well water shower head filter

How Can I Soften My Shower Water?

It's reasonable to assume that softening water simply means to soften water, yet that's not always apparent what something entails and why it's good for your wellbeing.

The truth is that both hard and soft water exist, with soft water being desirable because of its good magnesium and calcium amounts.

When water is described as harsh, it indicates it has a high concentration of calcium and magnesium. Both of them can negate the impacts of detergents and soaps.

When hard water boils, that can somewhat turn soft, although this relies on the amount of stiffness in the water.

So, if you're dissatisfied with the quality of water at your home after spending a ton of money on water softeners, you have every right to complain.

It's essential to soften your showering water, especially since you're weary of dryness, skin irritation, lifeless hairs, and water stains on your bathroom tiles and doorway.

What is Soft Water?

Magnesium and calcium are two elements found abundantly in your shower water. The amount of these ions present inside your water determines whether it is deemed "soft" or "hard." Magnesium and calcium amounts are reduced in soft water compared to hard water.

Do I Need to Soften My Water?

It is not necessary to soften your water. Softening is an individual's preference that can have an impact on the house and the surroundings. When the water harshness exceeds seven granules per gallon or (120 mg/L), you may require a water softener to keep your gadgets running smoothly and enhance the flavor, fragrance, and appearance of your water.

Understand Your Shower Water's Hardness

Gain knowledge about the hardness of the water present inside your showers and figure out why you need to soften your water. You can consult a professional, test your water sample inside an independent laboratory, or use a test kit to determine the hardness of your water.

When you obtain your water from a municipal wastewater treatment plant, you may ask them outright regarding the hardness level of your water.

What Should I Do to Soften Water in My Shower?

There are two most commonly used methods of softening water:

Shower Head Filter

Installing a shower head water filter is amongst the possibilities. Softeners of this sort might cost upwards of $200. But if you're planning this path, be wary of shower filters that promise to soften water but don't actually modify it eventually.

Baking Soda or Bath Salts

Apart from placing a shower head filter, you might start putting bicarbonate of soda or bath salts or your showers to combat the dryness you achieve because of the hard water, but that would be bathing rather than showering.

But, Are Such Methods Effective Against Other Hazards?

Please remember that such remedies will not relieve you of the other problems caused by hard water.

Placing a water filter on shower-heads will not fix the harmful consequences of hard water, including clothing that appear dirty and look rigid after becoming cleaned, continuous limescale build-up in your washroom, and plates that are afflicted by hard water spots.

Rather than actually cutting corners when it comes to tackling water hardness in your apartment, think about investing in whole-house water softening installation that would last for years!

A water softener, for example, will aid in the elimination of hard water issues across your home. A water softener removes hard water particles at the moment in which all the fluids that come to your house guaranteeing that your entire household, not just the shower, is cleaned.

Will Your Shower Filter Soften Water?

Isn't it true that using a shower head water softener would improve the appearance of your skin and hair? Therefore, why haven't you seen a change when utilizing a water softener like this? The fact is that a shower head filtration system cannot function as a water softener!

To get into the grand scheme of things., to soften water, you'll require a significant amount of resins, which will never sit comfortably within the filters that are the size of the diameter of your palm.

Even though resins were ever placed on the inside of a shower filter cartridge, that would be of such a tiny quantity that it will only soften the water for a few moments before being unable to renew it, and it will probably never soften water anymore.

Whether you're still not sure about the shower filter not being able to soften water, use any hard water test kit to see whether the harshness of the water changes when you install a showering filter. The hardness particles could only be removed with a softener.

All in all, the water inside the shower filter wouldn't have much duration before softening. Water softening is a procedure that takes a long time to complete.

To know how effective water softeners, do their jobs, let's take a look at their procedures:

● The water softeners receive hard water from your water system pipe.

● The mineral ions inside the water are exchanged in the resin bed by small sodium-containing particles, which remove ions from the stream and deposit those on the resin bed.

● Magnesium and calcium, which are present inside the hard water, are not present in soft water when it breaks into your household pipeline.

● Then comes the time for the regeneration procedure when hard water minerals invade the resin beds.

● As the regeneration procedure begins, the resin tank pumps the brine inside the water system.

● The water minerals combined with the brine mixture are drained out via the resin tank right into the drainage that's near so it could be reused when the process of water softening initiates again.

