



詳細につきましては、Siam Cosmos Service Co.,Ltd. までお問い合わせください。

1. 目的・目標

Siam Cosmos Services Company Limited(以下、「当社」)は、お客様のプライバシーを保護することをお約束します。そのため、本プライバシーポリシーは、個人情報保護法B.E.2562(西暦2019年)の枠組みの下で、国際標準に従って、個人データの処理に関する有効かつ適切な管理措置を設定するために、当社によって策定されました。

2. 定義について

2.1 「個人情報保護法」とは、個人情報保護委員会またはその他の権限を有する当局が発行する個人情報保護法B.E.2562(2019)に基づく規則、規定、通知などを含む個人情報保護法を意味します。また、個人データ保護に関するその他の法律、または個人データ保護法B.E. 2562(2019)または個人データ保護法B.E. 2562(2019)に基づく規則、規定、通知の適用が要求されるその他の法律も含まれます。

2.2 「個人データ」とは、個人に関する情報であって、その個人を直接的又は間接的に識別することができるものをいい、特に故人のデータを含みません。

2.3 「データ管理者」とは、個人データの収集、使用又は開示に関する意思決定を行う権限及び義務を有する自然人又は法人をいいます。

2.4 「データ処理者」とは、データ管理者の命令に従って、またはデータ管理者に代わって個人データの収集、使用または開示を行う自然人または法人をいいます。ただし、かかる活動を行う自然人または法人はデータ管理者ではありません。

2.5 「センシティブデータ」とは、人種、宗教、民族的出身、政治的意見、カルト、宗教的または哲学的信念、性的行動、犯罪歴、健康に関するデータ、障害、労働組合への加入、遺伝データ、生体データ、その他個人データ保護法 B.E. 2562(2019)に基づき個人データ保護委員会が公表したデータ対象に同様の影響を与える可能性のあるデータに関するあらゆる個人データを意味します。

2.6 「処理」とは、個人データの収集、使用、または開示を意味します。

3. 適用範囲について


3.1. 自然人であるお客様で、ここでは現在、過去または将来のお客様を指します。

3.2. 自然人である契約当事者、ビジネスパートナー、業務提携先、販売代理店。

3.3. 株主:当社の株式を保有する一般人または法人の代表者。

3.4. 3.1~3.3項の行為を代行する者が法人である場合は、その者の自然人または法人の代表者。

3.5. 当社の業務執行取締役、法人の代表権を有する者、被代理人。

3.6. 当社と締結した契約が常用雇用か臨時雇用かを問わず、現在当社で働いている者、過去に当社で働いていた者、またはこれから働く機会のある者。

3.7. 外部委託労働者。

3.8. 試用期間中およびインターン

3.9. 当社の活動または当社が他の組織と共同で行う活動に参加し、その個人データが処理される者。

3.10. その他(3.1)~(3.9)に定める者と個人データの共同所有者であり、当社がその個人データを処理する者。


4. 個人情報の収集目的

4.1. 当社と情報主体との間で締結される契約(損害保険・生命保険の仲介、保険料受取委任状、各種保険契約の締結、ペット保険の締結、当社が保険仲介を行う各種契約の締結、売買契約の締結等)の締結および当該契約に基づく義務の履行 製品保証延長契約の締結、サービス契約の締結、各種プロジェクトメンバーの任命、第三者との不動産・動産契約の締結、求人応募、インターンシップ応募、職務経歴の確認、推薦者からの職務経歴の確認、面接、雇用契約の締結、契約遵守のための福利厚生の提供。

4.2. 保険委員会事務局への免許更新、社会保険事務所への被保険者医療費請求、労働許可証延長、ビザ延長、源泉徴収目的のデータ保存、付加価値税・特定事業税徴収、労働保護・労働関係法に基づく従業員名簿提出など、会社運営に関する法的要求事項を遵守すること。

4.3. グループ会社、当社の提携先への個人情報の開示、分配、第三者への譲渡・開示。

4.4. 人事管理、従業員の業績評価、業務上の権利行使の記録、例えば欠勤、会社の各種休暇、社会保障に関する措置、社会保障基金、試用、配置転換、年次健康診断、従業員の業績評価、給与計算、入退社記録、研修準備、昇進、会社の活動への参加、個人記録作成、会社の福利厚生記録の受領のため。

