
>  May, 2024 - The PEAK streak continues as Hayley Ha bags the Basecamp fellowship this summer. Congratulations Hayley. 

>  February, 2024 - Thomas Mourier and Alexander Zambrowski have each won a PEAK Basecamp Fellowship for Spring. Keep climbing, folks!

>  January, 2024 - Northeastern Global News has covered our lab here.

>  January, 2024 - Maxwell He is joining our lab in Spring 2024 through the AJC Research Fellowship Undergraduate COOP program.

>  January, 2024 - The lab welcomes Elliot Bangerter who is joining us for his Senior Capstone project. 

>  January, 2024 - Nidhi Jadhav has won the Ascent Award for Spring 2024.

>  January, 2024 - Natesan Mani is continuing his LEADERS fellowship streak in Spring 2024 as he works on his collaborative project with Amgen.

        Archive:  2023 News

>  October, 2023 - The lab has won the prestigious NIH R35 MIRA award for 2 million dollars. Know more about it here. This means more grad and postdoc positions open!

>  October, 2023 - The lab welcomes new UG members: Thomas Mourier, Alexander Zambrowski, Hayley Ha, Madison Weiss, and Aryan Jain. Welcome, folks. Let's simulate fun things!

>  September, 2023 - More PEAK undergraduate fellows in the group. Ishaan Subramanian is the new PEAK basecamp awardee. Jiajia Fu has continued her streak and entered the PEAK Ascent Award phase. 

>  August, 2023 - The lab's first full NIH grant is in! The group has won a $300,000 SBIR Stage 1 grant from the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute as the academic collaborator with Nanite Bio. 

>  July, 2023 - Raghu has successfully defended his Gordon MS Leadership project in collaboration with Amgen, and with rave reviews. The lab's first graduate is out to take on the world. Congrats Grad! Raghu has also won the ChemE department's highest MS GPA award. 

>  June, 2023 - And that's a wrap for NERM 2023! So proud to work with such a talented cohort of students in the SimBioSys Lab. Thanks Jason, Emma, and Jiajia for the wonderful poster presentations, and Natesan for the impressive platform talk. Natesan' s first platform - the first of many ahead. It was an amazing experience to contribute as the NERM23 organizing committee as well. Till next time!

>  May, 2023 - It is summer and time to go camping again. This time it was a bigger team, and a fun time at Otter River State Forest and Lake Dennison Recreation area.

>  February, 2023 - What a wonderful start to the new semester. Two travel grants (Natesan and Raghu) for attending BPS23 from the NEU grad student network, a 1-yr AJC STEM fellowship for Jason, another PEAK Basecamp for the group (Nidhi) and a GIEL fellowship for Raghu who has begun a collaborative project with Amgen. Onward and upward for the team!

>  January, 2023 - The group is growing and fast! Welcome, Jason Kantorow, Emma Stevens (PhD students), Simran Pandey, Sriram Velmurugan (MS students), and the wonderful new cohort of UG researchers!

        Archive:  2022 News

>  October, 2022 - Congratulations to Jiajia Fu for winning a PEAK Undergraduate Research Experience Award!

>  September, 2022 - Budding bioengineer Jiajia Fu has joined the group as the first undergraduate researcher. Welcome (Jia^2)!

>  September, 2022 - The SimBioSys Lab is now affiliated with the Northeastern Physics Department and the Center for Theoretical Biological Physics. Exciting times ahead!

>  July, 2022 - The SimBioSys Lab welcomes high school sophomore, Kenny Wong as a research associate. Kenny is taking a head start in research, working on studying viral antigen antibody interactions.

>  January, 2022 - Natesan Mani has joined the group as the first PhD student. Welcome Natesan!

>  January, 2022 - Raghavendran Suresh has joined the group as the first MS student. Welcome Raghu!

>  January, 2022 - The SimBioSys Lab has been launched at Northeastern University.

Some Interesting External Links

Do you find protein structures fascinating? Look into the molecule of the month.

Looking to dabble in data? Check out the Kaggle competitions.

Some bioinformatics tools for glycosciences.

Keep up with the latest trends in  the High Performance Computing world.

The 15th community-wide experiment on protein structure prediction is now on (CASP15).

James Webb, fractals, dinosaurs and all such news in the Cosmos.

The latest at Northeastern.

An old travel blog from the days of the yore, in dire need of revamping - There is such a lot of world to see!

How can this be complete without XKCD and the PHD comics!