
Deadline: March 28, 2022

Propose a minisymposium

Proposals for minisymposia will be accepted until April 6. A successful proposal should include a descriptive title and abstract, list of organizers, and number of potential speakers. The abstract should describe the topic of the session clearly and is meant to attract both audience members and speakers.

Minisymposium proposals can be submitted through the online form. If you were invited to give a talk in one of the accepted minisymposia, use this form to submit your talk information.

Sessions will consist of up to six 20 minute talks with 5 minutes of of questions per talk. Sample sessions from the 2019 Conference can be found at that meeting's website.

Proposals are subject to approval by the 2021 SIAM PNW Organizing Committee.

Accepted Minisymposia

1. From Cells and Tissues to Community Networks: Mathematical Modeling of Biological Systems

Organizers: Vrushali Bokil and Brady Bowen (Oregon State University)
This minisymposium will present talks that span mathematical modeling of cancer, collective cell migration, disease transmission and invasion and mass transport in biological tissues.

2. Imaging Science

Organizer: Thomas Humphries (University of Washington Bothell)
This session features work on the mathematical and computational aspects of imaging. Talks on applications such as image restoration, reconstruction, representation, and analysis are welcome, as well as work on general methodologies such as iterative algorithms, compressive sensing, and machine learning.

3. Engaging Students in Mathematics for BIG: Research Projects, Internships, and University Courses

Organizers: Aaron Luttman and Emilie Purvine (Pacific Northwest National Laboratories)
Among the best ways to prepare mathematics students at the undergraduate and graduate levels for careers in business, industry, and government (BIG) is by providing them opportunities to work on actual BIG projects. The three most common ways to accomplish this are through summer internships, on-campus research experiences, and integrating BIG projects directly into the curriculum, but each of these has its challenges. This session will include (i) students, providing insights into what they learned from their BIG experiences, (ii) college and university faculty, sharing their experiences with integrating BIG projects into the curriculum, and (iii) mathematicians working in BIG who have provided student projects.

4. Topological Data Analysis - Theory and Practice

Organizers: Emilie Purvine (Pacific Northwest National Laboratories) and Bala Krishnamoorthy (Washington State University Vancouver)
Topological Data Analysis (TDA) is the study of applying techniques from algebraic topology to study real data. In the past 20 years there has been much work done on the theory behind TDA including variations on persistent homology, mapper graphs, Reeb graphs and spaces, sheaf theory, and more. The theory has been put to use in many applications from finding meaningful topology in neural network representations of data, to discovering new categories of cancerous tumors, and much more. The talks in this minisymposium will highlight recent advances in both theory and practice for TDA.

5. Solids and Fluids

Organizer: Lynn Schreyer (Washington State University)
Here we discuss problems related to fluids, solids, and multiple phases. Physical problems could include deformation, flow, reactions, phase-change, and effects due to magnetic and electrical fields. Mathematically we consider analysis of existing models, proposed models, and numerical issues.

6. Scientific Computing and Numerical Analysis

Organizers: Steven Ruuth (Simon Fraser University) and Grady Wright (Boise State University)
This session focuses on recent results in the design, analysis, and efficient implementation of numerical methods and on their applications to challenging scientific problems. Talks will be on topics including numerical methods for differential equations, numerical linear algebra, approximation theory, and parallel computing.

7. Nonlinear Waves

Organizer: John Carter (Seattle University)
This minisymposium focuses on the propagation of waves where nonlinearity, dispersion, and other effects are important. Speakers will present theoretical, numerical, and experimental results based on linear, nonlinear, and nonlocal differential and difference equations.

8. Computational PDEs: Algorithms, Analysis and Applications

Organizer: Jeffrey Ovall (Portland State University)
This session features recent work in which the approximate solution of partial differential equations plays a central role. Some presentations are expected to be more application-oriented, and others more focused on algorithm development and analysis.

9. Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing for Environmental Challenges and Hazards

Organizer: Malgorzata Peszynska (Oregon State University)
Our Pacific Northwest geographical area features a potential for many possible environmental hazards including earthquakes, tsunamis, debris and landslide flows, surface water contamination, methane hydrate dissociation, water and biosphere issues linked to diminishing snow cover, wildfires, and more. These motivate the development and testing of computational models which support the efforts to mitigate the impact of these hazards on the PNW population. The challenges to these tools, beside those typically addressed for numerical schemes, are in the large complexity of coupled components, the need to validate and calibrate the models with data, and the need to account for the uncertainties involved. The session will feature presentations on numerical methods and computational environments devoted to these problems including the efforts on the use of realistic data, its uncertainty and more.

10. Recent Advances in Mathematical Fluid Mechanics

Organizers: Elaine Cozzi (Oregon State University) and Radu Dascaliuc (Oregon State University)
This session focuses on recent progress on analysis of partial differential equations arising in fluid mechanics, including the Navier-Stokes equations, Euler equations, and related equations. Presentations in this session will address a broad range of questions surrounding these equations, such as well-posedness, dynamical properties, and numerics.

11. Analysis of PDEs of Fluid Models

Organizer: Slim Ibrahim (University of Victoria)
The talks in this mini symposium will cover a wide range of topics of the analysis of PDEs arising from fluid models. Well-posendness and stability of coherent structures, formation of shocks, and effects of randomization will be discussed in the various talks.