Tips for Maintaining a Garage Door's Functionality

Proper Alignment

A garage door that is not properly aligned can cause excessive strain on the door opener and tracks, resulting in premature wear and tear. One way to check the alignment is by closing the door and ensuring there is an even gap on both sides. If you notice any deviation, it may be time to call in a professional to realign the tracks.

Routine Lubrication

Lubrication is an essential part of maintaining a garage door's functionality. All mechanical parts, such as hinges, springs, and rollers, should be lubricated regularly to prevent friction and ensure smooth operation. Using a silicone-based lubricant is recommended, as it repels dirt and does not attract dust.

Inspect and Replace Worn Out Parts

Regularly inspecting your garage door's parts for wear and tear can help prevent major malfunctions. Look out for damaged cables, springs, or rollers, and replace them as soon as possible. Ignoring these signs can lead to a sudden door failure and potential accidents.

Keep It Clean

Garage doors are constantly exposed to dirt, moisture, and other environmental elements. Regularly cleaning your garage door, both inside and out, can prevent the buildup of debris and prolong its lifespan. A simple solution of mild detergent and water can be used to clean the surface, while ensuring the tracks and hinges are free from any obstructions.

Garage door cable fraying
Inefficient garage door insulation

Professional Maintenance

While performing your own maintenance tasks is essential, it is equally important to seek professional assistance. An annual maintenance check by a certified technician can ensure that all components of your garage door are in proper working condition. They can also address any issues you may not have noticed and provide necessary repairs or adjustments.