Achilles Pain

This One Product Healed Pain That Thousands of Dollars Spent on Physical Therapy Couldn’t

achilles pain

My achilles tendon has hurt since 2015.

For over half a decade, I dropped thousands of dollars on physical therapy.

Name a treatment, I had it done — dry needling, graston, massage, cortisone shots, acupuncture — without

experiencing a single degree of improvement.

I was a good patient, too.

As a former Division I track athlete, I understand the importance of rehab. I stretched. I iced. I spent countless hours

in front of the TV foam rolling my calves, only to wake up the next morning and have the pain return.

I retired from running — something I thought I would do until the day I died. After never taking more than a week off

running since I was 11 years old, an achilles injury (an injury that seemed to come out of nowhere, an injury neither I,

nor my doctors, could explain) forced me to throw my hands up and officially say, “I quit.”

I gave up running, arguably the first love of my life.

But the pain? That didn’t give up one bit.

My workouts — once split between HIIT training, trail running, and sprints — became unbearably monotonous.

I hit the squat rack for slow, Olympic-style lifts or threw myself into a freezing pool to swim laps (i.e. the only two

forms of activity that didn’t place strain on my achilles).

By the time a former college teammate told me about Signal Relief, I couldn’t walk down the street without pain.

And when she told me I’d feel relief in secondsnot weeks, not months, and certainly not five brutal years — but

seconds, I did what every disgruntled athlete would do:

I laughed in her face.

And, spoiler alert: I have never been so, undeniably happy to be proven flat-out wrong.

Signal Relief Relieved Excruciating Pain — Pain I Felt for 5 Years

achilles pain

I expected my achilles to hurt for the rest of my life.

That’s not an exaggeration or a negative statement. It hurt so long, to such a degree, I genuinely forgot what

it was like to wake up each morning without a throbbing achilles.

So imagine my shock when suddenly this ever-present pain suddenly disappeared.

Disappeared without, I will add, being poked, prodded, or injected with one frightening long cortisone needle.

The pain relief was immediate. But how it changed my life came in slow, yet equally surprising waves.

For the first time in half a decade, I didn’t dread a workout. I could go run errands without going cross-eyed every

time my foot struck the pavement. I could walk up-and-down steps without leaning on the handrail (disclaimer: I’m

only 35 years old).

And for the first time in nearly 2,000 mornings, those first few steps of the day didn’t cause blinding pain.

How Signal Relief Relieves Pain With Nanotechnology

Signal Relief is a patented pain-relief patch that applies anywhere to your body — even wrapped around

tight corners, like your achilles heel.

The patch is drug-free, chemical-free, and has zero side effects, unlike many pain relieving shots or pills.

Which of course raises the question, “How does it work?”

Signal Relief uses nanotechnology to naturally relieve pain anywhere on your body, in seconds. But to understand

how nanotechnology works, you first need to understand how your body works.

Your body is filled with electricity. Read that sentence again. We feel pain when electrical signals are sent from a

point of injury — like my achilles — to the brain.

If you can tap into your body’s electrical signals, you can essentially tell your brain to “turn off” the pain switch.

And just like turning a lightswitch off inside your home, turning off the pain switch makes that pain signal go dark.

Which, to anyone who lived with chronic pain for that past several years, is a wonderful feeling.

How to Use Signal Relief

To use Signal Relief, simply apply it directly to the point of pain — almost like you’re applying a band aid. (A band aid

that actually causes pain relief).

You can apply Signal Relief to any part of your body, for any type of pain. It can provide relief for chronic injuries, like

a worn achilles tendon, or for headaches, migraines, sore backs and shoulders, and even menstrual cramps.

Once you apply Signal Relief, you can go about your day (or for me, my workout). Hit the gym, go hiking, play with

your kids or grandkids, or even swim laps in the pool (yes, it’s waterproof).

Unlike pain relief creams or over-the-counter drugs, Signal Relief lasts for years. I bought one patch to apply to my

achilles, and months later, it looks — and feels — as good as the day it arrived.

You Don’t Have To Live With Chronic Pain

To anyone reading this who suffers from chronic pain, know that it doesn’t have to be this way.

Before I tried Signal Relief, I truly believed I would live with achilles pain for the rest of my life. Knowing I was only in

my mid-thirties made me fearful of the pain waiting for me several decades down the road.

Nanotechnology is one of the newest forms of technology in pain relief. And trust me, I know how unfamiliar and

even crazy it sounds to find pain relief through electrical signals.

But I’m telling you it works.

If you are like me — if you dropped thousands on physical therapy, saw every doctor, tried every form of rehab — you

have nothing to lose. Signal Relief offers a money-back guarantee for 30 days, so if you try the patch and it doesn’t

work, you can simply send it back.

Living with pain is no way to live. Try Signal Relief today.