Social Influence in Conversations

#SICon2024 co-located with EMNLP 2024

Call for papers

We call for two types of submissions: regular workshop submissions and shared task submissions. The latter will consist of a data/task and a companion paper motivating and evaluating the submission.

Submission Types

Submission Type 1: Regular workshop submissions

Regular workshop submissions are archival short (4 pages) and long (8 pages) papers. There is also a non-archival track for extended abstracts (2 pages) covering ongoing work on social influence NLP. The accepted papers of both tracks will be made publicly available on the workshop’s website. Topics include but are not limited to:

If you are unsure whether a specific topic is suitable, feel free to contact the workshop organizers at

Submission Type 2: Shared task submission


Submission Instructions

For templates of both submission types, regular workshop submissions and shared task submissions, we refer to the EMNLP 2024 website for paper templates (the official ACL style templates) and requirements. We will allow additional space (not counted towards the aforementioned page limits) for any supplementary material, including an appendix. We encourage all authors to include careful considerations of the limitations, broader impacts, and ethical considerations of their work. We also encourage authors to provide their code and data where applicable, in the interest of reproducibility.

Camera-ready submissions

Authors of accepted archival papers should upload the final version of their paper to the submission system by the camera-ready deadline. Authors may use one extra page to address reviewer comments, for a total of nine pages + references. Broader Impacts/Ethics and Limitations sections are optional and can be included on a 10th page.

Submission Site

All submissions can be submitted through OpenReview: