Further terminology is used to distinguish various forms and media used in the film industry. "Motion pictures" and "moving pictures" are frequently used terms for film and movie productions specifically intended for theatrical exhibition, such as, for instance, Star Wars. "DVD" and "videotape" are video formats that can reproduce a photochemical film. A reproduction based on such is called a "transfer." After the advent of theatrical film as an industry, the television industry began using videotape as a recording medium. For many decades, tape was solely an analog medium onto which moving images could be either recorded or transferred. "Film" and "filming" refer to the photochemical medium that chemically records a visual image and the act of recording respectively. However, the act of shooting images with other visual media, such as with a digital camera, is still called "filming" and the resulting works often called "films" as interchangeable to "movies," despite not being shot on film. "Silent films" need not be utterly silent, but are films and movies without an audible dialogue, including those that have a musical accompaniment. The word, "Talkies," refers to the earliest sound films created to have audible dialogue recorded for playback along with the film, regardless of a musical accompaniment. "Cinema" either broadly encompasses both films and movies, or it is roughly synonymous with film and theatrical exhibition, and both are capitalized when referring to a category of art. The "silver screen" refers to the projection screen used to exhibit films and, by extension, is also used as a metonym for the entire film industry.

A film crew is a group of people hired by a film company, employed during the "production" or "photography" phase, for the purpose of producing a film or motion picture. Crew is distinguished from cast, who are the actors who appear in front of the camera or provide voices for characters in the film. The crew interacts with but is also distinct from the production staff, consisting of producers, managers, company representatives, their assistants, and those whose primary responsibility falls in pre-production or post-production phases, such as screenwriters and film editors. Communication between production and crew generally passes through the director and his/her staff of assistants. Medium-to-large crews are generally divided into departments with well-defined hierarchies and standards for interaction and cooperation between the departments. Other than acting, the crew handles everything in the photography phase: props and costumes, shooting, sound, electrics (i.e., lights), sets, and production special effects. Caterers (known in the film industry as "craft services") are usually not considered part of the crew.

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Since the introduction of digital video DV technology, the means of production have become more democratized. Filmmakers can conceivably shoot a film with a digital video camera and edit the film, create and edit the sound and music, and mix the final cut on a high-end home computer. However, while the means of production may be democratized, financing, distribution, and marketing remain difficult to accomplish outside the traditional system. Most independent filmmakers rely on film festivals to get their films noticed and sold for distribution. The arrival of internet-based video websites such as YouTube and Veoh has further changed the filmmaking landscape, enabling indie filmmakers to make their films available to the public.

The film opens in one of those grimy cityscapes where a little graffiti might brighten things up. A man with 10 o'clock shadow (Clive Owen) sits on a bench eating a carrot. A pregnant woman is chased past by men intent on murdering her. "Bloody hell," says the man, a phrase I find so much more elegant than "What the foosball underwater clockmaker kitchen," if you enjoy creating acronyms. He defends the woman in a hail of gunfire, while delivering her baby, ramming the carrot into his victim's cranium, and finding himself on the run with an infant in his arms, which is also how Owen spent much of "Children of Men," also with people shooting at him, so you could say he looks right at home.

In notes accompanying the film, Jarmusch explains that he never saw the Louisiana bayou country before he went to shoot a movie there. What he has seen are lots of movies, and "Down by Law" is an anthology of pulp images from the world of film noir.

Brendan Gleeson, with that noble shambles of a face and the heft of a boxer gone to seed, has the key role as Ken, one of two killers for hire. His traveling companion and unwilling roommate is Ray (Colin Farrell), who successfully whacked a priest in a Dublin confessional but tragically killed a little boy in the process. Before shooting the priest, he confessed to the sin he was about to commit. After accidentally killing the boy, he reads the notes the lad made for his own confession. You don't know whether to laugh or cry.

