

Only original papers that have not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere will be considered.

Papers must strictly adhere to Springer template and page limits as follows; Regular Paper: 6-8 pages (papers with less than 4 pages will not considered for publication). The Springer templates in MS Word format can be found at:

Authors should submit their papers online through EasyChair conference management system.

Paper Submission Link:

Important: Please make sure that the following information is correct as required by the publisher before submission of documents.

  • Mention Name, Affiliation, and Email ID of all authors while submitting the paper.

  • Mark (*) for the corresponding author name in publishing paper.

  • Remove Mr./Dr./Prof. etc from the name of authors.

  • Affiliation should contain only the name of the department, name of College/University, City, Country (Do not include post/position)

  • All the references must be cited in the text in the order in which they are used.


Best Paper Presentation award as per the thematic session in the conference will be given.