Register for the ACT

To register for the ACT, if you have not already you will need to create an account at

Create your ACT account

Your ACT account gives you access to prep resources, register for tests, access your scores, plan your future and more. You will need an email and personal information such as address. Once you create your account, keep your login username and password in a safe place because you will need it often as you practice for the ACT, register for the test, print your test ticket, check your score...

You will need a Credit card to register for the test and complete the transaction online, and you will need to upload a head shot photo before the date indicated by ACT. The test costs $50.50 without the writing and $67 with the writing.


Local Test Sites:

Fairview High school - code is 371280

Woodward High School- code is 183480

Weatherford-SWOSU- code is 034400

Most of the National Testing Date centers will test you paper and pencil. There may be a few using computers but I am not sure where or if that is available. Plan on paper pencil test if you are taking on a National testing date at a testing center (not our school).