Baccarat takes the Straw Hats to a giant casino, and loans them a box of chips that are worth 20 million in total. Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper then run off into a contest where the price of admission is 1 million, shocking Nami. Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper participate in a Turtle Car Race, and as the race begins, Jimmy Myers initially leaps out to a large lead. However, Straight shoots and destroys his car, taking the lead, but due to his refusal to turn the car, he and his driver Curve drive off the track. Luffy's car passes several other competitors, but the driver in front, Whitejack, has Kiruko spray a liquid onto the track, which causes Luffy's car to skid and stop. As the Straw Hat trio recover and resume driving, Whitejack's car is forced off the track by Kent Beef Jr., but Count Times manages to maneuver in front of Beef. The Straw Hats then draw closer to Beef's car, and Pork throws a bale of hay at them, blocking their vision. The cars approach an extremely tight curve, and due to the Straw Hats' struggle to see through the hay, they careen off a cliff onto a golf course. However, as they skid around, Luffy pulls them back toward the track with Gomu Gomu no Rocket, and they fly through a Gran Tesoro logo. They then land right next to Beef and Times Count, and the three enter the home stretch neck and neck with each other. The Straw Hats manage to beat Beef and Times Count to the finish line by mere centimeters, and Nami rejoices at the profit they have made.

Tesoro and Carina then enter the room and greet the Straw Hats. Tesoro offers to challenge Luffy, saying that if Luffy wins, his profit will increase by ten times. Luffy agrees to the challenge and bets all his tokens; Baccarat then removes her gloves and touches him on the shoulder. The dice are then rolled again and come up as a two and a six. With Luffy having lost, Tesoro commends Baccarat on her ability. Baccarat reveals to the Straw Hats that she changed Luffy's luck with the Raki Raki no Mi, and Luffy suddenly gets a stomachache before slipping on a banana peel. Tesoro tells Luffy to hand over his chips, and the Straw Hats argue that they were cheated against, but Tesoro says the Straw Hats will have to work to repay their debt, as that is how Gran Tesoro operates. The Straw Hats realize they were tricked and prepare to fight, but Baccarat lures Sanji toward her and gives him bad luck as well, and Tanaka throws the Straw Hats into chaos by jumping in and out of the floor and shooting at them. Zoro then challenges Tesoro and rushes at him, but Tesoro encases Zoro's legs in gold and manipulates a golden dragon statue to counter his sword strike. As gold covers Zoro's abdomen and torso, Tesoro reveals that he has the power of the Goru Goru no Mi, giving him control over gold. When everyone enters Gran Tesoro, their bodies receive showers of gold, which he can use to control them. Tesoro tells the Straw Hats to repay the money they borrowed, and Nami attempts to intervene, but Carina holds a knife to her throat, and Nami recognizes Carina. Nami promises to repay the money, and Tesoro gives them until 12:00 tomorrow night to do it, or else he would kill Zoro in front of them.

Luffy and Franky climb up part of the hotel, but the remainder of the tower does not have handholds. However, Franky shoots out plungers from his shoulders that attach to the wall, giving him and Luffy something to hold on to. Meanwhile, while the Straw Hats in Team B hide behind a pillar, Carina distracts some workers who are delivering a metal dice container to the VIP points room. While she distracts them, the Straw Hats leap into the container. Tanaka oversees the container being transported, and he allows Carina to follow after it, allowing her to rendezvous with the Straw Hats when the container is stored away. Meanwhile, Luffy and Franky rappel from plunger to plunger, trying to avoid detection inside and outside the hotel. However, as they draw closer to the clock, the plunger Luffy is holding onto slips off, causing him to fall and forcing Franky to catch him. This causes Franky's plunger to slip off as well, though as they fall, Franky uses Coup de Boo to propel both of them back up. Both of these actions cause some people in a dining room to notice them, and Franky and Luffy reach the clock, but start falling again. However, Luffy manages to grab hold of the clock's minute hand and pull him and Franky all the way up to it; they then enter the giant clock through the glass, which Tesoro cannot feel.

Meanwhile, Team B runs through the hotel and approaches the door guarded by security. Robin uses her Devil Fruit powers to take out the guards, and the team enters a large hallway. The hall is being guarded by red-eyed owls which shoot red beams out of their eyes; anything living that makes contact with these beams will cause the owls to screech loudly. Being able to understand the owls, Chopper can listen their observation patterns and helps his teammates avoid the beams. The team reaches the end of the hall right as the owls all start looking towards them, and Brook is caught in the beams. However, due to his skeletal body, the owls do not register him as alive, and the team moves on. e24fc04721

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