Information Discovery in E-Commerce

SIGIR 2018 half-day tutorial


E-commerce (electronic commerce or EC) is the buying and selling of goods and services, or the transmitting of funds or data online. E-commerce platforms come in many kinds, with global players such as Amazon, Airbnb, Alibaba, eBay, and platforms targeting specific markets such as and retrieval has a natural role to play in e-commerce, especially in connecting people to goods and services. Information discovery in e-commerce concerns different types of search (exploratory search vs. lookup tasks), recommender systems, and natural language processing in e-commerce portals.

Recently, the explosive popularity of e-commerce sites has made research on information discovery in e-commerce more important and more popular. There is increased attention for e-commerce information discovery methods in the community as witnessed by an increase in publications and dedicated workshops in this space.

Methods for information discovery in e-commerce largely focus on improving the performance of e-commerce search and recommender systems, on enriching and using knowledge graphs to support e-commerce, and on developing innovative question-answering and bot-based solutions that help to connect people to goods and services.


8th July 2018 afternoon

1:30 pm -- 1:45 pm introduction

1:45 pm -- 3:00 pm search in e-commerce

3:00 pm -- 3:30 pm coffee break

3:30 pm -- 4:30 pm recommendation in e-commerce

4:30 pm -- 5:00 pm language technologies in e-commerce


Xiangnan HeNational University of Singapore
Maarten de RijkeUniversity of Amsterdam