Dark Matter on Earth -

Learning from Mystery Spots and Gravity Hills

My Science Website (2)

Original on September 11, 2013

Revised and Updated on August 1, 2019

By Sing H. Lin, Ph.D., E-Mail: singhlin@gmail.com


My Science Website (1) at:

Web Page (1) http://www.shltrip.com/Magnetic_Hill.html

presented eleven sets of evidences to show that (a) Illusion Theory is wrong for mysteries on hundreds of Gravity Hills and in several known Mystery Spot areas on earth surface, and (b) These mysteries are real and are caused by existence of strong abnormal local gravity with a strong horizontal component of local gravity at these special locations of Gravity Hills and Mystery Spot areas. Such results lead into an important and very challenging question of "What is the source of such strong abnormal local gravity?"

This challenging question is the driving force for my more than 20 years of research on Gravity Hills and Mystery Spot areas to find the answer. My more than 20 years of research indicates that:

(a) The observed Shrink-and-Grow Mystery and the slow movements of scenery in Mystery Spot areas seem to suggest that high concentration of Type B dark matter can shrink spacetime in its vicinity.

My Science Website (6): Spacetime Shrinking by Dark Matter as Revealed from Shrink-and-Grow Mystery

(b) the mass densities of our familiar ordinary matters on or near earth surface are too low by at least three orders of magnitude and are unable to produce those observed mysteries, and

(c) the source of the strong abnormal local gravity at each of those special locations is a fountain of Type B high density dark matter. The mass density of the core of the fountain of dark matter is at least 1,000 times greater than that of average ordinary matter on or near earth surface. Furthermore, each fountain of high density dark matter is supported by two vertical narrow streams of Type B high density dark matter trapped and oscillating in earth gravity well. These key results plus some more important information enables me to develop the dark matter based theory of Mystery Spot areas and Gravity Hills.

There are two types of dark matter: Type A low density dark matter is in the galaxy dark matter halo surrounding our Milky Way Galaxy or other galaxies, and Type B dark matter that can clump together into much higher density because Type B dark matter can shed more energy through certain dissipative processes involving yet unknown dark interaction processes (such as dark radiation, or dark light or dark photon, etc.) in the dark sector of universe.

This theory shows that the distribution of Type B high density dark matter in the earth is NOT uniform but is highly concentrated at those special locations of Gravity Hills and Mystery Spot areas.

The important implications of this theory to the experiments on direct detection of dark matter on earth in 12 or more deep underground laboratories are described in My Science Website (3):

My Science Website (3): Two Types of Dark Matter and Their Effects on Dark Matter Detection on Earth

My theory indicates that:

(d) none of these 12 or more deep underground laboratories have detected Type A low density dark matter,


(e) the two deep underground laboratories in Italy and in Minnesota, USA have detected Type B high density dark matter.

The validated successful direct detection of dark matter by human being for the first time will be an important milestone and accomplishment in modern science.


Note: I started presenting My Science Website (2) on September 11, 2013. (The companion My Science Website (1) started on January 3, 2007.) I have been revising and updating My Science Website (2) from time to time as I gain more insight and relevant information from my ongoing research on this project. Most recent update of this website was on August 1, 2019. As of May 15, 2017, My Science Website (2) had been accessed at least 5,128 times by my friends and strangers all over the world.

I presented highlights of my more than 20 years of research on this project in a meeting of IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) New York Section in Long Island University, Brooklyn Campus, on April 24, 2015 and in another IEEE meeting in Monmouth County Library in Manalapan, New Jersey, USA on September 29, 2016. The second meeting was co-sponsored by IEEE New Jersey Coast Life Member Group and IEEE New Jersey Coast EMC/VT/AP Chapter.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

1.1. Two Types of Dark Matter

Hypothesis 1 on Type B Dark Matter

2. Why the source of significant abnormal local gravity for these mysteries is NOT our familiar ordinary matter, but is dark matter?

2.1. First Estimation of Physical Size of the Source of Significant Abnormal Local Gravity

2.2. Second Evidence of Small Scale Structure of Significant Abnormal Local Gravity

2.3. Third Evidence of Small Scale Structure of Significant Abnormal Local Gravity

2.4. Fourth Evidence of Small Scale Structure of Significant Abnormal Local Gravity

2.5. Fifth Evidence of Small Scale Structure of Significant Abnormal Local Gravity

2.6. Important Finding on Physical Size

2.7. Estimation of Mass Density in the Source of Significant Abnormal Local Gravity

2.7.1. Important Finding on Extreme High Mass Density of the Source of Significant Abnormal Local Gravity

2.8. Is the Source Underground, On the Ground or Above Ground?

2.9. Nobody has ever seen them or touched them

3. Summary of Characteristics of Strange Source of Significant Abnormal Local Gravity at Gravity Hills and Mystery Spot areas

3.2. Hypothesis 2 on Fountain of Dark Matter with Extreme High Mass Density

4. Dark Matter

5. Hypothesis 3 on Dark Matter based Theory for Mystery Spots and Gravity Hills

5.1. Dark Matter Oscillating inside the Gravity Well of Earth and through the Center of Earth

5.2. It is not a Solid and Rigid Fountain

5.2.1. Fountain of Dark Matter

5.3. Where do these dark matter particles oscillating in earth gravity well come from?

5.4. Clumping of Dark Matter Particles Trapped in Earth Gravity Well

5.5. Hypothesis 4 - Gravity Anchor for Dark Matter Particles Trapped in Earth Gravity Well

5.6. Some Supporting Information on Gravity Anchor for Dark Matters Oscillating in Earth Gravity Well

5.7. Highly Non-Uniform Distribution of Dark Matter Particles Trapped in Earth Gravity Well

5.8. One More Twist in this Theory Based on Observed Dynamic Behavior of Gravity Mysteries

5.8.1. Slowly Moving Location of the Fountain of Dark Matter

5.9. Thousands of Narrow Streams of High Density Dark Matter Oscillating in Earth Gravity Well

6. Dark Matter on Earth as revealed from Shrink-and-Grow Mystery

7. Application of My Theory to Dark Matter Detection in Deep Underground Laboratories

8. Concluding Remark

Appendix A: A Signature of Mystery Spot

Appendix B - Some Sample References on Astronauts Grow Taller when they are in Space under Weightless Condition

Appendix C - Non-Uniform Streams of Dark Matter

Appendix D: My Proposal to Validate Dark Matter Detection in Deep Underground Experiments

D.1. A Serious Dilemma in Direct Detection of Dark Matters

D.2. My Proposal to Validate Dark Matter Detection

D.2.1. Hypothesis D1 for the Dilemma in Detected Dark Matter Signal

D.2.2. My Model for Annual Modulation in Detected Dark Matter Signal

D.2.3. Why Ten or More Deep Underground Laboratories Have Not Detected Dark Matter?

