

  • Fall 2023: Instructor for Calculus I (Math 1a)

  • Winter 2022: Instructor for Measure theory (Math 108b).

  • Fall 2022: Instructor for Dynamical Systems (Math 147a).

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

  • Fall 2020: Discussion section TA for Calculus III (Math 241).

  • Summer 2020: Discussion section TA for Calculus III (Math 241).

  • Spring 2020: Grader for Functional Analysis (Math 541), Differential Equations (Math 441).

  • Fall 2019: Grader for Real analysis (Math 540), Introduction to Probability Theory (Math 461).

  • Spring 2019: Grader for Functional Analysis (Math 541), Real analysis (Math 540), Applied Complex Variables (Math 446).

  • Fall 2018: TA for Differential Equations (Math 285); Grader for Introduction to Probability Theory (Math 461), Honors Real Analysis (Math 424).

  • Spring 2018: TA for Differential Equations (Math 285); Grader for Intro to Partial Differential Equations (Math 442), Honors Real Analysis (Math 424).

  • Fall 2017: TA for Differential Equations Plus (Math 286); Grader for Introduction to Probability Theory (Math 461), Complex Variables (Math 448).