
For code and implementation details of projects during my internships, kindly contact me directly. I will be helping you as soon as I can. Click on the intern title to view a detailed description of the my project.

Qubole India (January 2017 - June 2017)

(Under the guidance of Shubham Tagra)

  • Worked in the Presto and Drivers team. Developed certain enhanced features on Presto (open source big data engine maintained by Facebook) like metrics collection and monitoring, SSL support for some presto services, query tracker for any query run on Presto.
  • Developed and built the Qubole ODBC driver for macOS / OS X to connect to Qubole Data Services.
  • Added some features to cache connection metadata like catalog, schema and table information, procedure information etc., simplify data fetch from Amazon S3 buckets, support for role based AWS accounts in the Qubole JDBC driver for various database engines like Hive, Presto and Spark used to connect to Qubole Data Services.

(Under the guidance of Prof. Justine Cassell and Dr. Zhen Bai)

  • Worked at the Articulab, Human Computer Interaction Institute on the SCIPR(Sensing Curiosity in Play and Responding) project, developing the crowdsourcing framework to enable online annotation of ground truth curiosity.
  • Pattern recognition program to identify a co-occurrence model between ground truth curiosity and curiosity-related behaviour.
  • Investigate multi-modal and machine learning methods to predict curiosity based on observable behaviours and the presence of external stimuli.
  • Details can be found here.

(Under guidance of Dr. M. B. Potdar(Projects Director, BISAG) and Dr. Manoj Pandya(Project Manager, BISAG))

  • Did extensive study-cum-research on Decision Trees and used C4.5 algorithm
  • Learnt Baatz image segmentation algorithm for object based image analysis.
  • Details can be found here.