Working papers

"Climate Policy and Trade in Polluting Technologies" (with Roweno J.R.K. Heijmans), NHH Dept. of Business and Management Science Discussion Paper No. 2024/3.


"Unconstrained Trade: The Impact of EU Cage Bans on Exports of Poultry-Keeping Equipment", Journal of Agricultural Economics, 74(2), 435-449, 2023. (Open access)

"Global commodity market disruption and the fallout" (with David Ubilava), Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 66(4), 737-752, 2022. (Open access) 

"Agroecological practices in combination with healthy diets can help meet EU food system policy targets" (with Elin Röös, Andreas Mayer, Adrian Muller, Gerald Kalt, Karl-Heinz Erb, Rob Hart, Sarah Matej, Lisa Kaufmann, Catherine Pfeifer, Anita Frehner, Pete Smith, and Gerald Schwarz), Science of The Total Environment 847, 1–17, 2022. (Open access)

"Import Demand Elasticities Based on Quantity Data: Theory and Evidence" (with Aaron Smith), Canadian Journal of Economics, 55(2), 1027-1056, 2022. (Open access) 

"Getting the Facts Right on Born Globals" (with Magnus Henrekson and Louise Johannesson),  Small Business Economics, 56, 259-276, 2021. (Open access)

"Farm Size, Technology Adoption and Agricultural Trade Reform: Evidence from Canada" (with Mark Brown and Crina Viju-Miljusevic). Journal of Agricultural Economics, 71(3), 676-697, 2020.  (Open access)

"State Trading Deregulation and Prairie Durum Wheat Production" (with Colin Carter), Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 68(1), 107-116, 2020. 

"Measuring the Impact of Agricultural Production Shocks on International Trade Flows" (with Johan Gars), European Review of Agricultural Economics, 47(3), 1094-1132, 2020.

"Deregulation and Regional Specialization: Evidence from Canadian Agriculture" (with Colin Carter), Canadian Journal of Economics, 52(4), 1497-1522, 2019.

"The Long-Run Performance of Born Globals in Computing: The Role of Digital Platforms" (with Magnus Henrekson), International Review of Entrepreneurship, 17(3), 257-280, 2019. (Open access)

"Intranational Trade Costs, Reallocation, and Technical Change Evidence from a Canadian Agricultural Trade Policy Reform" (with Mark Brown and Crina Viju-Miljusevic). In W. Schlenker, ed., Agricultural Productivity and Producer Behavior, NBER Conference Volume. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2019. 

"The Local Impacts of Agricultural Subsidies: Evidence from the Canadian Prairies" (with Ray Bollman), Journal of Agricultural Economics, 70(2), 507-528, 2019.

"Why is Carbon Leakage for Energy Intensive Industry So Hard to Find?" (with Mark Sanctuary), Environmental Economics and Policy Studies 24(1), 1-24, 2019.

"Sizing up the Impact of Embassies on Exports" (with Rikard Forslid), Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 121(1), 278-297, 2019.

"Competitive Pressure and Technology Adoption: Evidence from a Policy Reform in Western Canada" (with M. Rose Olfert), American Journal of Agricultural Economics 98(2), 422-46, 2016. (Honorable Mention, Outstanding AJAE Article Award 2017)

"Endogenous Product Differentiation, Market Size and Prices", Review of International Economics 23(1), 45-61, 2015.

"Institution-Driven Comparative Advantage and Organizational Choice" (with Sara Formai), Journal of International Economics 90(1), 193-200, 2013.

Factors Influencing Partial and Complete Adoption of Organic Farming Practices in Saskatchewan, Canada” (with M. Khaledi, S. Weseen, E. Sawyer och R. Gray), Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 58(1), 37-56, 2010.

The Political Economy of Farmland Ownership Regulations and Land Prices” (with H. Furtan och J. Carlberg), Agricultural Economics 35(1), 59-65, 2006.

Shorter papers, comments, replies

"Brief research report: the evolution of animal welfare legislation for pigs in 13 EU member states, 1991-2020" (with Anna Wallenbeck, Anette Wichman, Lisa Höglind, Sigrid Agenäs, and Helena Hansson), Frontiers in Animal Science 5, 1-9, 2024. (Open access)

Comment on D. von Below, B. Carlén, S.Mandell & V. Otto: Climate policy in Sweden in the light of Fit for 55. in Nordic Economic Policy Review 2023: EU versus National Climate Policies in the Nordics. Nordic Council of Ministers. (Open access)

Policy reports (in English)

"Ecosystem services for compensation of artificial turf systems" (with Julian E. Lozano), Swedish EPA project report, 2021.

Policy reports (in Swedish)

Born globals: Fakta och önsketänkande (Born Globals – Facts and Wishful Thinking) (with Louise Johannesson and Magnus Henrekson), Karl-Adam Bonniers Stiftelse, Stockholm, 2018.

Flyget och företagen (Aviation and Firms) (with Rikard Forslid), SNS Förlag, Stockholm, 2016.

Work in progress / projects

"Why entrepreneurial firms are underrepresented in clean-tech innovation - and why this might be a problem" (with Pehr-Johan Norbäck, Lars Persson and Polina Ustyuzhanina)

Heterogeneous dynamic economies of scale (with Per Hjertstrand)

"Impacts of animal welfare legislation on the farm economy across EU countries" (Formas project with Helena Hansson, Lisa Höglind, Anna Wallenbeck, Sigrid Agenäs)

"Evaluating the impact of Klimatklivet: Current evidence and future design" (Swedish EPA project with Rob Hart and Johanna Nolgren)