Siddik Barbhuiya 

About Me

Hello! I'm Siddik Barbhuiya, a devoted scholar specializing in Hydrology and Water Resource Engineering. My expertise lies in Hydrological Modeling with a particular emphasis on integrating Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning (AI/ML) in Water Resource Engineering.

A significant aspect of my research delves into the examination of Non-stationary Hydroclimatic Variables, a realm I believe holds immense potential for innovation. I am incessantly driven towards exploring fresh concepts, methodologies, and ideas in the water resource arena, viewing every project as a stepping stone towards advancing knowledge in this crucial domain.

Prior to my current endeavors, I earned my master's degree in Water Resource Engineering from Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology (MANIT), Bhopal. This journey fortified a robust foundation for my ongoing research endeavors and amplified my resolve to make substantial contributions to the field of water resources.

This website serves as a conduit for sharing my work, insights, and the latest breakthroughs in hydrology and water resource engineering. I extend a warm invitation to researchers, students, and all those intrigued by these topics to join me in this exhilarating expedition. Together, let's delve into the intricacies of water resources and collaborate to tackle the pressing water-centric challenges that our globe faces.




Journal Paper

Book Chapter

Conference Attended