D.2.3.1. WIMP vs. Super Heavy Particle for Dark Matter

D.2.4. My Prediction for Experiment Sites in Italy and Minnesota, USA

D.2.5. My Hypothesis D2 for the Other Ten or more Deep Underground Laboratories

D.2.6. How to Replicate the Detected Dark Matter Signal in Other Experiment Sites

D.2.7. Measured Data from Italy and Minnesota Support Streaming Dark Matter

D.2.8. Detection of Dark Matter Particles in Multiple Detectors in Deep Underground Laboratory

D.3. Validate Successful Direction Detection of Dark Matter by Seven Sets of Evidences and Proposals

Appendix E: More Tests for the Dark Matter Based Theory

Technical Background of the Author of This Web Page


1. Introduction

My Science Website (1) at:

My Science Website (1): http://www.shltrip.com/Magnetic_Hill.html

presents eleven sets of evidences to show that (1) Illusion Theory is wrong for the Gravity Hill Mystery on hundreds of known Gravity Hills all over the world and for the Shrink-and-Grow Mystery in several known Mystery Spots, and (2) These two famous mysteries are real and are caused by the existence of significant abnormal local gravity at those special locations. (The definitions for Gravity Hill Mystery, Gravity Hills, Shrink-and-Grow Mystery and Mystery Spots are given in Section 1 in My Science Website (1) and will not be repeated here.) My Science Website (2) here will show that the existence of significant abnormal local gravity is an indication of very high concentration of dark matter at these special locations on earth.

As soon as the stonewall of Illusion Theory is broken down, an immediate and challenging question is “What is the source of such significant abnormal local gravity at those special locations?”

This important question is a powerful driving force for my more than 20 years of research (since 1993) in finding all the necessary support information that shapes my hypothesis on “Dark Matter based Theory for Mystery Spots and Gravity Hills.”

This theory of dark matter on earth provides scientific explanation for these two famous mysteries with signatures of strong abnormal local gravity in those known Mystery Spots and hundreds of known Gravity Hills all over the world.

My more than 20 years of research found that the distribution of dark matter particles in earth gravity well is not uniform, but is highly concentrated in thousands of narrow streams of very high density dark matter oscillating in earth gravity well. Such unique opportunity of close up investigation of high density dark matters at these Gravity Hills and Mystery Spots is important to supplement the study of dark matter based on astronomy observations. In astronomy observations, the galaxies, galaxy clusters and associated dark matter halos are often many light years away such that it is difficult to discern the fine scale structure in the order of feet in the distribution of dark matter in the earth or in space.

A serious dilemma exists for many years on why only two of the deep underground experiments have detected dark matter in their dark matter detectors with annual modulation, but such direct detections are not replicated in ten or more other deep underground experiments at other locations in the world. My dark matter based theory can resolve this serious dilemma because the distribution of dark matter in earth gravity well is NOT uniform. The probability of detecting dark matter in deep underground laboratories should vary greatly from one laboratory to another laboratory depending on whether the dark matter detector intercepts one of the narrow streams of very high density dark matter or not. With such explanation in My Science Website (3) listed in the Abstract, this theory is crucial to resolve this serious dilemma and to validate the direct detection of dark matter in those two deep underground experiments in Gran Sasso National Laboratory in Italy and in Minnesota, USA.

My hypothesis on dark matter on earth provides predictions and a proposal for the validation of the 20 year results of direct detection of dark matter in the deep underground laboratories in Italy and shorter period results in Minnesota, USA. This theory also provides a proposal on what need to be done in selecting other locations in other parts of the world to be able to replicate the direct detection of dark matter detected in Italy and in Minnesota, USA. Details of my predictions and proposals are described in My Science Website (3) listed in the Abstract and in Appendix D of My Science Website (2) here.

The validated successful direct detection of dark matter in these two deep underground laboratories will be a major milestone and accomplishment in science.

1.1 Two Types of Dark Matter on Earth

There are at least two types of dark matter on earth:

Type A low density dark matter is in the galaxy dark matter halo surrounding our Milky Way Galaxy or other galaxies, and

Hypothesis 1: Type B dark matter can clump together into much higher density because it can shed more energy through certain dissipative processes involving possibly yet unknown interaction processes (such as dark radiation, or dark light or dark photon, etc.) in the dark sector of universe. Professor Lisa Randall of Harvard University, Professor Sean Carroll at the California Institute of Technology, and several other scientists have already explored and proposed dark radiation, dark light and dark photon in the dark sector of the universe. More supporting information is in Section 8 of My Science Website (3).

All the dark matters associated with Gravity Hills and Mystery Spots discussed on My Science Website (2) here are Type B dark matter with extreme high density.

2. Why the source of significant abnormal local gravity for these mysteries is NOT our familiar ordinary matter, but is dark matter?

As soon as we realize that these two mysteries at these special locations of Gravity Hills and Mystery Spots are real and are NOT due to illusion, an immediate and challenging question is “What is the source for such significant abnormal local gravity?”

Some friends suggested that may be there is a large deposit of heavy metal ore under the location of a Gravity Hill or a Mystery Spot and the gravity of such heavy metal ore is creating such gravity mysteries.

Following such suggestion, I did some estimation and calculations and found that the mass density of heavy metal ore in the earth is too low by at least three order of magnitude and is NOT able to produce those gravity mysteries on a Gravity Hill or a Mystery Spot.

Even though such heavy metal ore cannot produce the gravity mysteries observed on a Gravity Hill or a Mystery Spot directly, such heavy metal ore does play an important role indirectly by providing a gravity anchor to attract dark matter into very high density cluster and stream that produce the gravity mysteries on a Gravity Hill or a Mystery Spot. More details on such gravity anchor effect are described in Section 5.6.

My more than 20 years of research indicates that the source is NOT our familiar ordinary matter, but is very high density dark matter. It takes the following logical steps in Sections 2.1 to 2.9 and the associated necessary information to reach such profound conclusion:

2.1. First Estimation of Physical Size of the Source of Significant Abnormal Local Gravity

The available information indicates that such gravity mysteries in Oregon Vortex, Mystery Spot and Cosmos Mystery Area, etc. exist only in a very small area of about 150 feet (for Mystery Spot in Santa Cruz), 165 feet (for Oregon Vortex), to 300 feet (for Mystery Spot in Michigan). The typical length of many Gravity Hills is also only a few hundred feet.

Such information indicates that the physical size of the core of the source of such significant abnormal local gravity must be substantially less than 150 feet (half of the 300-ft circle) so that its abnormal gravity is significant only inside such small areas and diminishes to negligible level beyond a few hundred feet from the compact sized source.

2.2. Second Evidence of Small Scale Structure of Significant Abnormal Local Gravity

My simple experiment in the Mystery Spot in Santa Cruz on January 11, 2016 indicates that my body weight at the two standing positions of the Shrink-and-Grow mystery near the entrance (i.e., the edge or the perimeter) of Mystery Spot area are different by 2.5 % (206 lb vs. 211 lb) as described in more details in My Science Website at:


The 2.5% difference in the downward (vertical) component of gravity on earth surface may looks small and unimpressive to many people. But for people who pay some attention to geophysics, especially the science of earth gravity, will realize that the 2.5% measured difference in earth gravity within a short distance of 2 or 3 feet on earth surface is extraordinary and is a big deal. For example, the summaries of the known facts about earth gravity on earth surface in the following two references:

Wikipedia on Earth Gravity at:



"How precise is Earth’s gravity?" by Glen Thorncroft at:


indicate that the variation in earth gravity across the earth surface should vary by no more than 0.7%.

Usually, the earth gravity on earth surface is quite stable, normal, and varies by less than 0.7% across earth surface. Furthermore, the normal earth gravity vector is usually pointing vertically down into the center of the earth (i.e., has no horizontal component of gravity.) This is the basic principle used by the bubble based carpenter's level, plumb line and by the bubble based survey instruments to obtain the basic local horizontal reference plan and the local vertical reference line for various precision land survey measurements.

However, the extraordinary variation of 2.5% of the vertical component of gravity at such a short distance of 2 feet in the very special location of Mystery Spot area indicates that the gravity in such special area is very abnormal, has a fine scale structure that is very atypical of the earth gravity. As a contrast, the normal earth gravity from the huge volume of the entire earth is usually very uniform over vary large area of many miles on earth surface.

Such measured results in Mystery Spot in Santa Cruz indicate that the physical size of the core of the source of such significant abnormal local gravity must be very small to be able to create a gravity field that can change so much (2.5%) in 2 feet of short distance.

Again, the strength and the vector direction of normal earth gravity do not change significantly in such short distance of 2 or 3 feet on earth surface. It takes a very small sized but very powerful source of gravity to be able to produce such strong abnormal local gravity such that the strength and the vector direction of the abnormal gravity can change significantly in such short distance of 2 or 3 feet.

A possible candidate for such very small and yet very powerful source of gravity is Planck size white hole (i.e., opposite of black hole) as described in Section 2.7.2. below.

2.3. Third Evidence of Small Scale Structure of Significant Abnormal Local Gravity

The abnormal local gravity in a Mystery Spot area is usually strongest near and inside the Mystery House which is usually near the center of such Mystery Spot area. When we get very close to or inside the Mystery House, we feel a very strong horizontal gravity pull on our bodies. But when we take a few steps away from the Mystery House, the strong horizontal pull on our bodies diminishes significantly. This is another indication that the strong abnormal local gravity varies substantially over a short distance of a few feet.

2.4. Fourth Evidence of Small Scale Structure of Significant Abnormal Local Gravity

The demonstration of free standing broom in Mystery Spot area works only in a limited area inside the Mystery House as described in more detail on My Science Website at:


Such demonstration will not work outside of the Mystery House at other arbitrary locations in the Mystery Spot area. This is an indication that the core of the source of significant abnormal gravity is very small in size in a limited area near or inside the Mystery House.

2.5. Fifth Evidence of Small Scale Structure of Significant Abnormal Local Gravity

Several researchers have done clock speed measurements inside and outside of several Mystery Spot areas. Their measurement results indicate that clock speed inside the Mystery Spot area is different from those outside. Furthermore, the measured clock speed inside the Mystery Spot area is NOT uniform, but varies with location inside the Mystery Spot area. This is another indication that the significant abnormal local gravity is NOT uniform, but varies with location inside or near the Mystery Spot area.

2.6. Important Finding on Physical Size

The five evidences in sections 2.1 to 2.5 listed above indicate that the physical size of the core of the source of the strong abnormal local gravity in such Mystery Spots must be very small in size in the order of feet or less to be able to produce such small scale structure in the strong gravity vector originated from such compact sized source.

Important Finding 1: Estimated physical size of the core of the source of significant abnormal local gravity is in the order of feet or less.

2.7. Estimation of Mass Density in Compact Source of Significant Abnormal Local Gravity

As explained in Sections 3.1 and 3.2 in My Science Website (1), the strength of the significant abnormal local gravity along the slope of a Gravity Hill must be a few percent or more of normal earth gravity on earth surface to be able to pull vehicles, in neutral gear and brake released, to roll uphill with an inclination angle of a few degrees on most Gravity Hills. This means the very small and compact source of the significant abnormal local gravity must have extremely high mass density in order to have enough total mass in that small and compact volume to produce such strong abnormal local gravity that is at least a few percent of the normal earth gravity on earth surface.

Such information enables me to do back-of-envelope-calculations to estimate that the small and compact core of the source of the significant abnormal local gravity must have extreme high mass density at least 1,000 times greater than that of average ordinary matter on earth surface in order to have enough strength of abnormal local gravity to produce the Gravity Hill mystery.

However our familiar ordinary matter on earth surface cannot provide such extreme high mass density. Therefore, the compact source of such significant abnormal local gravity in all these special locations is NOT our familiar ordinary matter, but is some unknown, unfamiliar and very strange matter(s) to have such extreme mass density. A possible candidate with such extreme mass density is Planck size white hole as described in Section 2.7.2 below.

Another way to illustrate this point is the following. We all have experience of driving a car on an uphill road toward a huge mountain. But on most situations (except on a Gravity Hill), our car cannot roll uphill on its own no matter how big the mountain is and no matter what kind of ordinary matter is in the mountain. The gravity from the huge mountain is never strong enough to pull a car to roll uphill on its own. We always have to press on the gasoline pedal for the engine to push the car to go uphill. The mass density of ordinary matter in the mountain is never dense enough to create the Gravity Hill Mystery. It requires the extremely high mass density of unknown, unfamiliar and very strange matter in a compact small cluster to be able to create the Gravity Hill Mystery.

2.7.1. Important Finding on Extreme High Mass Density of the Source of Significant Abnormal Local Gravity

Important Finding 2: Estimated mass density of compact cluster of the core of the strange source of significant abnormal local gravity is at least 1,000 times greater than that of average ordinary matter on or near earth surface.

This is an initial estimation of the lower bound of the mass density of the compact core of the source of significant abnormal local gravity. The actual mass density may be much higher than this estimated lower bound of 1,000 times greater than that of average ordinary matter on earth surface. More research is needed to improve this estimation if we can know the physical size of the compact core more accurately in the future.