4.5. 当社の業務に関連する機関等の調査、分析、必要書類の作成。

4.6. 法的請求権の行使、契約や司法手続きに関連した弁護を行うため。

4.7. 制限区域へのアクセスを管理し、人々が区域および/または当社が設定したシステムにアクセスできるようにするため。

4.8. 当社とお客様との間の交渉、コミュニケーション、関係の管理、お客様からのオプションやクレームの聴取(お客様のコンプライアンスや保険請求の解決を含む)。

4.9. お客様のニーズに対応するためのチャネルであるウェブサイトやアプリケーション、プラットフォームの開発・更新。

4.10. 市場調査、プロモーション、顧客行動分析の実施

4.11. 当社の業務に関連する機関やその他の組織に対する調査、分析、必要書類の作成。

4.12. 報酬・福利厚生の管理、活動のアレンジ、人材育成の推進

4.13. 個人情報保護法に基づく権利の行使を要求する場合、情報主体のデータを収集するため。

5. 個人情報の収集


5.1. 個人情報:氏名、姓、生年月日、年齢、体重、身長、国籍、配偶者の有無、国民IDカード番号またはパスポート番号、保険証書番号、タイ国以外のIDカード、社会保障番号、労働許可証、その他個人を特定できる公的文書、写真、サイン。

5.2. 連絡先:住所、メールアドレス、電話番号、FAX番号、LINE ID、その他これらに類する情報。

5.3. 財務情報:銀行口座の詳細

5.4. 職務情報:勤務開始日、試用開始日、試用終了日、勤務終了日、職業上の地位、職務経験、役職、職業免許、研修経験、給与、収入、その他の手当、所属部署。

5.5. 教育記録 GPA、卒業年、卒業時の専攻

5.6. ウェブサイト利用情報 オンラインシステムおよびアプリケーションで使用するユーザー名とパスワード、IP アドレス、ログファイル。

5.7. クッキー(Cookie)。

5.8. マーケティングリサーチ情報:データ対象者のマーケティングリサーチ統計。

5.9. センシティブデータ:宗教、健康関連データ、病歴、犯罪歴。

5.10. 閉回路テレビ(CCTV)の映像記録。

5.11. データ対象者の関係者情報:配偶者、子供、両親、受益者の氏名、姓、生年月日。

5.12. 業務マニュアル:部署、業務実績または雇用者の評価、職位、スタッフ数、経験年数。

5.13. 契約当事者、ビジネスパートナー、販売業者の情報:連絡先、役職、番号、電子メール、住所、取締役情報、株主情報。

5.14. その他の情報:車のプレート番号、車種。

6.1. 当社は、以下の2つの方法で個人情報を取得することがあります。


6.1.2 ウェブサイト、ソーシャルメディア、第三者のオンラインプラットフォーム、その他一般に利用可能な情報源を通じた個人情報の検索、サービスプロバイダー、コンサルタント、業務提携先、公的機関または第三者による問い合わせなど、情報主体以外の情報源から収集する場合。これらの場合、当社は、当該情報源から個人データを収集した日から30日以内に、遅滞なく情報主体に通知し、情報主体から個人データの収集について同意を求めます。ただし、法律により情報主体への同意の要求又は通知の必要性が免除されている場合を除きます。

6.2 当社は、次の場合を除いて、個人情報の収集前または収集時に、情報主体から明確な同意を得るものとします。


6.2.2 個人の生命、身体または健康に対する危険を防止または回避するため。

6.2.3 当社とデータ対象者の間で締結された契約を締結し、その契約に基づく義務を履行するため。

6.2.4 情報主体との間で締結された契約に基づく義務を履行するため、または契約を締結する前に情報主体が要求した措置を講じるため。

6.2.5 公益のため、または当社に帰属する公的権限の行使のために必要な範囲に限定して、業務を遂行するため。

6.2.6 当社、第三者または他の法人が追求する正当な利益のため。ただし、かかる利益が情報主体の基本的権利および自由によって優先される場合は、この限りではありません。

