Privacy Policy

privacy policy

This privacy policy explains how information about you is collected, used and disclosed by your access to or use of Sihina or otherwise as a result of your interactions with us.

By visiting Sihina directly or through another site, you accept the terms and conditions of this Policy. This policy applies to Sihina . We are not responsible for the content or privacy practices of any website that we do not operate and to which Sihina is linked or that links to Sihina .

We respect the privacy of children. We do not knowingly or intentionally collect personal information from children under the age of 13.

Elsewhere on the site, you represent and warrant that you are 18 years of age or that you are using the site with the supervision of a parent or guardian.

If you are under the age of 13, please do not submit any personal information to us and rely on a parent or guardian to assist you.

On various occasions, you may be asked for certain types of personally identifiable information (for example, your first and last name, postal address, city, state, postal code, telephone number, email address, credit card number, banking information in connection with automatic deposit / debits, etc.).

We hope you will share this information with us. However, if you do not wish to provide us with your personally identifiable information, please do not submit it. This means that in some cases we will not be able to provide you with the service you requested.

We may also collect non-personally identifiable information when you visit the site (for example, your IP address, browser type, domain name, etc.). This information is collected and analyzed globally to improve the function and content of the site.

Information Collection

We collect information in various ways on Sihina .

Registration and order

Before using certain portions of Sihina or ordering products, you may need to complete an online registration form.

When registering, you will be asked to provide us with certain personal information, including your name, delivery and billing address, phone number, email address, gender, and credit card number.

In addition, we may also ask you for your country of residence and / or the country in which your organization operates, in order to comply with applicable laws and regulations. This personal information is used for billing purposes, to fulfill your orders, to communicate with you about your order and the Sites, and for internal marketing purposes.

If we encounter a problem while processing your order, your personal information may be used to contact you.

Information We Automatically Collect

We may also automatically collect information about you when you access the site, use the site, or transact with us, including:

Transaction Information: When you purchase or return a product, we collect information about the transaction, such as product details, purchase price, and the date and place of the transaction.

Newspaper information:

we obtain information about your use of our websites, including the type of browser you use, access times, pages viewed, your IP address and the page you visited before navigating to Sihina. Device information: We collect information about the computer or mobile device that you use to access our services, such as model, operating system and version, unique device identifiers, network information mobile and browsing behavior.

Location information:

We may collect information about the exact location of your device when you consent to the collection of this information.

We may also collect information about your approximate location each time you access Sihina. Information Collected by Cookies and Other Tracking Technologies:

We may use cookies, web beacons and other tracking technologies to collect information about you and your interaction with Sihina, including information about your browsing behavior, purchase and any other engagement with the Services. We use this information in one or more of the ways described in the "Use of Information" section below.

Most web browsers are configured to accept cookies by default, but you can usually modify your browser settings to delete or refuse cookies.

Information We Collect From Other Sources

We may also receive information about you from other sources and combine or link it to information we have about you.

For example, we may collect demographic and change of address information from third-party sources and information from third-party social media platforms (such as Facebook) if you log into Sihina using information from identification of your account on social media or if you create certain content and information. publicly available, such as photos, videos, and profile information.

Use and Disclosure

We use your personal information to process your order and provide you with customer service. We may use your personal information internally to improve the content and presentation of Sihina to improve the scope of our actions and for our own marketing efforts (including the marketing of our services and products) and to determine the information of general market for visitors to Sihina.

Communications with you

We will use your personal information to communicate with you about Sihina, your orders and your deliveries. We may also send you a confirmation email when you register with us.

We may send you a service announcement on the rare occasions when it is necessary (for example, if we need to temporarily suspend our service for maintenance reasons).

You can also send your email address for reasons such as signing up for a contest or contest or to sign up for email newsletters and special offers.

If you provide your email address, we will use it to send you the information.

We always allow you to unsubscribe or unsubscribe from future emails.

Since we need to communicate with you about the orders you choose to place, you cannot unsubscribe from emails related to your orders.

External use

Unless otherwise indicated below, we do not sell, rent, trade, license or otherwise disclose your personal or financial information to third parties.

We may disclose information to third parties who perform specific functions on our behalf. However, we will only disclose information necessary for the performance of their service.

We must provide your credit card number to financial services companies, such as credit card processors and issuers, in order to process your orders. We will use industry standard security measures, including data encryption, when we disclose your credit card number to third parties.

