I wanted to create a place where everyone, regardless of their background could come and game and enjoy each other as human beings.  Politics, Religion, and Toxic behavior are all the source of what gets in the way of us just chilling and having a great time.  After 12+ years, it looks like the recipe was the right stuff!


Climb Macon is a local discord community of Climbers in Macon Georgia!  It's still trying to get off the ground but the hope is one day it'll be a bustling place of activity for all things Climbing in Macon!  http://climbmacon.com/ and of course https://maconrocks.com/ 

themes.org was a site I created back in 1996-1997 that was THE Linux themes site.  Greg Sanders took it over for me and made it way better :)

linux.com was bestowed upon me by Larry Augustin, the CEO and Founder of VA Linux Systems.  I was blessed enough to find 100's of amazing folks to build a great site as a true community effort.  They did the work!