctrl-alt-del at VM console results in no logon prompt so the OS is pretty borked at that point and we have to power off.

We also see the servers fairly often refuse to finish shutting down, hung at Windows logon screen, seemingly unresponsive to ctrl-alt-del. I would like to try to correlate the act of manually killing all "ghost" disconnected sessions at the end of the day (by killing LogonUI.exe) to see if that allows the server to always shutdown gracefully.

VDA2109 Windows Server 2016 as OS, login not possible anymore. Got only Client connection error in Director and the session was not build. EventViewer show, that the application login.exe crashed by every try to login.

After reverting the the MC and usinf the "original" StatUI.dll the login is fine again.

So, be careful by applying that patch. On my test member server everything was okay, after MC update over the night for 60 member server, i getting a lot problems......

Second question: Does the pageId change from session to session? It makes sense for the session ID to be different for every session, but is the pageId the same id across every session? (Essentially, can I hard-code the pageId into a script and it will reference a specific page?)

The Designer NEVER has any "true" Page. You'll notice that you can't do any navigation within the designer, nor can you open Popups or Docked Views. That being said, the Designer replies on some contexts to properly function, and one of those is we need a "fake" page in order to render any View. This "fake" page is what you're seeing in the Designer. In a session with true Pages you'll actually get a valid ID which is I believe an eight-digit alpha-numeric unique ID for the Page.

Note: When calling system.perspective.sendMessage(), the ID of the current session is used if no sessionId is provided, so you don't need to supply the SessionId unless you're trying to contact OTHER sessions.

That returns a pageId like NativeDocuments/NativeDocumentEditor, which if you specify as a parameter in a system.perspective.* function that takes a page or session ID, it will not work (in my experience).

Yes I see my mistake here (not correctly binding the pageId). I do get different pageIds from different sessions. See snip (binding a custom property to system.perspective.getSessionInfo()):

image477811 55.5 KB

The first list element is my Incognito session and the second list element is my regular browser. The third one is my designer, which I filter out in the script. Notice what the pageIds look like.

Try using system.perspective.* functions from a Python resource in the Webdev module. For instance, if you try to system.perspective.print() to debug variables, parameters, etc, I get this error: No perspective session attached to this thread. How I overcame this was to specify the sessionId AND the pageId (one of the things I missed which I found later in the docs is that if the sessionId is specified, the pageId MUST also be specified).

In the Designer. This is not the value you'll see in a true session. You only see this value in the Designer because it's using a "fake" or "mocked" page. In the Designer, this IS the expected value - there is no alpha-numeric pageId value within the Designer.

Is there a way for Ignition to internally limit & reject Sessions and/or Pages? During some benchmarking there were enough pages open that it crashed the gateway, and then went into a cyclic cycle of restarting, trying to handle all sessions, and then crashing again. I could put a script on session startup that checks for a session and page count and redirects to a view with no data (barring that session startup scripts occur before any of the "old" views are requested to be loaded again), but I'm wondering if it can be handled by Ignition before any of that, or if it's planned for a future release?

No, mostly because I don't think anyone has ever asked us for it before. As of 8.1.23 you can terminate sessions from the gateway web UI: Ignition 8.1.23: UDT Hierarchy Tool, System Cleanup Properties, IdP Password Reset Support | Inductive Automation

That capability means there's some kind of hook in the backend. In theory, you could script something that would attempt to terminate sessions based on your criteria. Such a thing would be officially unsupported (the license parameter is the only currently supported mechanism) but doable.

PerspectiveContext has a getSessionMonitor: PerspectiveContext

Once you have it, you can find a session by ID: PerspectiveSessionMonitor

Then the InternalSession can be asked to close (or to close a particular page, in theory): InternalSession

A note though: we are using Sepasoft, so after the Ignition service startup, the Sepasoft modules are starting. Incorporated system.mes.isProductionStarted() in Session Events/Startup and closing the session if production isn't started. I haven't tried putting the server into the "restarting loop" after implementing that, but I figure it's likely since x pages crashed the server, and they are going to try again once it starts back up.

Consider splitting your server into frontend/backend duties. I/O and production critical activities on the backend server, and general users on the frontend servers. Expose the I/O to the frontend via remote tag providers. Since Perspective has to run all customization on the gateway, it suffers much higher loads than Vision as numbers of users climb.

I've been having this problem for a while and can't seem to fix it so after trying with Microsoft Community with little result I decided to try here. Don't really know if it's the place for more user-side problems but I figured I'd give it a try.

Basically, certain applications, seemingly all system ones (at the moment Groove Music, now called "Media Player" on the Store, Movies and TV and Photos), simply can't update to their latest versions because of the error i cited in the title, which happens after a couple seconds of the Store trying to install the app, after completing its download. 152ee80cbc

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