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Microsoft always keeps an eye out for unusual sign-in activity, just in case someone else is trying to get into your account. If you're travelling to a new place or using a new device, we might ask you to confirm that it really is you.

any object, action, event, pattern, etc., that is taken as conveying a meaning: I took her silence and fidgeting as a sign of disagreement.Rising sales of disaster survival kits are a sign of the times.

There is no universal sign language. Different sign languages are used in different countries or regions. For example, British Sign Language (BSL) is a different language from ASL, and Americans who know ASL may not understand BSL. Some countries adopt features of ASL in their sign languages.

ASL is a language completely separate and distinct from English. It contains all the fundamental features of language, with its own rules for pronunciation, word formation, and word order. While every language has ways of signaling different functions, such as asking a question rather than making a statement, languages differ in how this is done. For example, English speakers may ask a question by raising the pitch of their voices and by adjusting word order; ASL users ask a question by raising their eyebrows, widening their eyes, and tilting their bodies forward.

Just as with other languages, specific ways of expressing ideas in ASL vary as much as ASL users themselves. In addition to individual differences in expression, ASL has regional accents and dialects; just as certain English words are spoken differently in different parts of the country, ASL has regional variations in the rhythm of signing, pronunciation, slang, and signs used. Other sociological factors, including age and gender, can affect ASL usage and contribute to its variety, just as with spoken languages.

Study of sign language can also help scientists understand the neurobiology of language development. In one study, researchers reported that the building of complex phrases, whether signed or spoken, engaged the same brain areas. Better understanding of the neurobiology of language could provide a translational foundation for treating injury to the language system, for employing signs or gestures in therapy for children or adults, and for diagnosing language impairment in individuals who are deaf.

The NIDCD is also funding research on sign languages created among small communities of people with little to no outside influence. Emerging sign languages can be used to model the essential elements and organization of natural language and to learn about the complex interplay between natural human language abilities, language environment, and language learning outcomes. Visit the NIH Clinical Research Trials and You website to read about these and other clinical trials that are recruiting volunteers.

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Box Sign is a set of electronic signature capabilities natively integrated into Box, extensible with connectors and APIs. It accelerates critical business processes by streamlining e-signature workflows in a secure, seamless, and cost-effective way. Box Sign offers the convenience and protection of electronic signatures to your organization.

Microsoft Entra logs all sign-ins into an Azure tenant, which includes your internal apps and resources. As an IT administrator, you need to know what the values in the sign-in logs mean, so that you can interpret the log values correctly.

Reviewing sign-in errors and patterns provides valuable insight into how your users access applications and services. The sign-in logs provided by Microsoft Entra ID are a powerful type of activity log that you can analyze. This article explains how to access and utilize the sign-in logs.

The preview view of the sign-in logs includes interactive and non-interactive user sign-ins as well as service principal and managed identity sign-ins. You can still view the classic sign-in logs, which only include interactive sign-ins.

Interactive sign-ins are performed by a user. They provide an authentication factor to Microsoft Entra ID. That authentication factor could also interact with a helper app, such as the Microsoft Authenticator app. Users can provide passwords, responses to MFA challenges, biometric factors, or QR codes to Microsoft Entra ID or to a helper app. This log also includes federated sign-ins from identity providers that are federated to Microsoft Entra ID.

Previously, some non-interactive sign-ins from Microsoft Exchange clients were included in the interactive user sign-in log for better visibility. This increased visibility was necessary before the non-interactive user sign-in logs were introduced in November 2020. However, it's important to note that some non-interactive sign-ins, such as those using FIDO2 keys, might still be marked as interactive due to the way the system was set up before the separate non-interactive logs were introduced. These sign-ins might display interactive details like client credential type and browser information, even though they're technically non-interactive sign-ins.

Microsoft Entra ID issues tokens for authentication and authorization. In some situations, a user who is signed in to the Contoso tenant might try to access resources in the Fabrikam tenant, where they don't have access. A no-authorization token called a passthrough token, is issued to the Fabrikam tenant. The passthrough token doesn't allow the user to access any resources.

Previously, when reviewing the logs for this situation, the sign-in logs for the home tenant (in this scenario, Contoso) didn't show a sign-in attempt because the token wasn't granting access to a resource with any claims. The sign-in token was only used to display the appropriate failure message.

Passthrough sign-in attempts now appear in the home tenant sign-in logs and any relevant tenant restriction sign-in logs. This update provides more visibility into user sign-in attempts from your users and deeper insights into your tenant restriction policies.

The service principal sign-in logs don't include first-party, app-only sign-in activity. This type of activity happens when first-party apps get tokens for an internal Microsoft job where there's no direction or context from a user. We exclude these logs so you're not paying for logs related to internal Microsoft tokens within your tenant.

You might identify Microsoft Graph events that don't correlate to a service principal sign-in if you're routing MicrosoftGraphActivityLogs with SignInLogs to the same Log Analytics workspace. This integration allows you to cross reference the token issued for the Microsoft Graph API call with the sign-in activity. The UniqueTokenIdentifier for sign-in logs and the SignInActivityId in the Microsoft Graph activity logs would be missing from the service principal sign-in logs.

Non-interactive sign-ins are done on behalf of a user. These delegated sign-ins were performed by a client app or OS components on behalf of a user and don't require the user to provide an authentication factor. Instead, Microsoft Entra ID recognizes when the user's token needs to be refreshed and does so behind the scenes, without interrupting the user's session. In general, the user perceives these sign-ins as happening in the background.

To make it easier to digest the data, non-interactive sign-in events are grouped. Clients often create many non-interactive sign-ins on behalf of the same user in a short time period. The non-interactive sign-ins share the same characteristics except for the time the sign-in was attempted. For example, a client might get an access token once per hour on behalf of a user. If the state of the user or client doesn't change, the IP address, resource, and all other information is the same for each access token request. The only state that does change is the date and time of the sign-in.

When Microsoft Entra logs multiple sign-ins that are identical other than time and date, those sign-ins are from the same entity and are aggregated into a single row. A row with multiple identical sign-ins (except for date and time issued) has a value greater than one in the # sign-ins column. These aggregated sign-ins might also appear to have the same time stamps. The Time aggregate filter can set to 1 hour, 6 hours, or 24 hours. You can expand the row to see all the different sign-ins and their different time stamps.

The IP address of non-interactive sign-ins performed by confidential clients doesn't match the actual source IP of where the refresh token request is coming from. Instead, it shows the original IP used for the original token issuance.

Unlike interactive and non-interactive user sign-ins, service principal sign-ins don't involve a user. Instead, they're sign-ins by any nonuser account, such as apps or service principals (except managed identity sign-in, which are in included only in the managed identity sign-in log). In these sign-ins, the app or service provides its own credential, such as a certificate or app secret to authenticate or access resources. e24fc04721

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