Please remember that picture days are always hectic and we appreciate your patience. Please review the following items to help the process go more smoothly. Thank you!


View the Photo Schedule
and review the information below.

Picture Package
Pre-Order Form
Bring to Photo Day

Fill out the order form
for each paid AD to be included in the program.

Please be on time, dressed and ready!

Please be on time, dressed and ready to go at your picture time slot. We take the group shot at the beginning of your photo time and can not wait on late dancers. Thank you! Don't assume that your appointment is during your weekly class time. Some dancers DO come during their regular dance hour but some DO NOT.  No dance classes during photography week, just pictures. NO dads or male family members or friends allowed at the studio during picture week.

Have your child dressed and ready in their costume indicated on the schedule for your class on the photo schedule for your group picture. After the group photo, you may change into additional costumes for more pictures, as desired.

Costumes, Hair, & Makeup

Bring all costumes and accessories and if you are unsure about what to do with anything you received, we will help.  Anything that you did not receive with your costume (shoe ribbons, hats, etc.) will be at the studio and given to you upon arrival.

Tiny Dancers, Mini Movers, and Kids in Motion need to wear white turn down socks with ruffles or lace with their tap shoes. These can be purchased at Wal-mart or Target, typically in packs of three.

Remember, these are your pictures! You may style your child's hair and makeup however you wish. We recommend applying enough makeup to ensure your dancer's face is not washed out by the flash of the camera. Please have hair and makeup ready before arriving to the studio. You may dress in your costumes in the dressing room provided.

Photo Order Forms and Payments

Read the posted instructions upon arrival at the studio. First on the list is to see Jolei's receptionist to pay for packages/digital images and to get a number for your place in line. 

Familiarize yourself with the photographer’s order sheet and package prices above in STEP TWO. Know what you want and have your check and order sheets filled out before you approach the order table. 

The photographer does ask that you pay in full at the time of the order. Please make sure that your form is stamped "PAID" before entering the photography room.

Jolei or Jaynie will take as many photos as needed to provide a different pose for each of your ADs and packages/digital images. However, you are required to purchase at least one package/digital image to earn this privilege.

Makeup Pictures

If you are absent on the day of your class pictures, you may come on another day of the week for your individual pictures. If you miss your original picture time slot, your dancer will NOT be featured in the class or team photo. These can not be made up at a later date. 

No Cameras Allowed

The photographer’s policy does not allow ANY cameras in the photography room. You may take as many as you would like in the dressing room.

Ordering Additional Prints

Pictures will be available shortly after picture week. If you would like to order additional prints or a digital copy, you can do so on the Photo selection order form above in STEP THREE. 

Program Ads

Pictures taken during picture week at the studio are used in our recital program ads. Click on the link in STEP FOUR above or here to learn more about ADS. The cost of ads is also DUE the day of your photo appointment. Cash or checks made payable to ShowStoppers Dance Company can be paid in the studio office (separate of your photo order).