Shota OSADA(長田翔太)

Assistant Professor

Affiliation: Department of Mathematics,  
Faculty of Education,  Kagoshima University

Korimoto 1-20-6, Kagoshima 890-0065, Japan

e-mail : (Please change {の} to at. )

2022 Sept. Terukuni Shrine on Rokugatsudou festival day, Kagoshima, Japan.

Research interests(Mathematics): 

Probability theory ,Point process, Determinantal point process, Ergodic theory, Ornstein's isomorphism theory

My research area is probability theory. I am interested in particle systems, especially in determinantal point processes. A determinantal point process is a point process whose correlation functions are given by the determinants of kernel functions and represents a repulsive particle system. It appears in various mathematical objects, such as eigenvalue distributions of random matrices, random graphs, and random tiling. I am trying to understand the properties and phenomena of interacting particle systems. I am also interested in ergodic theory through the Bernoulli property of determinantal point processes.