2.7.2. Possible Candidate for Such Extreme High Mass Density

Planck-Size White Holes as Super-Heavy Dark Matters

Recent work of Carlo Rovelli and Francesca Vidotto indicates that Planck-size white holes (i.e., the opposite of black holes) could constitute a major portion of dark matters.

Einstein’s Theory of Relativity predicts existence of black holes and its opposite, while holes. Hawking radiation theory indicates that black holes will evaporate (through Hawking radiation) and shrink. Many primordial black holes were formed immediately after the Big Bang. These primordial black holes will evaporate and shrink in size. But the shrinkage of black holes would not be able to vanish if spacetime is quantized as indicated by Carlo Rovelli and Francesca Vidotto. When these evaporating black holes reach the scale of Planck size, quantum effects cause these shrinking small black holes to morph into Plank size while holes. In other words, a black hole becomes a white hole at the end of its evaporation. These white holes would not emit any radiation, and because they are far smaller than a wavelength of light, they would be invisible. If a proton did happen to impact one of these white holes, the white hole would simply bounce away.

Black holes will devour anything that comes too close to it. But white holes, being opposite to block holes, will not devour anything. Nothing can go into white holes. So, the stable Planck size while holes behave more like benign heavy weight dark matters. If a proton did happen to impact one of these white holes, the white hole would simply bounce away.

The tiny white holes still have substantial mass, similar to those of black holes. The Planck size white holes can have extremely high mass density (in the league of black holes.) Therefore, Planck size white holes may be a candidate of the super-heavy dark matter particles.

The primordial black holes may be only one of the multiple sources for Planck size while holes. Rovelli and Vidotto further suggested a possible second source for stable Planck size white holes. Some white holes in this universe might actually predate the Big Bang, i.e., might even be older than the Big Bang, might be the relics in a bounce cosmology.

2.8. Is the Source Underground, On the Ground or Above Ground?

On hundreds of Gravity Hills all over the world, the source of such significant abnormal local gravity must be on or above the earth surface to be able to pull the vehicles (in neutral gear and brake released) to roll uphill.

In other words, if the source were buried deep underground, its abnormal local gravity would pull the vehicles down and would increase the weight of the vehicle, but would NOT pull the vehicle to roll uphill.

When visitors are near the Mystery House in a Mystery Spot area, all visitors feel a very strong horizontal pull on their bodies. Such strong horizontal pull also indicates that the source of such strong pull is on or above ground, not deep underground to increase their body weight.

2.9. Nobody has ever seen them or touched them

John Lister, a Scottish physicist, geologist and mining engineer, spent about 30 years from early 1930s to 1959 performing thousands of experiments and measurements to investigate the strange gravity phenomena at Oregon Vortex in southern Oregon, USA. This strange compact source of abnormal local gravity should be inside the 165-ft circle of Oregon Vortex and should be on the ground or above the ground as indicated in Section 2.8. If the strange source of such significant abnormal local gravity with such extreme high mass density at Oregon Vortex were our familiar ordinary matter, John Lister would have detected and found it in his 30 years of intensive investigations in Oregon Vortex.

After John Lister passed away in 1959, some other researchers have also done many years of measurements and tests in Oregon Vortex. Furthermore, Oregon Vortex is in the historical gold rush area with many gold miners working in that area. Those gold miners felt the gravity mysteries of Oregon Vortex, but nobody had seen, or detected or touched such strange matter with such extreme high mass density.

Furthermore, thousands of visitors have been visiting Mystery Spots every year for many years since 1930. The owner and many tour guides have also been working in these Mystery Spots for many years. But nobody have seen or touched such strange matter in Oregon Vortex or in any other Mystery Spots.

Similarly, so far and for so many years, nobody has seen or detected or touched such strange matter with such extreme high mass density at hundreds of known Gravity Hills all over the world.

3. Summary of Characteristics of Strange Source of Significant Abnormal Local Gravity at Gravity Hills and Mystery Spots

3.A. We cannot see it,

3.B. We cannot touch it,

3.C. But we can feel and observe the effects of its strong gravity,

3.D. Its mass density in the compact core at a Gravity Hill (or a Mystery Spot) is at least 1,000 times greater than that of average ordinary matter on earth surface.

This set of characteristics is a strong hint of very high density Type B dark matters on earth.

Aside from Type B dark matter, I cannot think of any other matter on earth that can fit such set of characteristics 3.A, 3.B, 3.C, and 3.D listed above.

Such set of characteristics naturally and logically lead into:

3.2. Hypothesis 2 on Compact Core of Dark Matter with Extreme High Mass Density

Hypothesis 2 is that such strange source of strong abnormal local gravity in these special locations of Gravity Hills and Mystery Spots is some kind of very small and compact core of Type B Dark Matter with extreme high mass density.

However, Hypothesis 2 immediately provokes two challenging questions:

Question 3.2.1: Where does this compact core of Type B dark matter with extreme high mass density come from?, and

Question 3.2.2: By definition, dark matter rarely interacts with our familiar ordinary matter directly by any force except by gravity. Then, what is supporting and holding the compact core of high density Type B dark matter at a special location of a Gravity Hill (or a Mystery Spot) steadily? (We know that our familiar ordinary matter cannot do that directly.)

The answers from my more than 20 years of research to these two challenging questions are in Sections 5

4. Dark Matter

A good summary of currently available information on dark matter is at the following Wikipedia website:


However, our collective knowledge on dark matter is still very limited. We know that we cannot see it, cannot touch it, but we can feel and observe the effects of the gravity from dark matter.

5. Hypothesis 3 on Type B Dark Matter Trapped and Oscillating in Earth Gravity Well

The observed behavior of strange gravity phenomena from Gravity Hills and Mystery Spots, both fortunately and unfortunately, leads me into the new frontier of modern science involving the mysterious dark matters.

It is fortunate in that these Mystery Spots and Gravity Hills lead me into doing research on the very exciting new frontier of modern science.

But it is unfortunate in that in spite of the great effort of many scientists all over the world working on dark matter research for many years, we collectively still knows very little about the mysterious dark matter. I am venturing into unchartered territories with many very challenging unknowns. Doing research on such forefront science is extremely difficult and challenging, especially dealing with Type B high density dark matter, in addition to more familiar low density Type A dark matter.

Many scientists have been investigating dark matter using astronomy observations with distance scale of many light years. I have been investigating dark matter on earth for more than 20 years since 1993 with distance scale in the order of feet based on Gravity Hills and Mystery Spots.

With more in-depth thinking on these available observed behavior of strange gravity mysteries on Gravity Hills and in Mystery Spots for many years, I began to realize in June 2014 that there is a way for Type B high density dark matters in our earth to be the steady source for the strong abnormal local gravity on those Gravity Hills and in those known Mystery Spots. This hypothesis on dark matter based Theory is described in more details in the following sections.

