Minor in
Film Studies

Sam Houston State University

Spring 2022


For Minor & Liberal Studies

What is Film Studies?

Expert study of movies, television shows, video games, and more

Moving image media play an important part of contemporary life. You already think about them and talk about them in many ways. The academic discipline of film & media studies develops expertise through history and philosophy on a variety of subjects.

Most film & media scholars communicate through written essays that debate how to understand some historical or philosophical question—what does this show say about a given society and culture, in a given era? what does this video game say about a certain moral question? how do movies communicate differently than speech?—some artist-scholars also engage these questions through experimental films and video art.

How is this expertise useful?

Like all liberal arts study, becoming a film & media expert trains you for general business administration.

  • Critical Thinking

To think critically about human culture and society, a phenomenon as complex as any physical object, is relevant to all human affairs. To reason with evidence and style to convince other experts prepares you for any serious decision-making environment.

  • Communication Skills

To communicate about moving images is like learning a new language, that is the global language of the 21st century.

  • Cultural Knowledge

To explore different cultures and different eras through popular media begins your journey in the wider world, and gives you occasions to connect with diverse peoples.

  • Media Professions

Positions in the media industry obviously have great use for this expertise. So do professionals in other fields who use media—don't they all today? Businesses, churches, schools, and law enforcement all use video to communicate with their publics. An expert understanding will be useful for strategy and management in all these areas.