Small Story of A mediocre student from Rewa

Let me tell you, A small story of a mediocre student who got two diplomas from IITM

The journey starts from,

May 30th, 2018: Landed in Bengaluru, Karnataka. To fulfill my dream, to be at Indian Institute of Technology, Madras as a student and pursue MSc. It was my persistence to not return home before the exam (i.e., 9 months from now).

Feb 10th, 2019: Failed to score marks to get into IITM. Came back home. Not able to focus on studies due to family concerns. I stopped believing in myself.

August 2020: IITM will launch an online degree in data science, but it will be a BSc degree. I am not sure whether to do a BSc degree again. Family members pushed to take a chance.

Dec 2020: Qualified for the IIT Madras BS in Data Science Programme, I got an official letter. Finally, I am a student at IITM. Still, my dream was to visit IITM as a student.

May 24th, 2023: I am at the IITM campus as a student. And this is my college.

May 27th, 2023, 3 p.m.: At SAC, waiting in queue to get the batch number.

3:30 pm: We got the certificates, and now we had to go on stage for photos to be clicked officially.

4 p.m.: I told everyone in my family to see the YouTube live video and see me taking the certificate.

5 p.m.: Everyone is still waiting for the ceremony. During this one hour, I only felt my family should have been here cheering and smiling while chatting with them over the phone.

5:30 p.m.: The ceremony started. The moment for which I and my family waited for five long years.

5:40 p.m.–5:50 p.m.: Standing in line for official recognition as a student of IITM. Touched and bow down to the stage. Then went on to get the photos clicked. Touched the feet of the director and chief guest Venkat Viswanathan

The chief guest said, "God bless you, son". I was indeed blessed. I had lots of emotions in my mind, and everything looked faded. No words, just a smile I had left. A relief while I was going down the stairs.

A few people congratulated me on my way to the chair. I did not have any answers, just a smile. I came back to my chair, and my family shared screenshots. Two kids, whom I had just met a few days back, had clicked live photos and sent them to me. So happy they were. Each family member posted my photos and videos on social media.

Thank you to my family for the belief they had in me. It was their dedication and sacrifice for me that gave me these two diplomas.

And here I attach the video of that wonderful moment.

Ace Modern Application Development using Vuejs and Flask-Python.

Pro Tip: Do code, all assignment questions to understand the logic behind the code. Vs code and console will be your best buddy now.

# Use linux for development 

Week 1: Basics of JavaScript

Week 2: Advanced JavaScript

Week 3: Introduction to Web Frontend

Week 4: Introduction to VueJS

Vue JS 2 Tutorial #1 - Introduction  (Lectures 1-16)

Quiz1 time: solve all previous year questions and GA PA. The theory part will come from week 1 & 2 mostly and long coding questions form week 3 & 4. Hope instructors don’t change the pattern.

Real hustle starts Gear Up mate!!! 

Week 5: Vue with APIs

ScreenCast 5.1 and Vue JS 3 Tutorial - 47 - Lifecycle Hooks

HTTP Request What are HTTP requests?  

HTTP Response HTTP Response , Learn how to build app with API in Vue js tutorial 

 JavaScript Async/Await JavaScript Async , Fetch API in Vue Fetch api in Javascript | JavaScript Tutorial In Hindi #42 Important 

Week 6: Advanced Vuejs

Week 7: Advanced State Management

Now get ready to start working on project tokens are the starting point

Week 8: Authentication and Designing APIs

 Objective: Understand authentication mechanisms and API design principles.

 Topics: JWT Authentication, OAuth, API Design Best Practices,GraphQL overview 

 Resources: Authentication tutorials, API design guidelines, security practices

Flask API - Token Based Authentication , What Is JWT and Why Should You Use JWT 

Quiz2 time: solve all previous year questions and GA PA. Focus more on router vuex for coding questions cuz that’s the new concept theory might come. The API http requests part pyqs will help.  

Jan’24 revision session: 

Week 9: Asynchronous Jobs

 Objective: Learn to handle asynchronous backend jobs in Vue.js applications.

 Topics: Background Jobs, Queues, Task Schedulers Web server handling requests, Celery, Redis database.

 Resources: Asynchronous programming tutorials, job scheduling libraries  [Implement caching](screencast 11.1), [Webhook implementation](screencast 10.3)

Tip: Watch the live session of past terms easy to implement redis and celery use wsl2 or linux environment for redis.

Week 10: InterService Messaging and Webhooks

 Objective: Explore communication between services and handling webhooks.

 Topics: Message Brokers (e.g., RabbitMQ, Kafka), Webhooks Implementation.

 Resources: Messaging systems tutorials, webhook setup guides, handson projects.

Week 11: Performance

 Objective: Optimize Vue.js applications for better performance.

 Topics: Code Splitting, Lazy Loading, Performance Monitoring.

 Resources: Performance optimization guides, Vue.js performance tools, case studies. Watch lectures. [Implement caching in Flask application](screencast 11.1)

Week 12: Project

 Objective: Apply all learned concepts to build a realworld Vue.js project.

 Topics: Project planning, implementation, testing. 

End sem: Week 9-12 are now important so code all the questions and theory might come from week 12. Check out PYQs and GA,PA. CODE’em ALLLL!!! 

By following this structured path, beginners will gradually develop the skills and knowledge necessary to build highly interactive frontends using Vue.js, integrate them with backend APIs, handle asynchronous jobs, design APIs, and optimize performance, ultimately culminating in the completion of a comprehensive project.

Extra with extra:

useful links 

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