the reason is very simple: things will not get better from the belt. the opening of the ring has rendered the belt utterly obsolete. raw materials can now be easily mined from habitable planets. this means the belters will either die or turn to piracy, or worse. the belt will therefore, always, forever, be a problem for the inner planets. getting an excuse of "returning fire against the belt" should have been a God send for the rulers of Earth - this gives them a workable justification/excuse to wipe out the problem once and for all. we all know belters heavily depend on life support systems and have only one agri colony, which means the planet busters will be more than sufficient at wiping out the belt as a whole, in a system sized ring of fire.

from the TV show the damage on Earth should not be too terrible - each asteroid has a yield equivalent of 5MT, which, despite what you may believe, will not significantly impact the earth's eco systems (the ruskies detonated a 50MT nuke in the cold war. all in all we did nearly 2,000 nuclear tests between 1940 and 1980, including with bombs with a higher yield than 5MT). more over Earth already has a method of detecting the rocks with the watchtower sats, and Marco is limited to what stealth material he can get from Mars, and after the parliament bombing, it won't be much.

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First and foremost to avoid confusion:

In this thread GND refers to circuit common or 0V. Like the Arduino GND pin.

EARTH refers to the protective earth wire (PE) that is stuck inside actual dirt somewhere in the building.

Other than this application note I have also noticed the circuit common being connected to earth in an LCD TV I opened once. All the metal parts inside the TV where connected to the GND. And they were also connected to EARTH wire too.

Now some equipment has the above as well as earthing on the chassis to prevent electrical shock should something short to the chassis (power transformer for example). But this is not ideal in certain applications such as audio where it can lead to "ground loops" and hum getting injected into the audio. The solution is to isolate the system GND from the earthed chassis via a "ground lift" - this allows RF/EM shielding as well as isolates the 0V point from earth at all frequencies of interest and effectively breaks the ground loop.

So Sylens said its a point of no return and that i should complete stuff before doing it, so i looked in the wiki and it seems completion of 3 quests affect the storyline here including frozen wilds, now i dont wanna look for major spoilers but i originally intended to do the frozen wilds story after getting shield weaver armor but now i m not sure?

Assuming the earth being an ellipsoid with the main axis a being the mean equatorial radius and the second axis b being the mean polar radius, you can calculate the point on the ellipse represented by these two axes by using the current latidude. The calculation is shown and explained here.

In geoscience, sonification has been used in seismology since the Cold War [Speeth, 1961]. Scientists recognized that the human ear could distinguish between bomb blasts and tectonic earthquakes simply by speeding up recordings of ground shaking into the range of human hearing (~20 hertz to 20 kilohertz). This direct sonification is one of the simplest forms of auditory display and can be readily applied (with appropriate preprocessing) to a diverse array of oscillatory data, such as those detailing planetary orbits, seismicity, infrasound, ice core or sedimentary records, and paleomagnetism.

In sonifying catalogs of earthquakes or other oscillatory data-generating events, researchers can use multiple speed factors to stretch or compress individual events while accurately preserving the time sequencing of the catalog. Audio spatialization may additionally help distinguish sounds or represent spatial parameters, such as earthquake hypocenters, relative to a chosen observation location [Pat et al., 2022].

Sonification can also be applied to data sets that are not simply oscillatory, although additional choices beyond speed factors are required to represent other parameters. A popular approach is parameter-mapping sonification, in which data parameters are mapped to the parameters of sound. For example, the pitch of a continuous whistle from a tea kettle goes higher as the water boiling rate increases. The rising sound frequency indicates a rise in steam flux through the hole in the spout, a physical process that is a sonic proxy for boiling rate. General sonification approaches accomplish this by transforming data into sound. Other approaches may, for example, depict specific events like earthquakes with a specific sound called an auditory icon. The auditory icon can be modulated on the basis of aspects of the data, such as using a higher pitch and less reverberation for lower-magnitude seismic events.

