
Ruttner award

this year, two "Ruttner prizes" will be awarded (1x master's, 1x PhD), honoring outstanding achievements by students of limnology. 

Who can submit? every member who have published scientific papers as limnology students in their thesis (masters or PhD). If you are not yet member, please contact us be email or fill out he form under >>JOIN<<

deadline for submission: 1 June 2024

What can be submitted? One publication (accepted or already published between June 1, 2022 and Mai 31, 2024) that was created as part of the master's thesis or dissertation and has been published peer-reviewed in an ISI journal. The submitter must be the first author. 

The submission (sent by email to the association's board) must include the publication to be evaluated, a CV, and a short statement underlining the relevance of the work. Incomplete submissions cannot be considered. 

Franz Ruttner (1882 - 1961)

Bisherige Preisträgerinnen

2019: Teofana Chonova (PhD) und Lukas Fuxberger (MSc)

2017: Georg H. Niedrist

2015: no award

2012: Harald Ficker