Daylight Hours - Exploratory Data Analysis

For Karachi Weather Prediction Project

In this exploratory data analysis (EDA) project, I examined the effect of daylight hours on the overall weather. I analyzed key weather indicators such as temperature, precipitation, wind speed, and daylight duration from 2010 onward.

After importing and cleaning the data, I transformed date formats and handled missing values to ensure accuracy. I used visual tools like density plots, scatter plots, and heatmaps to explore the data, focusing on the distribution of weather codes and their impact on daylight duration.

Udemy Data analysis

Microsoft Power BI

Yelp Data Analysis 


In this project, I played the role of a real-world Data Scientist, used SQL to answer specific questions for the organization, and made inferences based on the discoveries. 

This project involved a thorough analysis of business data from , employing advanced SQL techniques to extract meaningful insights. The workflow encompassed data exploration, inferences, and an exploration of popular business categories, presenting findings systematically with code snippets and resulting data tables.

E-commerce Sales Dashboard

Microsoft Power BI


The project involves a comprehensive examination of an e-commerce company. Utilizing a Power BI dashboard, it analyzes and presents key performance indicators and patterns.

The insights derived from this study can foster corporate expansion and facilitate well-informed decision-making.


This project aims to provide a clear and actionable understanding of the e-commerce business and its various components, helping identify areas for improvement and growth.

Global death cause analysis

Microsoft Power BI

Email Extraction


Email Extraction is an API-based Data Science project, developed for extracting emails from Gmail accounts and saving them as a CSV file.

The project is designed to work seamlessly with Gmail accounts and offers a user-friendly Streamlit interface for ease of use.

The main objective of this project is to save emails from a Gmail account to be used for analysis and records.