Hardham Weir

Please note: This is raw data and as such has not undergone any quality assurance by the Environment Agency. The impact thresholds provided are indicative, and are based on the Environment Agency understanding of when something could occur. Impacts could occur before or after the threshold levels we have provided. If you would like to help us improve our impact knowledge, please use the Contact Us link.
Long Term Max / Average / Min taken from period of record: December 1959 to April 2021

Please note:

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This is raw data and as such has not undergone any quality assurance by the Environment Agency.

The thresholds provided are only indicative.

If available, data is updated by 08:00 each morning. Only one river flow measurement is shown each day, for the last two weeks.

This data is being provided as part of a trial, to see if providing up to date flow information is of assistance to farmers and growers planning their irrigation needs in the Rother Valley. If you find this useful, have suggestions how we can improve it, or any additional comments about this site, please let us know via the email below!
