


  • Takehara, H., Shoji, D., Ida, S., (2022), Monte Carlo simulation of sugar synthesis on icy dust particles intermittently irradiated by UV in a protoplanetary disk. A&A 662, A76.

  • 庄司大悟 (2021), 「月のうさぎはいつどのようにして餅をつき始めたのか」 地質と文化 4, 42-56 (PDFリンク).

  • Yoda, M., Sekine, Y., Fukushi, K., Kitajima, T., Gankhurel, B., Davaasuren, D., Gerelmaa, T., Ganbat, S., Shoji, D., Zolotov, M. Y., Takahashi, Y. (2021), Field Investigations of Chemical Partitioning and Aqueous Chemistry of Freezing Closed‐Basin Lakes in Mongolia as Analogs of Subsurface Brines on Icy Bodies. J. Geophys. Res. 126, e2021JE006972.

  • Arakawa, S., Hyodo, R., Shoji, D., Genda, H. (2021), Tidal evolution of the eccentric moon around dwarf planet (225088) Gonggong. Astronomical Journal 162: 226.

  • Noguchi, R., Ishiyama, K., Kumamoto, A., Uemura, C., Kasaba, Y., Usui, T., Oura, A., Shoji, D. (2020), Radar Sounding of Subsurface Structure in Eastern Coprates and Capri Chasmata, Mars. Geophys. Res. Lett., 47, GL088556.

  • 荒川 創太,兵頭 龍樹,庄司 大悟,玄田 英典 (2020), 「太陽系外縁天体の衛星形成と潮汐進化」遊星人 vol. 29, 3号.

  • Stark, A., Hussmann, H., Oberst, J., Giese, B., Sohl, F., Shoji, D., Wickhusen, K., Wahlisch, M. (2019), Basic geodetic and dynamical parameters of Saturn’s moon Enceladus. Planetary Remote Sensing and Mapping.

  • Hussmann, H., Rodriguez, A., Callegari, N., Shoji, D . (2019), Early resonance of Tethys and Dione; Implications for Ithaca Chasma. Icarus 319, 407-416.

  • Shoji, D., R. Noguchi, S. Otsuki, H. Hino (2018), Classification of volcanic ash particles using a convolutional neural network and probability. Scientific Reports, 8:8111.

  • Oberst, J., Hussmann, H., Giese, B., Sohl, F., Shoji, D., Stark, A., Wickhusen, K. Wählisch, M. (2017), Enceladus Geodetic Framework. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing & Spatial Information Sciences, 42. 113-118.

  • Shoji, D., H. Hussmann (2017), Frequency-dependent tidal dissipation in a viscoelastic Saturnian core and expansion of Mimas’ semi-major axis. A&A, 599 L10.

  • Shoji, D., H. Hussmann (2016), A stochastic basis to the spatially uniform distribution of randomly generated Ionian paterae. J. Geophys. Res. 121, 2055-2062.

  • Hussmann, H., D. Shoji, G. Steinbruegge, A. Stark, F. Sohl (2016), Constraints on dissipation in the deep interiors of Ganymede and Europa from tidal phase-lags. Celest. Mech. Dyn. Astr. 126, 131-144.

  • Shoji, D., K. Kurita (2015), Delamination in super-Earths extrapolated from the Earth model. Planetary and Space Science 109-110, 38-45.

  • Shoji, D., K. Kurita (2014), Compositional diapirism as the origin of the low albedo terrain and vaporization at mid-latitude on Ceres. J. Geophys. Res. 119., 2457-2470.

  • Shoji, D., K. Kurita (2014), Thermal-Orbital Coupled Tidal Heating and Habitability of Martian-Sized Extrasolar Planets around M Stars. Astrophysical Journal 789, 3.

  • Shoji, D., H. Hussmann, F. Sohl, K. Kurita (2014), Non-steady state tidal heating of Enceladus. Icarus 235, 75-85.

  • Shoji, D., H. Hussmann, K. Kurita, F. Sohl (2013), Ice rheology and tidal heating of Enceladus. Icarus 226, 10-19.

  • Shoji, D., K. Kurita, H. K.M. Tanaka (2012), Efficiency of neutrino-induced radio measurements to inspect local areas of Enceladus. Icarus 218, 555-560.

  • 庄司大悟,栗田敬,田中宏幸 (2011),「ニュートリノ起因の電波を用いた氷衛星探査」,遊星人 vol. 20 No.4

  • Shoji, D., H. K.M. Tanaka and K. Takamatsu (2011), Development of a Simple-Material Discrimination Method with Three Plastic Scintilator Strips: for Easy Inspection of Mass-Conserved System. Nucl. Inst. and Meth. A. 654, 608-612.

  • Shoji, D., K. Kurita, and H. K. M. Tanaka (2011), Constraint of Europan ice thickness by measuring electromagnetic emissions induced by neutrino interaction. Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L08202.

  • Tanaka, H.K.M., Taira, T. Uchida, M. Tanaka, M. Takeo, T. Ohminato, Y. Aoki, R. Nishiyama, D. Shoji, and H. Tsuji (2010), Three dimensional computational axial tomography scan of a volcano with cosmic ray muon radiography. J. Geophys. Res., 115, B1233