1) to reduce peer bullying and cyber bullying at the schools by teacher trainings, students’ and parents' activities and students exchanges
2) to share European good practices and to discover other European countries and the educational systems of partners’ schools.
3) to highlight the importance of children rights, the dangers and risks of discrimination and bullying through all the project activities to be carried out at schools mentioned on the timetable- including the ones socially marginalized and the ones with fewer opportunities
4) to strengthen intercultural dialogue between different groups, migrants and refugees, poor families, and to promote peace, equality, tolerance and mutual understanding through the project activities based on music and art, international languages of communication
5) to improve ICT skills of students' and teachers' digital through both the seminars and activities and LTTs and project activities at school
6) the level in foreign languages
7) to enrich intercultural awareness and develop an international dimension to 6 partner schools- 8)To improve the relationship parents-school – local \regional community in education
9) to create a local\national long term strategy , by involving all schools and community , economic partners, NGOs, psychologists,
counselors, legal representatives
10) to involve students in anti bullying strategy and to act against it when they witness it.