A Final Word

Julia Quinn

I’ve always known that karate has been and will continue to be the biggest part of my life. It’s amazing how much the people around me and I have grown over the many years we’ve trained together. I can’t imagine my life any other way. I mean, it’s the root of my strength, discipline, my entire personality. But most importantly, it’s brought me my best friends and second family. The people that changed my life forever. I’ve always known how much my dojo family meant to me in the back of my head, but it wasn’t until I started Shotokan Spieler that I really faced the amount of love and appreciation.

From the start, creating this website, I wasn’t sure exactly what I was going to write about. I mean, there’s only so much you can really say about karate without showing it. Turns out, there’s a lot more to karate than the actual movement. It’s all about the mental struggles, the relationships built with both others and yourself, and the lessons you learn. I can say with utmost confidence that karate has changed me in a way that nothing else can, and I’ll continue to better myself through this art until my joints and bones won’t allow it. It’s so rewarding to be able to practice such a beautiful thing and incorporate it into your life. You get to learn so much about yourself, your personal limits, and how much knowledge you have to offer. You also get to learn from other people, and everybody has a different piece of knowledge to share. It’s truly incredible.

This started out as just a project but ended up showing me just how important karate is to me and allowed me to understand the rewards and changes I’ve experienced in my life because of it. Thus, I leave this blog with my final piece of knowledge; no matter what your experience level or physical limits are, karate is still beneficial. It’s beneficial to the mind, the attitude, the relationships. There is so much more to karate that violence. There is peace hidden inside of our fists and prosperity behind every kick.