6.2.7 法律を遵守するため


7. 個人データの保管場所とアクセス権



8. 保有期間


8.1 特定の保存期間を指定する法律がある場合、当社はその期間に従って個人データを保管します。たとえば、歳入法、会計法B.E. 2543(2000)、損害保険法B.E. 2535(1992)、労働保護法B.E. 2541(1998)などがあります。

8.2 法令に個人データの保存期間が定められていない場合、当社は、当社の業務に必要な保存期間を設定します。


9. 9.個人情報の利用について



10. 10.個人データの開示・移転


10.1. 関連会社およびグループ会社

10.2. 取引先、サプライヤーまたは業務提携先

10.3. 損害保険会社、生命保険会社

10.4. 当社が指定する保険ブローカー

10.5. 法的権限を有する政府機関

10.6. 専門コンサルタント

10.7. 当社のその他の事業関連機関または組織


11. データ対象者の権利

11.1. 同意を撤回する権利 データ対象者は、当社が個人データを保管している期間中、当社に提供した個人データの処理に対する同意を撤回する権利を有するものとします。同意の取り消しは、取り消し後に発生する可能性のある行為に影響を与える可能性があります。ただし、同意の撤回が、データ対象者が当社に同意した個人データの処理に影響を与えることはありません。

11.2. アクセス権 データ対象者は、自分の個人データにアクセスし、そのコピーを作成するよう当社に要求する権利を有します。これには、同意を得ていない個人データの取得を当社に開示するよう要求する権利も含まれます。

11.3. データのポータビリティに対する権利 データ対象者は、当社に提供した個人データを、特定の理由により、他のデータ管理者または自分自身に転送する権利を有します。

11.4. 処理制限の権利。データ対象者は、一定の理由により、当社に対して個人データの利用を制限するよう要求する権利を有します。

11.5. 修正する権利 データ対象者は、当社に対し、不正確なデータの修正または不完全なデータの追加を要求する権利を有します。

11.6. 忘れられる権利 データ対象者は、当社に対し、個人データの消去、破壊、または識別不可能な状態にすることを要求する権利を有するものとします。

11.7. 異議を唱える権利 データ対象者は、一定の理由により、個人データの処理に異議を唱える権利を有します。

11.8. 苦情を申し立てる権利 データ対象者は、当社が個人情報保護法に従って行動していないことを予見した場合、直ちにデータ委員会に苦情を申し立てる権利を有するものとします。

12. 12.個人データの安全性



13. 13.ポリシーの見直し・改善


14. 連絡先

Siam Cosmos Services Co.,Ltd.(データ管理者)

142 Two Pacific Place Building, 15th Floor, Room No. 1502,1503, Sukhumvit Road, Klongtoey, Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110.


電子メール: privacy@siamcosmos.co.th

Privacy Policy

1. Objective and Purpose

Siam Cosmos Services Company Limited (“Company”) is committed to protect your privacy. Therefore, this Privacy Policy has been developed by the Company in order to set the effective and suitable management measures relating to the process of the personal data in accordance with the international standard under the framework of the Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562 (2019)

2. Definition

2.1 “Personal Data Protection Law” means the Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562 (2019) including regulation, rule, notification under the Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562 (2019) issued by Personal Data Protection Committee or other authorized authorities. This also covers any other laws relating to the personal data protection or any other laws that are required to be applied to the Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562 (2019) or regulation, rule or notification under to the Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562 (2019).

2.2 “Personal Data” means any information relating to a person that makes it possible to directly or indirectly identify that person, but not including the data of the deceased in particular.

2.3 “Data Controller” means a natural person or a juristic person having the power and duties to make decisions regarding the collection, use, or disclosure of the Personal Data.

2.4 “Data Processor” means a natural person or a juristic person which proceeds the collection, use or disclosure of personal data according to the order or on behalf of the Data Controller, however such natural of legal person who proceeds such activities is not Data Controller.

