
・Riemannゼータ関数の偏角の極値評価と零点の分布について, 上智大学数学談話会, March 2024, Sophia University.

・Value and Zero distribution of the Riemann zeta-function, The 17th Young Mathematicians Conference on Zeta Functions, February 2024, Kyushu University.

・Dirichlet L関数の確率論的従属性, 筑波セミナー, November 2023, 筑波大学.

・Moments of the Riemann zeta-function twisted by arguments, RIMS Workshop 2023, Analytic Number Theory and Related Topics, October 2023, RIMS, Kyoto University.

・Joint value distribution of Dirichlet L-functions in the strip 1/2 < σ < 1, 日本数学会2023年度年会, 代数学分科会, September. 2023, Tohoku University.

・Large deviations estimates of the Riemann zeta-function on the critical line, Second International Workshop in Analytic Number Theory, August 2023, Seoul National University, Korea.

・Joint value distribution of Dirichlet L-functions in the strip 1/2 < σ < 1, Universality, Zeta-Functions, and Chaotic Operators, August 2023, CIRM, Luminy, France.

Joint value distribution of Dirichlet L-functions in the strip 1/2 < σ < 1, RIMS Workshop, Zeta functions and their representations, March 2023, Kyoto University.

・Riemannゼータ関数のr個の零点の間隔について, 第2回大分数論研究集会, January. 2023, J:COM ホルトホール大分.

・(Survey talk), Weak subconvexity for GL(n) by Soundararajan and Thorner, 23rd Autumn Workshop on Number Theory, November. 2022, Kanazawa Chamber of Commerce Hall.

・Dirichlet L関数の同時極値の評価について, 2022大分熊本整数論研究集会, September. 2022, くまもと県民交流館.

・臨界線上でのL関数の値分布, 日本数学会2022年度年会, 代数学分科会, September. 2022, Hokkaido University.

・Dirichlet L関数の同時値分布について, 東工大 数論・幾何セミナー, June. 2022, Tokyo Institute of Technology and Zoom.

・Exponential moments of the logarithm of the Riemann zeta-function twisted by arguments, Seminar on analytic number theory, May 2022, Nagoya University and Zoom.

L関数の臨界線上での独立性について, 金沢整数論オータムワークショップ2021, October 2021, on Zoom.

・Joint value distribution for L-functions on the critical line, RIMS Workshop 2021, Analytic Number Theory and Related Topics, October 2021, on Zoom.

・Large deviations in joint central limit theorems for L-functions and their applications, Japan Europe Number Theory Exchange Seminar (JENTE seminar), January. 2021, on Zoom.

・Large deviations in joint central limit theorems for L-functions and its application, 神戸整数論ミニワークショップ, 

September. 2020, on Zoom.

・On the value distribution of the Riemann zeta-function on the critical line, 日本数学会2020年度年会, 代数学分科会, March. 2020, Nihon University.

・On the value distribution of the Riemann zeta-function, The 13th young mathematicians conference on zeta functions, February. 2020,  University of Toyama.

・On the value distribution of the Riemann zeta-function on the critical line, 第3回数理新人セミナー, February. 2020, Nagoya University.

・On the value distribution of the Riemann zeta-function on the critical line and large deviations in Selberg's central limit theorem,  Seminar on analytic number theory, November. 2019, Nagoya University.

・A relation between the zero distribution of the Riemann zeta-function and a Dirichlet polynomial for the prime numbers,  RIMS Workshop 2019, Analytic Number Theory and Related Topics, October. 2019, Kyoto University.

・ゼータ関数の対数関数とその反復積分の値分布について, 早稲田整数論セミナー, October. 2019, Waseda University.

・On the prime numbers and the distribution of zeros of the Riemann zeta-function, 日本数学会2019年度年会, 代数学分科会,  September. 2019, Kanazawa University.

・ゼータ関数と素数分布の関係性について, 山口大学数理科学科懇談会, 2019年6月, 山口大学. 

・ On the relation between the behavior of the Riemann zeta-function and the von Mangoldt function, Seminar on analytic number theory,  April. 2019, Nagoya University.

・ On the behavior of logζ(s) and the distribution of zeros, Value distribution of zeta and L-functions and related topics,  March. 2019, Wako, Japan.

・On a relation between the behavior of logζ(s) and distribution of zeros of the Riemann zeta-function,  Seminar on analytic number theory, December. 2018, Nagoya University.

・A relation between the estimate of S(t) and zero density estimates in short intervals, RIMS Workshop 2018,  Analytic Number Theory and Related Topics, October. 2018, Kyoto University.

・A relation between the estimate of S(t) and zero density estimates in short intervals, 日本数学会2018年度年会, 代数学分科会,  September. 2018,Okayama University.

・A relation between the estimate of S(t) and zero density estimates in short intervals, International conference on Number Theory dedicated to the 70th birthdays of Professors Antanas Laurincikas and Eugenijus Manstavicius, September. 2018, Palanga, Lithuania.

・Some explicit formulas for partial sums of Möbius functions, Seminar on analytic number theory, July. 2018, Nagoya University.

・Some explicit formulas for partial sums of Möbius functions, 第17回仙台広島整数論集会, July. 2018, Tohoku University.

・Extreme values of Dirichlet L-functions on horizontal lines in critical strip, 日本数学会2018年度年会, 代数学分科会, March. 2018, University of Tokyo.

・ディリクレL関数の導関数を含む非自明零点を渡る和について, 第14回数学総合若手研究集会, February. 2018, Hokkaido University.

・ディリクレL関数の臨界領域内での一様な下からの評価について, 第4回金沢山口合同研究集会, December. 2017, 金沢サテライトプラザ.

・いくつかの重み付き数論的関数の平均について, 2017大分熊本整数論研究集会, October. 2017, くまもと県民交流館.

・Weighted sum of the Möbius function, One day seminar, August. 2017, Nagoya University.

・重み付きメビウス関数の平均のオーダーとその応用について, 第11回福岡数論研究集会, August. 2017, Kyushu University.

・The Riesz Means of the Möbius function, Seminar on analytic number theory, April. 2017, Nagoya University.

・The Riesz mean of the Möbius function, 日本数学会2017年度年会, 代数学分科会, March. 2017, Tokyo Metropolitan University.

・数論的関数の平均化, 第3回金沢山口合同研究集会, December. 2016, Kanazawa University.

・Riesz mean of Möbius function, RIMS Workshop 2016, Problems and prospects in Analytic Number Theory, 31 October - 2 November. 2016, Kyoto University.

・Riesz means of arithmetic functions, Seminar on analytic number theory, July. 2016, Nagoya University.

The Riesz mean of the Dedekind function, 日本数学会中国四国支部例会, January. 2016, Hiroshima University.