Gay Wrestling Stories

Sidelineland is a home for publishing gay wrestling stories. The homoerotic fiction archived here is shared for the purpose of entertainment. Contributions from all group members are welcomed and encouraged, as are lively, respectful, and edifying comments. For wrestling fetishists and/or novice authors alike, this is intended as a safe space to publish your original work, put yourself out there, and celebrate your imagination.

Take a look around and enjoy yourself. In the sidebar on the left you'll find links to the story collections, including BG East Fantasy matches, Superhero matches, Hollywood hunk matches, and Pro Wrestling fantasy matches. You're also welcome to browse the Prospective Wrestler Images for "inspiration" for potential characters in future matches.

Even better, contribute your own work of original homoerotic wrestling fiction for group members to enjoy. Email your work to the site administrator at All contributions to Sidelineland should be your original work and include an attribution (either your name or your moniker). Submissions should be in MS Word or GoogleDocs formats, and feel free to include graphics.

A wrestling kink and a hot imagination are a terrible thing to waste, so exercise yours here! Have fun, keep an open mind, and enjoy yourself!


Site Administrator