2.5 “Sensitive Data” means any Personal Data pertaining to race, religion, ethnic origin,

political opinions, cult, religious or philosophical beliefs, sexual behavior, criminal records, data concerning health, disabilities, labour union membership, genetic data, biometric data or other data which may affect the data subject in the same way as announced by the Personal Data Protection Commission under the Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562 (2019)

2.6 “Processing” means the collection, use, or disclosure of the personal data

3. Scope of applicability

This Privacy Policy covers the entire processing of Personal Data performed by the Company as follows:

3.1. Customers who are natural persons and hereby refers to current, past or future customers;

3.2. Contractual parties, business partners, business alliances and distributors who are natural persons;

3.3. Shareholders, either ordinary persons or representatives of juristic persons who hold shares of the Company;

3.4. Natural persons or representatives of juristic persons who act on behalf of person under clause 3.1 - 3.3 in case such persons are juristic persons;

3.5. Managing directors, authorized person to act on behalf of juristic persons, authorized grantee of the Company;

3.6. Employees, personnel who currently work with the Company or those who had worked or has opportunity to work with the Company, regardless of whether the contracts concluded with the Company are permanent or temporary employment;

3.7. Outsourced workers;

3.8. Probationers and interns;

3.9. Persons who participate in the Company's activities or activities that the Company collaborated with other organizations and their personal data is processed; 

3.10. Any other persons who are the co-owners of personal data with the persons specified in (3.1) - (3.9) and whose personal data are processed by the Company.

Additionally, this Privacy policy also applies to the processing of personal data on website pages, applications, mobile applications or any other means of personal data processed by the Company.

4. Purposes of collecting personal data

4.1. To enter into a contract and perform the obligation under the contract entered into between the Company and the data subject such as providing brokerage services for non-life insurance and life insurance, granting a power of attorney for receiving insurance premium, entering into various type of insurance contract, entering into pet insurance, entering into any type of contract which the Company acts as insurance broker, entering into sale-purchase agreement, entering into contract for extension of product warranty, entering into service contract, entering into appointment of various project membership, entering into immovable and immovable property contract with third parties, job application, internship application, checking work experience, checking work experience from reference persons, interview job, entering into employment contract, providing welfare to employee for complying with contract.

4.2. To adhere to legal requirement relating to the operation of the Company such as renewal of license with the Office of Insurance Committee, claiming medical reimbursement of insured person with the Social Security Office, work permit extension, visa extension, data storage for withholding tax purposes, value added tax or specific business tax collection, submission of employee list according to the law on labor protection and labor relations, etc.

4.3. To disclose the personal data to the group company, the Company’s partners, distributions and transfer or disclose to third country.

4.4. To manage human resource, evaluate the performance of the employees, record the exercise of rights related to work, such as absence, all types of leave of the company , the action relating to the Social Security, Social Security Fund, probation, reassignment, annual medical extermination, employees’ performance evaluation , payroll, entry and exit record, preparation of training, promotion, participation of the Company’s activities, preparation of personal record and receiving welfare of the Company record.

4.5. To examine, analyze and prepare required documents for agencies or other organizations that may relate to the operation of the Company.

4.6. To exercise a right in legal claims or defend in the context of contract or judicial proceedings.

4.7. To manage the access of restricted area, to enable people to access area and/or the system set by the Company.

4.8. To negotiate, communicate or manage relationship between the Company and customers, to hear the option or complaint from client including to resolve client’s compliant and insurance claim.

4.9. To develop and update the website or application or platform which is the channel for reaching and having interaction to customers’ needs.

4.10. To conduct a market research, promotion, customer behavior analysis.

4.11. To examine, analyze and prepare required documents for agencies or other organizations that may relate to the operation of the Company.

4.12. To manage compensation, welfares, arrangement for activities and promoting leaning and development

4.13. To collect the data of the data subject in case of requesting to exercise the rights under the Personal Data Protection Law.

5. Collection of Personal Data

The Company will collect only the Personal Data that is necessary to fulfil a lawful purpose which the Company will inform the data subject before or while collecting the Personal Data. The Company may collect the Personal Data as follows:

5.1. Personal Information: name, surname, date of birth, age, weight, height, nationality, marital status, national ID card number or passport number, insurance policy number, non-Thai ID card, Social Security number, work permit, or other official documents that can identify persons, photo, signature.