5.1. Dark Matter Oscillating inside the Gravity Well of Earth and through the Center of Earth

The known characteristics of dark matter are that dark matters permeate the space around us, flying through our familiar ordinary matters. Dark matter does not absorb, emit or reflect light or any other electromagnetic radiation. Dark matter interacts with ordinary matter through gravity, but only rarely interacts with ordinary matter directly through any other forces.

Such characteristics mean that our familiar ordinary matters on earth cannot support and hold the cluster of high density Type B dark matter directly for the cluster to stay at the special positions of a Gravity Hills (or a Mystery Spot area) steadily. The cluster of dark matter will be sucked into the center of earth by earth gravity, and it will over-shoot to keep going to the opposite side of earth surface while being slowed down in its speed by earth gravity. I shall call that location on the opposite side of earth surface as the conjugate point of the original location of a Gravity Hill (or a Mystery Spot).

After the dark matter cluster reaches the conjugate point on the opposite side of earth surface and stops there, the earth gravity will pull the cluster back toward the center of earth again. Then the cluster will over-shoot to keep going back to the original location of the Gravity Hill (or the Mystery Spot area) on earth surface.

In other words, in my Hypothesis 3, the Type B high density dark matter particles are trapped in the gravity well of the earth and are oscillating through earth center between those two opposite (conjugate) positions on earth surface.

5.2. It is not a Solid and Rigid Cluster

However, to be the steady source of Gravity Hill Mystery at a known location of a Gravity Hill (or Shrink-and-Grow Mystery in a Mystery Spot area), the oscillating dark matter particles cannot be all lumped together in a rigid and solid compact cluster because when the solid compact cluster is traveling into the center of earth, the gravity of the compact cluster will become negligible at the original location of a Gravity Hill (or a Mystery Spot area) on earth surface.

Therefore, the compact cluster of high density Type B dark matters must be supported by two narrow vertical streams of very high density dark matter. A downward stream is being sucked from the compact cluster into the center of earth and the second upward stream is returning from opposite side (conjugate point) of earth through center of earth back to the original location of the Gravity Hill (or the Mystery Spot area). This means the composition of the compact cluster of Type B dark matter with very high mass density is constantly changing, a downward stream of dark matter is just leaving being sucked downward to the center of earth while the other upcoming stream is returning from the center of the earth back into the compact cluster of dark matter with very high mass density.

In this way, there appears to have a compact cluster of Type B dark matter with very high mass density at the location of a Gravity Hill (or a Mystery Spot area) steadily and supported by two vertical streams of Type B very high density dark matter as part of the earth.

5.2.1. Fountain of Dark Matter

The cluster of Type B dark matter supported by an upward narrow stream of Type B high density dark matter in a Mystery Spot area (or a Gravity Hill) is almost like a water fountain bubbling, thrashing and splashing in the Mystery Spot area except that (a) we cannot see and cannot touch that fountain of high density dark matter and (b) the mass density of dark matter of the narrow stream shooting upward at the central column of the fountain is at least 1,000 times greater than that of our familiar ordinary water.

Since we cannot see dark matter, I use Picture 1 in the following of the upper part of a picture of a water fountain to help us visualize the fountain of Type B dark matter in a Mystery Spot area (or a Gravity Hill). In the center of the fountain is a narrow stream of Type B high density dark matter shooting up from the center of the earth. As this narrow stream is shooting up, the earth gravity slow down its upward speed until it stops at the top. Then the dark matter particles at the top spread out and splash down like a water fountain in Picture 1.

The core of the fountain of dark matter is the narrow stream of Type B high density dark matter at the central column shooting up from the center of earth towards the top of the fountain. On the ground surface, the location of this central column (or stream) of Type B high density dark matter is the center of the Mystery Spot area. The cross section width of the narrow stream of Type B high density dark matter is estimated in Section 2.6 to be in the order of feet. Usually the Mystery House is near this center of Mystery Spot area.

The intersection of the fountain of dark matter with the ground surface is a circular area. This circle is known as the circle of demarcation or line of demarcation. The diameter of this circular area may be in the order of 100 feet. With many years of experience as a tour guide in Mystery Spot areas, Mr. Nick Nelson told me that if he takes just one step across this line of demarcation into the Mystery Spot area, his height shrinks by couple inches immediately. Similarly, if he takes just one step across this line of demarcation to outside of Mystery Spot area, his height grows by couple inches immediately. The two standing positions of a demonstration platform of the Shrink-and-Grow Mystery are often on the opposite sides of this line of demarcation.

Picture 1: A picture of the upper part of a water fountain to help us visualize the invisible fountain of Type B high density dark matter in a Mystery Spot area (or a Gravity Hill).

5.2.2. Another Fountain of Dark Matter at the Conjugate Point of Opposite Side of Earth

After the dark matter particles in the fountain falls below the ground surface, the earth gravity will suck them downward toward the center of earth. But Type B dark matter has special characteristics to shrink the space nearby and to clump together into very high density as described in My Science Websites (3) and (6). Therefore, as the Type B dark matter particles are falling down toward the center of earth, they will clump together into a narrow stream of very high density Type B dark matter.

When this narrow stream of dark matter reaches the center of earth, the narrow stream of dark matter will over shoot and keep going to the conjugate point on the opposite side of the earth. At the conjugate point, the earth gravity will slow down the narrow stream of dark matter to stop and to form another fountain of dark matter at the conjugate point.

In this way, the Type B dark matter particles are trapped in earth gravity well in the form of two narrow and long streams going in opposite directions to oscillate back and forth in earth gravity well. At each end of the long narrow stream is a fountain of dark matter described above.

5.3. Where do these Type B dark matter particles oscillating in earth gravity well come from?

Since we, everybody in the whole world, still do not know what dark matter is and still know very little about the characteristics of dark matter, we, the whole world, are learning by observing the results of all the on-going dark matter experiments and observing the effects of dark matter on ordinary matters. In this sense, our answer to this question 5.3. is preliminary and speculative at this early stage.

As Section 1.1. indicates that there are two types of dark matter. The Type B dark matter can clump together into much higher density. With such understanding, there are at least two possible ways for Type B dark matter particles to be trapped and oscillating in earth gravity well:

5.3.1. Got In at the Formation Stage of Earth

According to Hypothesis 1 in Section 1.1, Type B dark matter can clump together into high density compact nuggets, some of such nuggets of Type B high density dark matter might have formed in the space many billions years ago. When the ordinary matters are clumping together to form the earth about 4 and half billion years ago, some of such high density nuggets of Type B dark matter might be also involved in such process and be parts of the earth right from the beginning of the earth. It might be possible that such high density compact nugget of type B dark matter might have served as the seed to pull other ordinary matters to clump together to form the earth.