For the 2018 caldera collapse sequence, we sonified only geodetic and earthquake catalog data, allowing a more focused examination of cyclic behavior during the climactic eruptive episode. In this sequence, 62 earthquakes of about magnitude 5, occurring roughly daily, accompanied steplike drops in the caldera floor recorded by a near-summit tiltmeter (a different type of geodetic measurement than GNSS). Hundreds of smaller earthquakes occurred between these collapse events, with interevent times decreasing as stress increased approaching the next large drop.

We used the chord sweep approach developed by Barth et al. [2020] to sonify the tiltmeter data, resulting in continuous tone clusters that rise and fall on a symmetric octatonic musical scale with the caldera collapse. Direct sonification of earthquakes, using a speed factor of 280 (original frequencies above about 0.07 hertz are audible), permits clear differentiation among different event magnitudes, and left-right stereo panning relative to the center of the caldera provides a spatial sense of caldera collapse. We sonified roughly 16,000 earthquakes with magnitudes greater than 1.5 [Shelly and Thelen, 2019] recorded at a station (PUHI) away from the summit to avoid signal clipping. For the accompanying visualization, we animated and colored the hypocenters and depths of earthquakes atop an image of regional topography and under a timeline of ground tilt. This visual approach illustrates the dramatic caldera collapse at the end of the 2018 sequence using topographic data collected afterward.

Some of these patterns have already been addressed in the peer-reviewed literature. But others have yet to be studied or explained. So what do you hear? Do clear patterns of deformation, VLP seismicity, or earthquakes seem to precede the 2018 eruptive sequence or other eruptive events? Do patterns of earthquakes and deformation change throughout the 2018 eruptive sequence?

We should point out that most countries have committed to cut total GHG emissions in their NDCs, but here we focus on CO2 emissions and exclude land use emissions. The reason for doing so is two-fold. First, the data for fossil fuels and industry CO2 emissions are more robust and comparable across countries. More importantly, there is a strong relationship between cumulative fossil fuels CO2 emissions and the resulting global mean temperature3. For most climate models, cumulative fossil fuels emissions explain more than 95% of the variance in global mean temperature changes (Table 2). We do not explicitly model non-CO2 forcing agents, but the very high predictive ability of CO2 emissions alone implies that doing so would not greatly change or improve forecasts.

"The current Stylebook and AP science teams know that many believe 'moon' should be capitalized," Froke said, "and many believe it should be lowercased. For now, we see no reason to change our longtime style. We would argue that the moon is a 'thing,' not a thing named 'Moon.'"

"Capitalize the names of planets (e.g., 'Earth,' 'Mars,' 'Jupiter'). Capitalize 'Moon' when referring to Earth's Moon; otherwise, lowercase 'moon' (e.g., 'The Moon orbits Earth,' 'Jupiter's moons'). Capitalize 'Sun' when referring to our Sun but not to other suns. Do not capitalize 'solar system' and 'universe.' Another note on usage: 'Earth,' when used as the name of the planet, is not preceded by 'the'; you would not say 'the Neptune' or 'the Venus.' When 'earth' is lowercased, it refers to soil or the ground, not the planet as a whole. Do use 'the' in front of 'Sun' and 'Moon' as applicable."

"Several of us Apollo veterans would like to point out that everyone should always capitalize the name of our nearest extraterrestrial neighbor, the 'Moon.' NASA does this in all of their web references. I hope that others will soon also accept this important and accurate way of portraying the Moon," said Ron Creel, an Apollo Lunar Roving Vehicle team member.

In this episode Trent interviews fellow Catholic apologist Jimmy Akin about his debate with Catholic young earth creationist Gideon Lazar and then talk about the concerns they have regarding this view of human origins.

Yeah. And that also leads to another thing. I mentioned how adopting a young earth perspective can lead people to distort the scientific evidence. It will also lead them to distort magisterial teaching. So they will downplay things that the magisterium has said or misrepresent things the magisterium has said in order to bolster their position.

I believe we should go to the moon. But I think every citizen of this country as well as the Members of the Congress should consider the matter carefully in making their judgment, to which we have given attention over many weeks and months, because it is a heavy burden, and there is no sense in agreeing or desiring that the United States take an affirmative position in outer space, unless we are prepared to do the work and bear the burdens to make it successful. If we are not, we should decide today and this year. ff782bc1db

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