Siegfried Van Hille

Hi there! I am a Postdoctoral Fellow at McMaster University. My supservisor is professor Patrick Speissegger

Research interests

My research lies within the intersection of real algebraic geometry and applied model theory, o-minimality to be precise. More specifically:


Work in progress:  power series of pfaffian functions, with Mickaël Matusinski 

Publication: The symmetric function theorem via the Faà di Bruno formula. (arXiv)

The symmetric function theorem states that a polynomial that is invariant under permutation of variables, is a polynomial in the elementary symmetric polynomials. We deduce this classical result, in the analytic setting, from the multivariate Faà di Bruno formula. In two variables, this allows us to completely determine all coefficients that occur in the inductive equations.

Recorded talk

Parametrizations and complexity of preparation, Introductory Workshop on Tame Geometry, Transseries and Applications to Analysis and Geometry, Fields Institute