Past experience

As an engineering graduate

Summer intern: Boeing RFID Project 2007

Indian institute of Technology, Kanpur

During my intense engineering training, I got the opportunity to explore a lot of core areas of electrical engg. and developed my interest in the RFID(Radio Frequency Identification) technology. I stayed at the institute at my summer holidays and got the opportunity to work on a project which was funded by the USA aviation giant Boeing. The aim of the project was to perform market survey, categorise the commercially available RFID tags based on their performance, identify parameters for the optimization and develop your own RFID tag. I had a lot of fun in modeling their performance. However, the main excitement came into picture when I got the opportunity to witness the state-of-the-art technologies and make my own RFID tag which would be based on flexible electronics, i.e. electronics with degradable materials. Later, it paved ways for my next internship in 2008.

Research Intern: Advance display Research Lab (ADRC) 2008

Kyung Hee University, Seoul, South Korea

During my studies I was not only limited to electrical engineering, but was equally involved in Physics and Material Science core courses. It helped me to combine a set of engineering and scientific expertise and secure a prestigious internship at the Display Research center at Seoul, where I got to experience the state-of-the-art printable electronics technology, its characterization and developing a full circuit model which could simulate the performance of real flexible circuits, including thin-film transistors, LEDs and solar-cells.

Later, after returning to my home institute, I continued this work as my bachelor thesis project and successfully demonstrated the signal inversion (not-gate) action on a real flexible transistor.

As an Engineer

Electrical Engineer 2009-2011

Steel Authority of India Limited, Rourkela, India

After completing my bachelor study, I chose industry and went to one of India's biggest steel plant to work as an electrical engineer. The learning experience was unique in a way that I was not only supposed to know my part thoroughly but understand the processes and work-flow of other engineering departments.