Shopping list

Privacy policy

Effective date: April 10, 2020

Michael Präauer ("I", "Me") operates the Shopping list mobile application (the "app").

This page informs you of the policies regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of data when you use my app. The Privacy Policy for Shopping list is managed through Free Privacy Policy.

Some unpersonalized data is needed to provide the service. By using the app, you agree to the use of information in accordance with this policy.

Information collection and use

To enable the sharing and synchronization features of the application I need to temporarily store three types of data on a Google Firebase Server:

  • The Entries of your lists
  • Your Google-Auth-ID to identify your own entries
  • Some app usage statistics

The app has no access to your email address or any other personal data.

As soon as you delete your list entries locally, the entries are also deleted from the server.

Use of data

Shopping list uses the data for two purposes:

  • To provide and maintain the app
  • To monitor the usage of the app

Service providers


I use a third-party Service Provider to monitor and analyze the use of the app.

  • Firebase
  • Firebase is an analytics service provided by Google Inc.
  • For more information on what type of information Firebase collects, please visit the Google Privacy & Terms web page:

Crash reports

I use a third-party Service Provider to monitor and analyze app crashes.

Contact Me

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact me:

  • By email: