


D1. Feature Extraction of Face Using Transforms, 2014

Focused on accuracy comparison of techniques for feature extraction of facial images using wavelet, curvelet and ridgelet transforms. Demonstrated the use of DOST methods and LDA-combined-DOST methods for extracting spatial- and frequency-based features with improvement in time performance. [Using MATLAB]

Internship Projects

I1. Landmark Based Distance Approximation Methods In Large Graphs, 2013

Proposed and compared accuracy of methods for determining approximate distance between queries in a large graph, that utilised the concept of allocating pre-defined landmarks as reference points for distance calculation as opposed to evaluation of computationally costly real distance values. [Using C]

I2. Virtual User Creation for Multi-Modal Biometric Database, 2012

Built a database of virtual users based on face, finger and iris features to enable a framework that built algorithms to test, evaluate and compare the efficiency of matching algorithms.

Other Projects

U1. Subset of C-compiler, 2018 [C]

U2. WipeTab, a Chrome Extension for managing browser tabs, 2018 [ReactJS]

U3. Database Model Design for efficient querying of Twitter Database, 2016 [Cassandra,Gremlin]

Passion Projects

U4. ByeCiggy, (Helps you quit smoking to save money), 2020 [Swift] [Video]

U5. HungerStrike, 2018 [Prototype]