Shot Clock App Support:

This is a Shot Clock App to use for pool matches, tournaments and practice.

Enter player names by tapping on the player 1 and player 2 area and hit enter or hide keyboard.

To use the match timer simply select a match time from the bottom either 30 minutes, 45 minutes or 1 hour and tap Match Start.

Once the match timer reaches 10 minutes remaining the 45 second shot timer reset button will disappear leaving only the 15 second shot timer in use.

Once the match timer reaches 10 seconds remaining there will be audio alerts down to 0 seconds.

To use the shot timer simply tap the start button to start the shot clock timer.

Once the shock clock timer reaches 5 seconds remaining there be audio alerts from 5 seconds to 0 seconds.

During play the reset buttons should be pressed as soon as the 'in play' player strikes the cueball and the start button should be pressed once all balls have stopped moving.

The extension buttons will add a 15 second extension to the shot clock and should be used once per player per frame. Once the extension button has been used for either player side it will disappear and will reappear once a score has been added.

Player frame scores can be added by tapping on the + stepper buttons.

The match timer and shot clock timers can be paused with the buttons provided and once a match has completed you can reset the match clock for the next match.

Download the iPad App here.

This App can be used once a match has been completed using the Pool Shot Clock App 

below where the match clock has been used and scores are tied at the end of the match clock.

To do this, both players will lag for the choice to go first or second then set up 6 balls of the same colour in the triangle 

with the top ball on the same point as a normal frame of pool and players take turns to break off from on or behind the baulk line 

and pot all 6 balls in the fastest time.

Simply hit the start button for Player 1 as soon as the cueball is first struck and hit the stop button for player 1 as soon as the final ball is potted.

On each shot the cueball or any object ball must make contact with a cushion after the 

cueball makes contact with any object ball OR any object ball potted.

When playing any shot both the cueball and object ball that the player is going for must be stationary 

however other object balls can still be in motion.

The penalty button should be used when a player either doesn't make contact with a cushion after the cueball makes contact with any object ball OR the cueball OR object ball that the player is going for ISN'T stationary OR no object ball has been contacted by the cueball.

The penalty button will add 5 seconds to the players time.

Once player 1 has played then do the same for player 2 and if the time of the player 2 reaches the same time as player 1 then an alert sound will be made.

Download the iPad App here.

Enjoy using the Apps and please feel free to add a review on the AppStore or send an email for support below.