
Format of the virtual seminar

  • 30 minutes for the presenter, 10 minutes for the discussant, and 15 minutes for Q&A.

  • Attendees are muted by default. However, during the presentation, attendees can submit clarifying or major questions for the presenter via the Zoom Chat functionality.

  • At certain points during their presentation, the presenter may break to address any pressing clarifying questions. Major questions will be answered during the Q&A session.

  • Co-authors may (or may not) be on hand to address clarifying questions posed in the Zoom Chat functionality during the presentation.

  • Format of the Q&A: Time permitting, and depending on the number of questions, the moderator will either ask questions on behalf of the attendees or let attendees ask questions themselves to the presenter.

  • All questions and comments sent via the Chat functionality (including those not discussed during the presentation) will reach the presenter after the end of the presentation.