

  • A mass-shifting phenomenon of truncated multivariate normal priors (Journal of the American Statistical Association, to appear, 2022) [Link]
    Zhou, S. , Ray, P. , Pati, D. and Bhattacharya, A

  • Statistical Guarantees for Transformation Based Models with Applications to Implicit Variational Inference (AISTATS, 2021) [Link]

Plummer S.* , Zhou, S.* , Bhattacharya, A. , Pati, D. and Dunson, D. (*: equal contribution)

  • Reexamining the proton-radius problem using constrained Gaussian processes (Physical Review C, 2019) [Link]

Zhou, S. , Giulani, P. , Piekarewicz, J. , Bhattacharya, A. and Pati, D

  • Gaussian processes with errors in variables: Theory and computation. (Preprint) [arXiv]

Zhou, S. , Pati, D. , Wang, T. , Yang, Y. and Carroll, RJ