5.2. Contact information: address, email address, phone number, fax number, LINE ID and other similar information.

5.3. Financial information: bank account details.

5.4. Job information: starting date of work, starting date of probation, termination date of probation, termination date of work, professional status, work experience, position, professional license, training experience, salary, revenue, other benefits, department.

5.5. Educational records: GPA, graduation year, graduate major

5.6. Website use information: Username and password for accessing via online system and application, IP address, Log file.

5.7. Cookies

5.8. Marketing research information: marketing research statistics of data subject.

5.9. Sensitive data: religions, health-related data, medical history, criminal record.

5.10. Video record from closed circuit television (CCTV)

5.11. Information of the persons related with data subject: name, surname, date of birth of spouse, children, parents and beneficiary

5.12. Work manual: department, record of work performance or employer’s evaluation, position, staff number, years’ experience.

5.13. Information of contracting parties, business partners and distributors: contact information, position, number, e-mail, address, director information, shareholder information.

5.14. Other information: car plate number, car model.

6.1. The Company may receive Personal Data from 2 channels as follows:

6.1.1 Directly collect from the data subject, for example, collection of Personal Data by the Company’s employee or the insurance broker appointed by the Company, website, mobile applications, activities arranged by the Company, filling out personal information in Company’s application forms, either in paper or online form, usage of program or system in regard of human resource, responses to surveys conducted by the Company, or access to the Company’s website using Cookies and etc.

6.1.2 Collect from sources other than the data subject, for example, searches for Personal Data through a website, social media, online platforms of third parties or other publicly available information resources or inquiries made by service provider, consultant, business alliance, official agency or third party. In these cases, the Company will notify data subject without delay, but not more than 30 (thirty) days from the date the Company collects Personal Data from such sources, and request consent to collect the Personal Data from the data subject, except where exempted by law from the need to request consent from or notify the data subject.

6.2 The Company shall obtain explicit consent from the data subject prior to or at the time of collection of Personal Data, except under the following circumstances, where the Company may collect Personal Data without requesting consent.To fulfill purposes relating to the preparation of historical documents or archives on public

interest grounds or relating to research studies or statistics. In such cases, the Company will implement appropriate security measures to protect the fundamental rights and freedoms of data subject.

6.2.2 To prevent or to avoid danger to an individual’s life, body or health

6.2.3 To enter into a contract and perform the obligation under the contract entered into between the Company and the data subject s

6.2.4 To perform the obligation under the contract entered into with the data subject or in order to take steps requested by the data subject prior to entering into a contract

6.2.5 To carry out tasks, only to the extent that it is necessary to do so, for the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the Company

6.2.6 For the purposes of legitimate interests pursued by the Company or by third parties or by other juristic persons, except where such interests are overridden by the fundamental rights and freedoms of data subject

6.2.7 To comply with laws

In general, the Company does not collect Sensitive Data. Unless it is necessary or unavoidable to process such Sensitive Data. If there is such case, the Company shall obtain explicit consent from data subject prior to or at the time of collection, except there is an exception under the Personal Data Protection Law.

7. Personal Data storage location and right to access

The Company has established guidelines and methods for appropriate data collection to prevent damage that may be caused by the leakage of Personal Data, access, erasure, destruction, transmission or disclosure of Personal Data without the permission of the data subject or from the company. In this regard, only those who is authorized by the Company or as required by law will have the right to access the storage location of such Personal Data.

If the company has hired an agency or third parties to process Personal Data for the purposes and on behalf of the Company. The Company will inform such agency or third parties to keep confidential of the Personal Data and secure such Personal Data, including preventing Personal Data from being collected, used or disclosed for any other activities that does not fall within the scope of service or against the law.

8. Retention period

The Company will retain Personal Data with the following period:

8.1 In the event that there is a law specifying a specific retention period, the Company will keep Personal Data in accordance with such timeframe, for example the Revenue Code, Accounting Act B.E. 2543 (2000), Non-Life Insurance Act B.E. 2535 (1992), Labor Protection Act B.E. 2541 (1998) and etc.