5.3.2. Got in at Later Stage of Earth History

The available dark matter information indicates that the probability of a collision between a dark matter particle and a piece of our familiar ordinary matter is very low, but not zero. When a dark matter particle in galaxy dark matter halo collides with our familiar ordinary matter on the earth, the dark matter particle loses substantial amount of energy and momentum in such collision. After losing such energy and momentum, the dark matter particle with lower energy may be captured by earth gravity, trapped and oscillating in earth gravity well.

Even though such collision probability is very low, the accumulated number of dark matter particles trapped and oscillating in earth gravity well may be substantial for two important reasons: (1) the huge number of molecules of ordinary matter in the huge volume of the entire earth are involved in such collision with and capturing of dark matter particles and (2) this process has been going on for more than 4 billion years to accumulate the captured dark matter particles in the earth gravity well.

By losing some kinetic energy in the collisions with ordinary matter in the earth, the average "temperature" of the dark matter particles trapped and oscillating in earth gravity well is lower than that of dark matter particles moving randomly in galaxy dark matter halo.

5.4. Clumping of Type B Dark Matter Particles Trapped in Earth Gravity Well

According to Hypothesis 1, Type B dark matter can clump together into much higher density because it can shed more energy and cool down further through a dissipative process involving yet unknown interaction processes in the dark sector of universe (such as dark radiation or dark light or dark photon, etc.). Professor Lisa Randall of Harvard University, Professor Sean Carroll at the California Institute of Technology, and several other scientists have already explored and proposed dark radiation, dark light and dark photon in the dark sector of the universe.

Furthermore, recent experimental results from Hungary and from Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN), on the French-Swiss border provide preliminary hints on the existence of such previously unknown force carrier boson that may interact with dark matter. A little bit more details on such experimental results are in Section 7 in My Science Website (3) at:

My Science Website (3): Two Types of Dark Matter and Their Effects on Dark Matter Detection on Earth

The observed Shrink-and-Grow Mystery on several Mystery Spots is also pointing to the existence of high concentration of Type B dark matter that requires such dark interaction process for Type B dark matter to clump together into very high density nugget.

Such yet unknown dark interaction processes and clumping of Type B dark matter into very high density are all part of the great mysteries of dark matter and dark sector of universe that requires more research in the future.

5.5. Hypothesis 4 - Gravity Anchor for Dark Matter Particles Trapped in Earth Gravity Well

Even with the gravity well of the earth trapping the dark matter particles, the dark matter particles still have lots of freedom to oscillate randomly in the earth gravity well. Knowing that the earth is rotating on its axis and also orbiting the sun, a key question is “How the fountain of Type B dark matter and its associated long narrow streams of Type B dark matter are anchored to the location of a Gravity Hill (or a Mystery Spot) on the earth surface steadily?”

My preliminary thinking on this important issue is the following:

The distribution of earth ordinary matter in the earth crust is not uniform and not homogeneous. There are large deposits of heavy metal ores such as iron ore, copper ore, gold vein, etc. at various places. These large deposits of heavy metal ores have stronger gravity relative to those of the average earth crust material (such as rocks) and will attract the freely oscillating dark matters that are trapped in earth gravity well.

Furthermore, Type B dark matter particles can clump into higher density nuggets. Therefore, many Type B dark matter nuggets, trapped and oscillating in earth gravity well, will clump together and oscillate through the area of a large deposit of heavy metal ore.

Therefore, a large deposit of heavy metal ore in the earth crust becomes a gravity anchor to anchor the long and dense streams of oscillating dark matters to the location of the large deposit of heavy metal ore. The two ends of such anchored and oscillating long streams of very high density dark matters reaching the earth surface are the fountain of Type B high density dark matter that show the effects of their strong abnormal local gravity as the Gravity Hill Mystery that we observe at hundreds of known Gravity Hills or the Shrink-and-Grow Mystery in several known Mystery Spots on earth surface.

Since the large deposit of heavy metal ore in earth crust is the ordinary matters of earth, is part of the earth, and is rotating with the earth along earth axis and moving with earth to orbit the sun, the large deposit of heavy metal ore is serving as the gravity anchor and is dragging the long streams of oscillating Type B dark matter particles and the fountains of Type B dark matter at both ends to rotate in sync with earth rotation and to move with earth to orbit the sun. Therefore, the location of the fountain of Type B high density dark matters can be reasonably stable at the location of a Gravity Hill (or a Mystery Spot) on earth surface for many years because of the gravity anchor provided by the large deposit of heavy metal ore.

5.6. Some Supporting Information on Gravity Anchor for Dark Matters Oscillating in Earth Gravity Well

Oregon Vortex is in the historical gold rush area and its address is at Gold Hill in southern Oregon. The House of Mystery in Oregon Vortex was originally a gold assay office built by the Old Grey Eagle Mining Company in the late 1890s. Assay offices are institutions set up to assay (test the purity of) precious metals.

The Mystery Spot in North Carolina is known as Mystery Hill, and there are 300 gold mines and gold prospect locations in North Carolina. North Carolina has the First Documented Discovery of Gold in the United States.

The Mystery Spot in South Dakota is known as Cosmos Mystery Area, and the Big Thunder Gold Mine is within couple miles from Cosmos Mystery Area.

The deep underground laboratory in Minnesota, USA is in the Soudan Mine which is an idled iron mine and is known as Minnesota's oldest, deepest, and richest iron mine. It may be possible that the iron ore under the ground here has been serving as the gravity anchor to anchor the narrow stream of very high density Type B dark matter at this location.

Some measurements of magnetic field in some Mystery Spots in south and north California, USA (including Mystery Spot near Santa Cruz) indicate that the strength of magnetic field inside the Mystery Spots is higher by several percents relative to that of normal earth magnetic field outside of the Mystery Spots. These are good indication of existence of higher concentration of iron in the grounds under these Mystery Spots in California to serve as the gravity anchor for dark matters.

However, the strength of the abnormal magnetic field in these Mystery Spots is higher than the normal value by only a few percent. Such abnormal magnetic field is not strong enough to pull the vehicles in neutral gear to roll up the Gravity Hills. It is still the strong abnormal local gravity of the fountain of dark matter with extreme high mass density that is causing the observed strange gravity mysteries.

5.7. Highly Non-Uniform Distribution of Dark Matter Particles Trapped in Earth Gravity Well

The dark matter particles trapped in earth gravity well are not oscillating totally freely and randomly in earth gravity well. The Type B dark matter particles can clump together into much higher density because it can shed more energy and cool down further through dark radiation, dark light and dark photon or other yet unknown processes in the dark sector of universe. The existence of hundreds of known Gravity Hills all over the world and several known Mystery Spots indicates that there are hundreds of such narrow streams of very high density Type B dark matter oscillating in earth gravity well. Additional considerations in Section 5.9 indicate that there may be thousands of such narrow streams of high density dark matter oscillating in earth gravity well.

