Deepak Somaya

Tuesday June 16 at 5PM (Paris time)

External Knowledge Sourcing and Employee Mobility Barriers

by Eunkwang Seo (Illinois, GIES) and Deepak Somaya (Illinois, GIES)


External knowledge sourcing is widely understood to be vital for firms’ innovation performance, but also a challenge for value capture by firms. We add to this literature by highlighting an under-studied downside of firms’ external knowledge sourcing activities; namely, the increased risks of losing valuable R&D talent. Therefore, in contrast with conventional wisdom, we propose that employee mobility barriers may paradoxically increase external knowledge sourcing from geographically proximate firms to whom R&D talent is likely to move. Leveraging a quasi-exogenous increase in mobility barriers resulting from a change in Michigan non-compete law, we find that—consistent with our theorized mechanism—mobility barriers increased firms’ external knowledge sourcing from local (within-state) sources, and this effect was stronger for firms that rely more internally developed (versus externally acquired) R&D talent, and in industries with weaker appropriability. Additional analyses provide corroborative evidence in the changes to specific firm-level knowledge sourcing activities within Michigan firms and in knowledge sourcing by firms following other state-level changes of non- compete law.