8.2 In the event that the law does not specify a specific period for retaining the Personal Data, the Company will set the retention period as necessary for the Company's operations.

After the above retention period, the company will delete, destroy or make the Personal Data anonymized.

9. Usage of Personal data

Only the authorized person as specified by the Company or as required by law will be able to access and use the Personal Data collected by the Company. The Company will set measures for accessing and using data in each type, situation, specific event or position in order to prevent damage or breach of the data subject's rights.

For any personal data that has been collected by the Company before Personal Data Protection law coming into force, the Company shall be able to process such personal data within the initial purpose of collection without obtaining any consent from data subject.

10. Disclosure and transfer of Personal Data

Pursuant to Objectives in Clause 4, the Company may disclose necessary Personal Data to organization or third parties per the consent granted by the data subject unless such disclosure is permitted by law. The Personal Data controlled by the Company may be disclosed to the followings:

10.1. Affiliate or group company

10.2. Counterparties, suppliers or business alliances

10.3. Non-life insurance company, life insurance company

10.4. Insurance broker appointed by the Company

10.5. Government agencies with legal authorities

10.6. Professional consultant

10.7. Other business-related agencies or organization of the Company

Generally, the Personal Data controlled by the Company will be processed in Thailand. Nevertheless, under the necessary circumstances, the Company will disclose, transfer or forward the Personal Data to person or organization as stated in Clause No. 10.1-10.7 located outside the country, according to the framework set out in the Personal Data Protection Law and in order to achieve the purposes stated in this Privacy Policy. In such case, the Company will ensure that the recipient company has adequate data protect standard unless there is exception under the law.

11. Rights of the data subjects

11.1. Right to withdraw consent: The data subject shall have the right to withdraw their consent for the processing of Personal Data that they have given to the Company throughout the period in which the Personal Data is kept by the Company. The withdrawal of consent may affect any action which might occur after the withdrawal. Nonetheless, the withdrawal of consent will not affect the processed Personal Data which the data subject has given consent to the Company.

11.2. Right of access: The data subject shall have the right to access their Personal Data and request the Company to make a copy of such data, including the right to ask the Company to disclose any acquisitions of their Personal Data for which consent has not been given.

11.3. Right to data portability: The data subject has the right to transfer Personal Data that they have provided to the Company to other Data Controllers or themselves for certain reasons.

11.4. Right to restriction of processing: The data subject shall have the right to request the Company to restrict the use of their Personal Data for certain reasons.

11.5. Right to rectification: The data subject shall have the right to request the Company to correct the incorrect data or add the incomplete data.

11.6. Right to be forgotten: The data subject shall have the right to request the Company to erase, destroy or make the Personal Data unidentifiable.

11.7. Right to object: The data subject shall have the right to object to the processing of their Personal Data for certain reasons.

11.8. Right to lodge a complaint: In the event that the data subject foresees that the Company does not act in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law, the data subject shall have the right to lodge a complaint to the Data Commission immediately.

12. Personal Data security

The Company has appropriate Personal Data security and safety measures in management, technical and organization aspects to prevent the data that may be loss, destroyed, or accessed by the unauthorized person including any changes that may cause damage to the data subject.

Nevertheless, it is widely known that the processing of Personal Data through the internet system is not completely secure. Therefore, the Company will develop the security system in accordance with the current technology and under the appropriate cost of changing technology.

13. Policy review and improvement

The Company will review and update this Privacy Policy from time to time or if there is any material change to the Privacy Policy. If necessary, the Company will request consent from the data subject related to such change. The data subject can review the change(s) to the Privacy Policy from below QR code.

14. Contact information

Committee of Data Protection Officer: DPO

Siam Cosmos Services Co., Ltd. (Data Controller)

142 Two Pacific Place Building, 15th Floor, Room No. 1502,1503, Sukhumvit Road, Klongtoey, Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110.

Contact number: 02-257-4100

Email: privacy@siamcosmos.co.th

QR Code (Siam Cosmos Services  Privacy Policy)