In other words, the distribution of Type B dark matter particles trapped in earth gravity well is not uniform, but is highly concentrated in those thousands of narrow streams of high density dark matter oscillating in earth gravity well. This is important to the ongoing global effort by many teams of scientists to try to detect dark matter directly in many deep underground laboratories at various locations in the world. With such highly non-uniform distribution of Type B dark matter particle trapped in earth gravity well, one cannot expect all these deep underground laboratories to have the same probability of detecting Type B high density dark matter. It all depends on whether the dark matter detector intercepts one of such narrow streams of very high density Type B dark matter or not.

5.8. One More Twist in this Theory Based on Observed Dynamic Behavior of Gravity Mysteries

The fountain of dark matter supported by the two streams described in Sections 5.1 to 5.6 is shaky and fragile such that the abnormal local gravity originating from such shaky source is not absolutely stable, but has some dynamic time variations.

Several kinds of observed dynamic time variations of gravity mysteries at Oregon Vortex reported on Internet are collected in My Science Website (5) at:

My Science Website (5): http://www.shltrip.com/Dynamics_of_Gravity-Mysteries.html

5.8.1. Slowly Moving Location of the Fountain of Type B Dark Matter

The observed strange dynamic behavior in Section 2 on My Science Website (5) above implies that the location of the fountain of Type B dark matter with very high mass density is not absolutely fixed but is moving slowly on a tract on earth surface about several feet in length. The fountain of Type B dark matter with very high mass density on earth surface appears to be oscillating slowly with an oscillation amplitude (distance) in the order of several feet with the slow oscillation period of about several times per day.

One of possible reasons for such slowly moving or oscillating location of the fountain of dark matter on earth surface is that the gravity anchor for the location of the stream of oscillating dark matters and the location of fountain of dark matter is not a rigid anchor, but is an elastic gravity anchor. The influence of the gravity from the moon and from the sun can stretch the elastic gravity anchor so that the location of the oscillating stream of dark matters and the location of fountain of dark matter can deviate slowly from their equilibrium positions.

In other words, the effects of gravity from the moon and from the sun can cause slow diurnal and seasonal movements of the location of the long stream of dark matters and of the fountain of dark matters on earth surface.

However, the observed oscillation frequency of several times per day of the location of fountain of dark matter indicates that there may be some other effects in addition to the effects from moon and sun. The length of the long stream of dark matters in the earth is about 7,918 miles (i.e., the diameter of the earth). May be the natural resonance frequency of such a long stream of dark matters vibrating away from its equilibrium position in the elastic gravity anchor is several times per day. This is a subject for further investigation in the future.

Such slow time variation and slow oscillation of the location of fountain of high density Type B dark matters will be important to understand the seasonal modulation in the detected dark matter signal in the deep underground laboratories in Italy and in Minnesota as described in Appendix D.

Some more slow time variations of gravity mysteries in Mystery Spots are described in Appendix C.

5.9. Thousands of Narrow Streams of Type B High Density Dark Matter Oscillating in Earth Gravity Well

The hundreds of known locations of Gravity Hills are all on the existing paved roads where vehicles (with transmission in neutral gear and brake released) roll uphill on the strange slopes on their own and startled the drivers. But very large areas of the earth surface are still wilderness, heavy forests, farm fields, oceans, bays, lakes, rivers, wetlands, deserts or golf courses where there are no paved roads. If there are Gravity Hill effects with abnormal local gravity in such areas, we probably still do not know about them because there are no paved roads for the vehicles to roll uphill in such areas.

Furthermore, if the directions of the paved roadway and their slopes are not aligned with the direction of the abnormal horizontal local gravity force, such abnormal horizontal local gravity force is not strong enough to pull vehicles to move side-way across the road surface. Then nobody will notice the possible existence of abnormal horizontal local gravity force in such locations.

Even if the direction of the paved road and its slope are aligned with the direction of the abnormal horizontal local gravity force, if such abnormal local gravity is in the direction of pulling vehicle to roll downhill on such road, then we will not recognize it as a Gravity Hill with abnormal local gravity because the vehicle is rolling downhill as expected.

Some of my friends are experienced golf players. These friends told me that sometime golf players cannot rely on their visual perception of the slope of a golf course to predict accurately which way the golf ball will roll. Sometime the golf balls just roll in a very strange and unexpected way. It may be possible that the Gravity Hill effect may exist on some parts of some golf courses, but people do not recognize it as Gravity Hill effect because there is no paved road there for vehicles in neutral gear and brake released to roll uphill.

In many developing countries, as more new roads are constructed and paved, more Gravity Hills are being discovered on such paved new roads. Therefore, the total number of locations on the earth surface with such Gravity Hill Mystery and Shrink-and-Grow Mystery may be much more than those known hundreds of locations.

Therefore, there may be thousands of narrow streams of high density dark matter oscillating in earth gravity well, but so far we have experienced and know only a fraction of them in the form of hundreds of known Gravity Hills and several known Mystery Spots.

6. Spacetime Shrinking by Dark Matter as Learned from Shrink-and-Grow Mystery

By visiting several Mystery Spot areas, visiting two Mystery Spot areas multiple times and doing extensive research on the Shrink-and-Grow Mystery in these Mystery Spot areas for more than 20 years, I discover that high density dark matter shrinks spacetime in its vicinity. This ground breaking discovery is important because:

6a. It provides a scientific explanation for the Shrink-and-Grow Mystery.

6b. Spacetime shrinking by dark matter is the second mechanism for high density dark matter to interact with ordinary matter, in addition to the well known first mechanism of gravity, and

This section 6 has been expanded and becomes My Science Website (6) at:

My Science Website (6): Spacetime Shrinking by Dark Matter as Revealed from Shrink-and-Grow Mystery

7. Application of This Theory to Dark Matter Detection in Deep Underground Laboratories

Twelve or more deep underground laboratories have been set up in various locations of the world and running for many years to try to detect dark matter. However, ten or more deep underground laboratories keep on coming up empty handed. But the deep underground laboratory in Gran Sasso mountain in Italy claims that they have detected dark matter with a signature of annual modulation (seasonal variation) in the detected signal. Another deep underground laboratory in Soudan, Minnesota, USA has also detected similar signal with a similar signature of annual modulation.

It has been a serious dilemma in science community for many years because the claimed detections of dark matter in Italy and in Minnesota, USA are NOT repeatable in ten or more deep underground laboratories in other parts of the world. Many scientists question the validity of the claim that dark matters have been detected in Italy and in Minnesota.