We may disclose personal or financial information in response to requests from law enforcement officers responsible for investigating; subpoenas; a court order; or if we are otherwise required to disclose such information by law. We will also disclose personal information where disclosure is necessary to protect our legal rights, enforce our Terms and Conditions or other agreements, or to protect ourselves or others. For example, we may share information to reduce the risk of fraud or if someone uses or attempts to use Sihina for illegal purposes or to commit fraud.

As part of our normal operations, we will not sell (trade, rent or trade) personally identifiable information to other companies. However, It is possible that We may acquire or merge with another company or be acquired by another company or that We may dispose of some or all of Our assets.

If this happens, your personal information may be disclosed to another company, but such disclosure will be subject to the privacy policy in effect.

We may share non-personal information (such as the number of daily visitors to a particular web page or the size of an order placed on a certain date) with third parties such as advertising partners.

This information does not identify you personally or any user.

Data security

We take reasonable steps, including administrative, technical and physical safeguards, to protect information about you from loss, theft, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure , modification and destruction.

Unsubscribe / Corrections

At your request, we will

(a) correct or update your personal information.

(b) stop sending emails to your email address; and / or

(c) deactivate your account to avoid any future purchase with this account.

You can make these requests by writing to us at . Do not email your credit card number or any other sensitive information.

(d) Videos must be played in different IP addresses to be counted in monetization.

Use and disclosure of offline collections

We may also collect information offline.

We will treat any information collected offline in a manner that is consistent with this policy. One example involves someone calling us to place an order or ask questions.

When someone calls, we will only ask for the personal information we need to place the order or to answer the question. When we need to store information (such as order information), we will enter it into our database.

Use of information

Information about you may be used to add you to our electronic subscription list, indicate your name to Sihina in relation to your interest in our products or our business opportunities, analyze trends and statistics , improve the functioning of the Site, disseminate content.

Customer information will also be used to provide customer service, confirm and fulfill your orders, ship them, manage payments and any problems and disputes with shippers and other service providers.


Information on independent members of Sihina will also be used to provide services to members, calculate earnings and bonuses, provide training on new products and services and ensure compliance with the Staff Regulations and the membership request. and company rules and regulations. Once all content is removed, monetization will be removed at the same time.

The user must withdraw his winnings before deleting any content.


We take reasonable steps to ensure that the personal information we collect about you remains accurate, current, and secure.

Unfortunately, no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure, and while we strive to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee or guarantee its complete security. We will not be responsible for any damages that you or any other person may suffer as a result of a breach of confidentiality in relation to your use of the site or any information that you transmit to the site.

Access or corrections to your information

If you find any inaccuracies in your personal information, or if you want to make a change or want to verify this information, please contact us so that we can update your information in our records or go online to one of the websites. by Sihina.

update your own information.

Third Party Links

The sites may contain links to websites operated and managed by third parties over which we have absolutely no control. All information you provide to third party websites will be governed by the provisions of each website's privacy policy.

We encourage you to investigate and ask questions before you disclose any information to third party website operators. We assume no responsibility for the content, actions or policies of third party websites. The inclusion of third party websites on our site does not constitute an endorsement of the content, actions or policies of those sites.

Changes to

Sihina policy reserves the right to change this privacy policy at any time. Any modification of this policy will come into effect immediately after notification, which can be sent to you by email or by posting the latest version on our site. Your subsequent use of the site will be considered acceptance of such changes.

Be sure to check this privacy policy regularly to familiarize yourself with its most recent version.

If you object to such changes, we will abide by our prior privacy policies regarding previously collected data. However, if you do not agree with the changes to our policy, please do not use the site after such changes have been posted online.

By using the site after posting the changes to this privacy policy, you agree to all of these changes.

Deletion of data

You can delete you account by simply following below steps.

  1. Go to Your Profile Page

  2. Scroll down and select Account Settings

  3. Scroll Down and You will see the "Delete Account" Button

  4. Once you click/touch on the "Delete Account" button you will be logged off, you need to log in back to continue your Account Delete process

  5. Upon your Re login you will be asked to confirm your Delete action. and that's it. all your data will be deleted, please note that your account will not be able to recover after this process.

User Data

All the passwords that you enter for log in purposes will be automatically encrypted and stored safely.

We do not share user messages, images, personal information/data with any other 3rd party. We store all the data safely and use only for normal App functions.

We encourage you to review our terms of use from time to time to find out if these terms of use have been changed or updated.

If you have questions or comments about our General Conditions, or if you wish to access the information we have on you or make changes, contact us at