2017 Term 3 Bookings

2017 Term 3 - August 21st - September 15th

Squad and Lessons can be booked below:

All new swimmers need to be assessed by the LTS teacher to be allocated a level: email registrar@seals.org.au to make an assessment booking.

The Term 3 Program needed to be adjusted this year with Coach Robby heading off on a well earned break to enjoy his Honeymoon.

The revised term 3 program will give an opportunity for those wanting to get a head start on the winter season. With a focus on the Learn to Swim classes and some limited junior squads, it will start the week after Ekka - Monday August 21 and run for 4 weeks, prior to the Spring school holidays.

Fees are based on the number of classes or squads per week

  • 1 Swim per week $60
  • 2 Swims per week $75
  • 3 Swims per week $90

Learn to Swim

  • Tadpoles - 30 min ( 4 per class)

Our Tadpole level is a beginning level of LTS catering for children ages 3 years and up. Here, your child will learn all the basic skills required to swim unaided in the water. Blowing bubbles, kicking unaided and paddling, through to big arms and floating on their back, our tadpole level is designed to help give each swimmer the confidence they need to swim unaided in the water and start to increase their skills base.

  • Platypus - 30 min (5 per class)

The intermediate level of our program is Platypus. Backstroke kicking and drills as well as basic breathing patterns in freestyle are introduced, as well as continuing on with the skills learnt from their Tadpole class. Distance is increased and each lesson contains basic diving practice at the end of each lesson. This level is primarily to help accelerate each child’s skills base and help them become comfortable swimming with big arms for short distances in the water.

  • Dolphins - 30 min (6 per class)

Our advanced level of learn to swim is Dolphins, here swimmers will be expected to be able to perform 25m of freestyle and backstroke competently. Breaststroke and Butterfly kicks and drills are introduced and correct diving technique is established. Tumble turns are also introduced in our Dolphin’s level.

A small junior squad program will also be offered based on demand

Once bookings are placed, you will be notified by email of either confirmation or alternative available times