Every effective method, from the looks of it, goes through a regeneration process. Even though the shower-head filtration system worked initially, the particles will charge the beads for a brief duration, rendering them worthless unless they were regenerated.

So, How Should You Soften the Water Then?

Let's peek at a few of the whole-house water filtration options since we've established why shower head water filters aren't a workable option for soft water.

Magnetic Water Conditioners

Although magnetic water conditioning systems are not like water softeners, these do help to mitigate the impacts of hard water. When the water supply isn't too challenging to start with, a magnetic water conditioner may be just what you need.

Whenever such devices are attached to the water pipelines, they produce a magnetic field. The contaminants and minerals in hard water will alter their chemical makeup as they move inside the magnetic field.

Consequently, rather than clumping altogether and adhering themselves to your apartment's pipelines and gadgets, the magnesium and calcium ions in water from the tap would start flowing down the drain.

Upon the water is especially hard, the conditioner that creates the magnetic field won't be too powerful to influence the quality of all the magnesium and calcium ions. You may not feel a thing while using one. However, a magnetic conditioner may be the most cost-effective solution to your water softening problems when the water is not too hard.

Reverse-Osmosis Process

Reverse-osmosis filtering is among the most effective domestic water remedies. The method removes the hard water elements and the sodium that is swapped, which is beneficial to people with low blood pressure. The outcome is drinking water that is both healthful and highly pure.

A reverse osmosis setup cleans the water via successive filtration media until nearly all contaminants are eliminated. To put it another way, the filtering system cleanses the water.

Sodium Based Water Softeners

Salt-based water softeners seem to be the most common method for softening hard water among households. Not only are they cost-effective, but they produce maximum results too, and that's why they're so prevalent. Such softeners are typically moderately priced and provide a long-term answer for water softening.

A salt-based water softener undergoes "ions exchanging," which removes excessive magnesium and calcium from the water. In this procedure, the ions producing hardness are replaced with sodium chloride, which "softens" the water. That's a wise choice that might save you time and money in the long run.

Salt-Free Water Filter

Salt-free water softeners function in the same way as do magnetic conditioners. Such setups emit a diverse array of frequencies and are connected to the apartment's primary water supply.

The chemical compositions of magnesium and calcium alter as water comes across such frequencies. Such components won't like to bond to each other due to the change in composition, enabling liquid to move correctly without producing limescale accumulation on your pipelines and utilities.

Especially if the water doesn't generate build-ups, the magnesium and calcium compositions will still be there. Therefore, in a sense, such solutions aren't softening the water whatsoever. Nevertheless, the benefits will be visible, and you'll never want to use as much body washes or soaps for showering, and your washroom will be spotless than it has ever been.

What are the Advantages of Using Soft Water?

If you cannot locate a practical water softener shower head on the market, you can still bathe with soft water. The below is a rundown of the main advantages of bathing in soft water rather than hard water.

1. Softer Skin

The skin dries up fast when you shower with rough water. The body may feel as though there is residual on it even when you've washed it. Showering in hard water to rinse might cause irritation or perhaps even Eczema in specific individuals.

Soft water, on the other hand, will effectively moisturize the body. As well as projecting freshness, you will also feel equally better too. Naturally-produced oils on your body will allow it to display a shinier look and a better appearance.

2. More Manageable Hair

The ions residing inside the pipeline water adhere to not just your shower-head but also your hair! As a consequence, even after washing your hair, it may appear lackluster and drab. Your hair will seem more vibrant and have a more excellent color when you wash with soft water. People also could discover how you can handle it more effectively.

3. Saving Money

Bathing in soft water doesn't appear to be a lot, but it can help save money. The chemicals in the soaps would not attach due to the lower chemical concentration, so you'll need fewer soaps, face washes, shampoos, and body washes.

The Takeaway!

If you've been paying attention so far, it's evident that a shower head water softener will not deliver on all of its promises. Even though the shower-head filtering appears to operate for a brief duration, it won't deliver for too long since it cannot regenerate its resin's bead, which means it will not be able to scrub the magnesium and calcium into a separate drain.

Fortunately, there are a few other methods through which you can soften your water and achieve the softest possible skin. We highly recommend adopting such techniques to prevent hair loss and dryness leading to irritation on the skin.