On the other hand, my more than 20 years of research on gravity mysteries on Gravity Hills and Mystery Spots on earth enables me to bring in an out-of-box thinking to resolve this serious dilemma. My different background and experience enable me to show that:

(1) My theory provides strong support for the successful direct detection of Type B high density dark matter in the deep underground laboratory in Gran Sasso mountain in Italy and in deep underground laboratory in Soudan, Minnesota, USA, and

(2) None of the twelve or more deep underground laboratories have detected Type A low density dark matter because Type A dark matter particles may be super-heavy dark matter particles which may be much heavier than the popular assumption of WIMP by many orders of magnitude.

More detailed explanations and supporting evidences are on My Science Website (3) at:

My Science Website (3): Two Types of Dark Matter and Their Effects on Dark Matter Detection on Earth

8. Concluding Remark

In my more than 20 years of research, I have been collecting available information on Gravity Hill Mystery on hundreds of known Gravity Hills all over the world and on Shrink-and-Grow Mystery in several known Mystery Spots and applying my analysis skill to guide my formulation and development of a logical and scientific theory for these mysteries on Gravity Hill and in Mystery Spot areas on earth. The collected information on these observed mysteries on earth provide hints and tips on characteristics of dark matter and lead into the theory of very high concentration of Type B dark matter at these special locations on earth as the strange source responsible for the observed mysteries on earth.

Through e-mail correspondence, Mr. Nick Nelson has been very helpful in providing valuable inputs on various mysteries in Mystery Spot areas based on his many years of experience as a tour guide and a researcher on Mystery Spot areas.

The observed Shrink-and-Grow Mystery and the slow movements of scenery in Mystery Spot area provide important hint that the high concentration of Type B dark matter shrinks spacetime in its vicinity as described in My Science Website (6) at:

My Science Website (6): Spacetime Shrinking by Dark Matter as Revealed from Shrink-and-Grow Mystery

The preliminary theory guided by these hints and tips from the observed mysteries on earth requires formulation of five (5) hypotheses which are reflection of how little our collective knowledge knows about dark matter. These five hypotheses are all parts of the great mysteries of dark matter that require more research in the future.

An application of this theory to the direct detection of dark matter in deep underground laboratories is described in My Science Website (3) at:

My Science Website (3): Two Types of Dark Matter and Their Effects on Dark Matter Detection on Earth

This theory also indicates that these special locations of Gravity Hills and Mystery Spot areas on earth provide golden opportunities for close-up hand-on experiments to investigate dark matter, especially very high concentration of Type B dark matter and its associated dark interaction processes in dark sector of universe.


Appendix A: A Signature of Mystery Spot Area

The available information on Internet on Mystery Spot areas indicates that if one blows smoke into the air or throws a handful of confetti (many small pieces of colorful paper) up into the air in the area of a Mystery Spot, those confetti do not just fall straight down. Instead, those confetti or smoke will spiral in the air and converge into a "vortex". It is said that this is how Oregon Vortex got “Vortex” in its name. Some supporting information on such rotating vortex are in Section 3.2. on My Science Website at:


But I have not seen demonstration of this special mystery personally. I do not know how close to the “Vortex” must be for this behavior of smoke and confetti to take place. I hope that some researchers can try it to see if it can be verified.

If this special behavior can be verified, it may be useful to find more precise location of the fountain of high density dark matter or of the narrow stream of high density dark matter in a large area (of several hundred feet) of strong abnormal local gravity. In other words, this special behavior may be useful to find the optimal location for the dark matter detector to intercept the narrow stream of Type B high density dark matter in a deep underground laboratory designed for direct detection of dark matter.


Appendix B - Some Sample References on Astronauts Grow Taller when they are in Space under Weightless Condition

Reference B1: Effects of Space on the Human Body at:




Reference B3: Living in Space



Appendix C - Non-Uniform Streams of Dark Matter

The booklet of John Lister indicates that the size of the area of Oregon Vortex that exhibits gravity mysteries is not constant, but is expanding and contracting slightly in an oscillation with an oscillation frequency of several times per day. This seems to imply that the two long streams of dark matter running between the two conjugate points on earth are not uniform in the density of dark matter along the length of the stream or the cross section width of the stream is not constant along the long streams. The density of dark matter or the cross section width in some sections of the streams may be larger than those at other sections of the streams.

So, when a denser section or a larger section of the stream arrives at the Oregon Vortex, the size of Oregon Vortex appears to be slightly larger. Similarly, when the less dense section or the smaller section of the stream arrives to replace the denser section or the larger section of the stream, the size of the Oregon Vortex appears to contract to a smaller size.

The time variations of the fountain of dark matters described in Section 5.8 are important contributors to many slow time variations of observed mysteries at Oregon Vortex.

For example, one of such observed multiple mysteries in Oregon Vortex is that a person's height may change slowly even if the person is standing still at a given location in the Mystery Spot area without moving to other location.


Appendix D: My Proposal to Validate Dark Matter Detection in Deep Underground Experiments

This Appendix D has been updated , expanded and becomes My Science Website (3).


Appendix E: More Tests for the Dark Matter Based Theory for Gravity Hills and Mystery Spot Areas

Some important tests for validity of Hypothesis 2 on dark matter based theory have been described in Appendix D as related to the deep underground laboratories for direct detection of dark matter on earth.

Some additional ways to test Hypothesis 2 on dark matter based theory are to

(a) examine the existing known locations of hundreds of Gravity Hills and several known Mystery Spot areas to see if some of them are paired conjugate points on earth surface, and

(b) look for the significant abnormal local gravity at opposite (conjugate point) location on earth surface of each of the know location of Gravity Hills and Mystery Spot areas.

There are five possible methods to detect the existence of abnormal local gravity at the opposite (conjugate) location on earth surface. Four examples of such methods (detectors) are described in Sections D.2.3.

Several more methods to detect abnormal local gravity are described in My Science Websites at:



However, searching for abnormal local gravity of the conjugate point on earth surface of a known Gravity Hill (or a Mystery Spot) may not be trivial and may face some challenges. For example, if there is no paved road with suitable uphill slope with suitable orientation at that opposite location (conjugate point) of a known Gravity Hill, then existence of abnormal local gravity at that conjugate point may not be so obvious.

Furthermore, if the conjugate point is in an ocean or a dense jungle with no easy access road, then existence of abnormal local gravity at such conjugate point may not be easy to find. It is also possible that the abnormal local gravity of a conjugate point may be buried under a huge and tall mountain. The area of the abnormal local gravity of the core of fountain of dark matter is only a few hundred feet in size. If it is buried under a huge and tall mountain of thousands of feet in height, then it is impossible to detect the buried small area of abnormal local gravity.


The index of websites of Dr. Sing H. Lin's research on science including dark matter, dark energy, Gravity Hills and Mystery Spots is at:

Biography of the author of this website is at: