Mythos-inspired exploration of the universe by GST Teams.

Gateways to Madness (WIP)

5th Edition OGL sourcebook

Gateways into Madness is a world much like our own where the discovery of a set of ancient ruins in Antarctica leads to the wide use of Gene therapy treatment that allows for the first humans to travel between the universe through elder gateways. 

Based on the 5th edition rules of the world's most popular role-playing game, this  Open Game License version will add both Horror and a new Episodic Play with a wide range of Mythos-inspired adventures through time and space.

December 12th, 2006: TOP SECRET: Due to the unfortunate effects on human test subjects 2 and 5, Detel Scientist recommends a halt to further human trial testing with the full Ancient RNA. 

While disappointing,  they do believe that a smaller number of DNA strands could be used in a limited form of Gene Therapy for subjects suffering from ADHD or related developmental disorders. This could be a way to broaden the test pool with little overall risk.

Dec 2nd, 2015: Top Secret: I have grave concerns about the accelerated use of the ancient DNA for commercial release. We don't want to repeat what happened in the early testing of 2006, but now it's being used by millions worldwide. We just don't know what is going to happen when the DNA interacts with such a wide sample of the human population. - Sara McDonald Chief Research Scientist Operation SouthStar.

March 14th, 2026: Operation SouthStar TOP SECRET: Yesterday at 1am local time, scientist Dr Matt Chu was investigating the Green Crystal Artifact discovered in 1983, when he disappeared in research lab 2. Video footage shows Dr Chu holding the crystal and walking through a previous inactive artifact and disappearing.

It had been noted that Dr Chu had been reported as having fatigue and headaches when around the crystal artifact, but the base doctor believed that these were from the  AGTP treatment the doctor was taking for a previously diagnosed ailment.

The Operation is now on lockdown till the teams can find out a way to re-activate the ancient machinery. 

May 1st, 2026: Further study of the gateways and the effect on base personnel who can travel them relieved a few troubling trends. All who travel a gate complain of headaches and visions of alien landscapes or symbols while a few report seeing creatures that defy rational descriptions.

It seems that these impressions lead to at an unconscious level an understanding of what is needed to be completed by the GST team in order to achieve their “goal” with access to another gateway to return to the citadel. 

Scientists believe that this indirect communication is the only way that the human mind can handle the ancient machines without gaining psychosis like that what happened to Dr Chu.

Military planners are concerned that these “missions” are being influenced by the ancient machines but the results in technical knowledge so far outweighed the danger to the team personal.