Simcoe County Federation of Agriculture 

Welcome to the new Simcoe County Federation of Agriculture's website

Here you will find information on upcoming events in with our Federation as well as with some of our Affiliates.  You will also find information about the Federation, our Board of Directors and Commodity Representatives. 

The SCFA Advocates on behalf of farm families in Simcoe County on local agricultural issues.

The Simcoe County Federation of Agriculture is one of 52 county and regional federations supported by the Ontario Federation of Agriculture across the province.

2023 SCFA Scholarship 

Calling all members with students going to post secondary for agriculture programs in the fall of 2023.  Apply today for our SCFA Scholarship! 

County Council Presentation 

Check out president Dave Ritchie's presentation to the Simcoe County Council which was held on February 14th 2023. 

SCFA celebrates Canada's Agricultural Day 

Every year the SCFA celebrates Canada's Agricultural Day which was held on Wednesday February 15th 2023.  President Dave Ritchie (shown above) met with volunteers at the Good Shepherd Food Bank in Alliston to present them a cheque for $500.00 to help with increasing food security for people living in the area.  He also had a tour of their facility and learned more about what they do and who they serve.  

Simcoe County farmers help fill the food banks | CTV News  - Check out the news story here! 

Weather stations installed 

The Simcoe County Federation of Agriculture installed three weather stations through Weather Innovations.  Local farmers can sign up for access to these stations and their data at